Plan B -P17-

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I sqeezed my eyes shut as the doctor carefully extracted the bullet, he held it with a pair of tweezers and sighed, "Lucky for you that this missed your heart by a few centimeters." He let the bullet drop in a pan and got some disinfectant, "This'll sting a little." He poured some one and I bit my lip as the liquid was poured down on the wound and started to fizz. The doctor pushed some of his aubrun bangs from his face, "Do you know who did this?"
"I told you, General Shepard shot me. He found out that his request to have some vital imformation erased from my mind didn't go as planned he tried to kill me," I repeated.
"I'm being serious," He told me. "What really happened."
"That is what happened," I insisted. "I saw it with my own eyes. Damn, you're just like everyone else. Fine don't believe me, but when Shepard tries to eliminate the 141 you'll see I'm not crazy."
"Alright, whatever you say," He told me defencivly. Then started to patch up the wound. I laid my head back and sighed. He finshed and I got a shot before letting me go back to my bunk hall.
I flopped down on my bed and let out a long sigh before grumbling, "Why doesn't anyone believe me?"
"Because they trust me more than you," I sat up and felt the pain from the wound pelt my body. I saw Shepard standing in the doorway, a wide smile on his wrinkled face that made his mustashe spread. It almost creeped me out. I chuckled in amusement and told me before I could ask, "I'm just enjoying the show. No one is going to believe you, Sgt. Macey. They trust me way more than they do you."
"Heatstroke would," I argued. "We trust eachother!"
"Oh is that so?" He pondered this for a moment and turned to leave.
"You touch her and I'll ring your neck, you bastard!" I snapped. But it was too late, he had left. I leaped from the bed, being attacked by the pain that knotted up in my chest, but I simply ignored it and rushed to where Heatstroke was. When I saw her she was fine, it was just her and Ghost at the shooting range. I was just about to turn around but then I saw Shepard picking up a gun and aiming it at her head, I leaped and tackled her over, "Heatstoke!"
"What? What! What's going on?" She asked me with a mix of panic and surprise.
"I thought I saw Shepard aiming a gun at your head," I explained.
Ghost looked at me then scanned around, "Uh Scarab, Shepard isn't here. Are you sure that you're okay?"
I looked back at where I thought I saw Shepard to see nothing was there. In more shock than anything I sputtered, "What the... No! I saw him! I know I did!"
"Scarab," Ghost interrupted as he pulled me up with a gloved hand. "Are you sure this isn't just because you're stressed or something?"
"No! I know I saw him!" I shouted.
"Don't worry about what we'd think of you, Scarab, I know what it's like to be mentally tortured by someone." Ghost insured. I glanced at him and he continued, "I'm sure you are just being a little paranoid."
"No I'm not," I argued. It was so confusing, and I was wondering myself, was I? I grumbled and walked away, Shepard then came up next to me, I spat, "What the hell do you want?"
"You see how this works?" He asked me. "Everytime you try to interfere I will just hide. The squad will think you're crazy."
"But if I don't then you'll kill my friends," I protested.
"Exactly," He smiled before turning and leaving me standing there. For a moment I felt trapped, and unsure of how I could get him caught.
Soap walked up and asked, "Hey Scarab?"
"Yah Soap?" I answered while conitplating a way of catching Shepard.
"The whole squad's going on a mission," He told me. "To the Causcus Mountains. But with the whole bullet wound and you being sent to a mental hospital and everything, Shepard told me it would be best not to bring you."
"Of course that slime would say that," I grumbled. "I'm fine, really. I can fight."
"And I believe you there, but that's not my choice of weither you can go or not," Soap sighed.
"Did you say anything?" I questioned.
"Well yes I did, I told him that you are normally up to the challange. But he still refused." He explained.
"This is so fucked up," I snapped. "Don't you see? He's trying to get me alone so that he can kill me!"
"Scarab," Soap told me calmly as he reached for my shoulder. "Are you sure you're not being a little paranoid?"
"I'm not!" I argued. "With what he's done already he might as well finish it! Let's look at the list here, he sent a guy to infect me pnemonia, locked me up in a mental hospital, requested for someone to erase any memories conserning him being a traidor, and shot me! Aren't you seeing that these get worse as they go!"
"I dought Shepard had anything to do with those," Soap disagreed. "Okay now I see why he doesn't want you coming along, you are just lossing it!"
I stepped back from Soap, we had been fighting a lot lately, but now he was siding with Shepard! I then screamed before turning on my heels, "I'm not! I'm starting to question who the fuck is the blind one here!"
I huffed away sething with anger. All I wanted was to make it all end! One bullet could do that, one shot to the head and I could stop the misery.
I shook my head and pushed the thought out of my mind, I could never commit suicide. A gentle tear fell down my cheek and stained my sleeve as it dripped off my chin. Something just didn't feel right then someone pushed me away. I didn't know why but they just did. This mystery man then restrained me to a chair, it was the interagation room! The man left me there without a word.


A/N: Yah this just isn't Scarab's day. No one believes her at all. I would have lost it, in fact she is! This reality she's living in where no one is listening is eating her alive.

But yah same shit different day. We've got spelling errors EVERYWHERE.

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