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I woke up the next morning in a daze, wrapped in someone's arms and still a bit loopy. I attempt to turn around and see the mystery person when all the events of the past week flooded my memory. A wave of mixed emotions hit me. I buried myself farther into the mattress if that was possible, careful not to wake Angelo. I moved closer to him, trying desperately to get some of his warmth but failing miserably. I was cold, lifeless, I had nothing left in me. I contemplated a blistering hot shower but shot the idea down quickly.

I carefully pried Ange's hands from my waist and got out of the bed heading to the kitchen for morning coffee. I don't function properly without coffee in the morning. I turned on the Keurig and waited for the drink to finish. I grabbed the sugar and looked for creamer when I heard footsteps approaching.   

"Good morning." He yawned grabbing the creamer from above my head.

"Good morning. Coffee?" I offered taking the creamer from his heads.

"Please." I returned to the machine and took out the cup, preparing the second batch. "We have to be at the studio by noon." He announced perched on the counter top. I carefully nodded and handed him his coffee, anxiously awaiting mine.

I trickle of coffee stopped and I grabbed it pouring sugar and creamer before gratefully drinking the liquids.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked making small talk.

"Better than I have the past few days. You?"

"Pretty good." We fell into a slightly awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say. I despised awkward silences, they made me feel so uncomfortable. I hurriedly finished my coffee and went to change my clothing and my makeup. I picked out a comfortable outfit and slipped it on. I headed to my bag and grabbed the necessary items and go do my magic in the bathroom (I swear if anyone thinks wrong about that I will die)

I step out as Ange comes towards the door in only a towel. My eyes linger down to his hips and I feel myself heat up.

"My eyes are up here." He chuckles as he walks past me into the bathroom. I tell in frustration at my stupid actions.


As we're walked into the studio, I feel something keep running against my hand. I look down and see Ange's hand. I slowly slip my hand into his and continue to walk. I see him slightly blush before his hair covers his face once again.

I open the door for him and follow behind, grabbing his hand again. We stop outside the door and hear the typical sounds, guitars, bass, keyboards, most likely Ryan messing around on the drums.

Angelo looks at me and his face saddens as he takes his hand out of mine. I shake my head and grab it while pushing the door open. Balz is the first to notice us and he immediately looks at our hands. I look at him and tell him I'll explain everything later. Chris quickly follows and scowls when he sees our locked fingers.

"Hey Ange, can I talk to you for a sec?" Chris asked. He looked at me, almost asking for my permission. I nod and let go of his hand as he walks towards Chris. I watch then go into a door and shut the door before heading towards Balz.

"What was that?" He spoke as soon as I was in earshot.

"I really don't know." I answered honestly. So many emotions were swirling through me that I couldn't tell which was which.

"So you casually hold hands with someone who obviously is madly in love with you?" He raised an eyebrow, making his contact move exposing his real eye.

"He's not madly in love with me." I quickly shut down whatever conspiracy Balz and the other came up with.

"Ghost it's obvious, the way he looks at you, his body language around you. Why else would he be the one that took off after you?" I racked my mind, trying to find a good excuse.

"Because... He knew where I would be?" I said trying to make it sound like I was sure but coming out more like a question.

"And how would that be?" He smirked knowing he backed me up into a corner I couldn't get out of. I huff in annoyance before I go silent. I didn't want to believe it. Knowing that he possibly loved me and I can't give him the feelings back killed me.

"Do you like him back?" He asked like a middle school girl gossiping.

"I don't know." I mumbled into my hands.

"You what?" He questioned, not being able to hear me. Or he's just trying to embarrass me, either way I didn't want to say it.

"I don't know." I said a bit clearer. I will admit, Angelo's extremely attractive. Hell, if Ricky didn't catch my eye first, I would definitely date him. He's just got something that Ricky didn't. He makes me feel some sort of way that Ricky could never make me feel.

"Why don't you just ask him? I mean if you feel all of that for him just go for it." I look up at him confused. "You just spoke your thoughts."

"Fuck me!" I yelled slamming my hands on the stool.

"When and where babe?" He joked.

"I don't know. Maybe. What if he doesn't actually feel like that? What if he's just doing this because he feels bad? What if-"

"Stop with the what if's. Just go for it. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. Just live life in the moment, don't worry about the future or the past. Just right now." He said to me.

"When did you become a poet?" I say trying to lighten mood. He laughed before facing his Yamaha again.

"Let's go Dev." Angelo said angrily grabbing me arm.

"Uh okay. See you later Balz." I hurriedly walked after the angered drummer. "Ange! Ange what's wrong?!" I yell after him. He keeps walking forcing me to jog.

"Jesus Christ why can't he leave me alone!" He shouted when he got to the car.

"Babe what happened?" I say soothingly.

"He just can't leave me alone! I don't know if I can stay anymore!" His eyes started to water and his breathes became shallow.

"Oh baby." I wrapped him in a hug and he let loose. Tears stained my shirt and I was perfectly content with it.

He cried for a good ten minutes before he calmed down a bit.

"Let's go get loads of junk food and watch movies at the house. Does that sound good?" I asked him softly. He nodded his head and started to the Walmart close by.


I finished popping the popcorn and started back to the living room when Ange came running into the kitchen.

"He's here." He said frantically.

"Whose here?" I ask putting down the bowls of butter.

"Chris." He said out of breath.

"And he's threatening to kill me."

** ok going to do this just to mess with daydream_of_suicide , yo yo yo how's it going? Love you ♡

So what's up with Chris? Is Ghorror over 🙀 will Dev and Angelo get together? So many things happening at once. I'm sorry.

Isn't Devs outfit so cute ^^ he's feeling quite AA today. Sorry for any mistakes.

Vote, comment, fan. Ily  ♡

- Andy Biersack bc he's just goals.

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