Plan B -54-

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I came to in a cage, and guess what? Everyone else was here. This was just not my day. We were all in a cramped cage, but I was sitting in the corner to avoid Soap. I was still ticked because of him making out with Silvia.
Two guards came and opened the door, pulling me out and dragged me away. I didn't want to fight, maybe they would kill me. End my torture. But no, instead they threw me in a room and strapped me to a chair.
One of the guards shoved a needle in my arm and left. The other was setting up machinery I wasn't familiar with. Still not liking the looks of this.
Well after that was a blur. No kidding, I just don't remember that one point. But I remember waking up. Mind blank, as I sat in the cage.
"Scarab?" It was Ghost, his voice a little scratcher than normal. "Are you alright?"
I didn't really know, I just felt numb. Nothing was working, no matter how much I wanted to move, I just couldn't. And soon a guard pulled me out again.
He stood me up to a wall and walked away. And a moment later Makarov came, he stared at me, kind of looking me over. But I felt my rage for him return, everything he's done to me, I wanted to hurt him. In fact I ludged at him but he evenly said, "Stop." And surprisingly I did. I didn't want to, I wanted him to suffer. "Well well, I'm glad you could join me."
So many retorts to that but I couldn't say because my mouth wouldn't move.
"And such a fine specimen," Did he just call me an experiment or something? "I know what you want, I know what you're thinking, and I know what you hate." Where was he going with this? "Sadly you have nothing you can do about that. Because now your mine."
Still not to happy to be in your presence. If only I could will my mouth to open.
"Why not you do me a favor," Not liking where he was going with this. "There is one last person in your group who refuses to turn, two actually. I want you to shoot them." He turned around. "Bring them in!"
A few guards dragged in Soap and Heatstroke, then tossed them on the ground.
"Now go get rid of them," Makarov ordered as he slapped a pistol in my hand. I stepped up, why was I listening to him? And took aim at Heatstrokes head.
Her eyes the size of dinner plates as she stared at me, "Scarab! Don't! You're better than this!"
The gun trembled in my hand, 'Please. Don't. Pull. The. Trigger.' My finger just wrapping around and daring to shoot. Beads of sweat were coming down as I was forcing my finger not to shoot.
"You're a good person! I know you!" Heatstroke exclaimed just before a guard kicked her in the back. But she bravely continued. "You were only eleven when your brother commitied suicide. And eight when your dad died of lung diease." I could see the memories breifly flash through and stop. "After that your mom hated you. Didn't want anything to do with you. And as a teenager you were always moody and depressed. You hated life." I could remember my mom hitting me over the head on numurous occasions. But my finger still itched on the trigger. "But you were also my best friend!"
I felt sick now, and my own will started to make the gun lossen in my grasp. Soap then went on from Heatstroke, "You joined the Task Force. In fact even there you still ranted about how your mom never gave a damn about if you were alive or not. And you were great," My finger started to pull away. "And then you were first ot figure out that Shepard was planning a betrayal. And we were stupid enough not to listen. But you still went on that mission." I started to pull away the gun.
"Scarab do it!" Makarov barked, and I pulled the pistol back out at them.
"And we all thought you were dead. But weren't," Soap continued. "And you_"
"You saved me from Makarov's brainwashing," Heatstroke cut in. "Don't let him do it to you! Fight it! We're your friends!" My finger still on the trigger, I just wanted to drop the gun. But my hand wouldn't release, I blame Silvia.
"Do it, Alex," Makarov hissed. "Do it now!"
I was near the breaking point and was barely keeping this one twitchy finger from pulling the trigger. If anyone's out there who is willing to knock me out or something, please do it so I won't kill my friends. Suddenly I heard Ghost's British accent flaring as he yelled, "Scarab don't!" And like that he tackled me over and was ripping the gun from my hand.
"Get rid of them Alex," Makarov barked inpatiently. Why was my body only doing the opposite of what I wanted to do? I ended up clocking Ghost up the jaw, luckily her wasn't out. And he slammed the pistol to my forehead. Good night everyone.

"Guards, get the Brit!" Makarov snapped. "I'll take care of the girl and Scot." So what? We weren't worthy of names anymore? Just 'girl' and 'Scot'? Makarov aquired the pistol and bashed Ghost in the back of the head with the handle then came towards us. "This is where I end it."
I held my breath waiting for the bullet to plunge through my skull and finish me. Then Makarov stumbled backwards grasping his neck, trying to pry fingers off. He went limp and he was dropped reveiling Price. I let out a sigh, knowing that I hadn't taken a breath. Price came up and started to undo the restraints, "Are you alright? Where's Scarab?"
"Fine, actually I don't know if there ever could have been a better time for you to excape." I responded looking at Ghost and Scarab. "Scarab is knocked out. Makarov was using her as a mind puppet like Heatstroke."
"And lord only knows what he had her do," Heatstroke shuddered. And consitering she was his mind slave, she would know.
As soon as the restraints were off wer grabbed Scarab and Ghost, then got Makarov. Luckily said person was alive. We could interrogate him. Gonzalo hotwired a car and we drove out to the middle of freaking Siberia. I know what you're all thinking, damn you desperite. To make a point here we needed to be out of range from Makarov's hired guns. So Northern Siberia was the best we could do.


A/N: Yah this was weird. At least Ghost broke in when he did or Heatstroke would have another bullet in her brain.

Well now we go off to SIberia. What wonders alwait us in the land of snow?
ANd yes Silvia will come up sooner or later, I just wanted to kick the bitch out for a bit. But she will be back.

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