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I woke up early and got my self ready, I got some thick ass winter pants on along with a coat, gloves, boots, my beanie, mask, and Heatstrokes goggles loosy hung around my neck. I was use to all this dead weight, and to make things heavier I also had a vector, and sniper rifle on my back, my mini ozi in the holster on my leg, and the knives ready.
So I head out for my perch over viewing the base. The surprising part about my still having the comm with me, was the fact it still worked! It was directly connected to everyone elses in the Task Force, and I wondered why they didn't cut the connection yet. Maybe they put it off. But the sad thing was I had to keep it off to avoid them hearing me, I could turn off the mic, and have the ear peice working.
After a long conversation petween Soap and someone else. The most I could find out about him was he was older and british. But anyways, before I start getting into what he sounded like, I heard Soap ask where everyone and if they all landed together.
"Seems some of us were blown off course," Ghost sighed. I could imagine him rubbing his temples. "Captain Price and Roach aren't here."
Price? Oh right, Nikoli's old friend. That must have been the guy on the comms with Soap. I listened to Soap ask, "Price, can you hear me? Where's you're location?"
"I'm fine," The old british man voice replied. Yup so that's Price. "I landed a bit too east. Did everyone else land in teh right place?"
"Everyone but Roach," Soap explained.
"I'll see where the bugger is," Price sighed.
Doesn't surprise me, Roach sucked with parachutes. Soon Soap then asked, "Price I can barely see Roach's chute on my satellite feed. Too much interference. Do you see him, over?"
"Roger that Soap, I've found Roach. He appears to be intact. We're gonna head northwest to the sub base, over." Price responded.
"Copy that. The rest of the team landed near Ghost, pretty far to the east." Soap told him. East, I knew there was a village below the cliff between where Price and Ghost had landed. Maybe I could get some kills there.
"Tell them to proceed with the mission, we'll regroup if possible." Price reassured.
The radio traffic switched to between Ghost and Soap, mainly reporting to Ghost about what Price told him.
A moment later I heard Price whisper into the comm, "Contact. Enemy patrol 30 meters to our front. Five men, automatic rifles, frag grenades. One German Shepherd."
"Dogs. I hate dogs." Soap sorta growled.
"These Russian dogs are like pussycats compared to the ones in Pripyat." Price told him.
"It's good to have you back, old man." Soap hummed.
"Roger that." Price said flatly. Then it was silent again.
I took the chance to examine the town, it was mostly buried in snow. My guess being the fact that there was a freak blizard over night. But yet I wasn't snowed in. Or maybe an avillanch had covered them up.
"Soap, our intel was off. The Russians have mobile SAMs." Price complained.
"Roger that." Soap responded sounding not very interested. Like, 'oh big deal, they always have SAMs anyways.'
"Have you found us some transport?" Price asked.
"I'm working on it." Soap told him. "Out."
They were silent once more. I figured Price turned the comm off so that he would only be heard by Roach. I scanned around, no one yet.
"Soap, what's the status of our air support, over?" Price asked. I was startled by his sudden need to start talking to Soap. And I nearly jumped.
"A UAV loaded with AGMs is en route to your position." Soap informed.
"Roger that." Said Price. "This ridge is perfect. Roach, take control of the Predator drone." Ridge? I scanned the high ground, and with the zoom scope I spotted them. Both were laying in the snow and Roach was opening a lap top. I looked at the sky, a starlike sparkle grew. There's the missile. Roach angerily slammed his laptop shut. And the missile hit the SAM site.
"What just happened?" Soap asked, startled.
"There is a mobile SAM site in the village. It just shot down our Predator." Price explained. Then he whined "Soap, we need another Predator."
Then I watched them slide down the ridge and to the bottom, on the other side I saw Ghost, and everyone else coming from the east out of the woods. "Check your fire! Check your fire! Friendlies coming up at your 12!" Ghost alerted on the comm.
I looked through the scope, around was a bunch of hostiles coming out into the open. Gun blazing, my finger wrapped around the trigger. I followed one of guy, he charged out and went straight for Roach. I let a bullet fly and it plundged right through his head. I could see Roach look around, not knowing who shot the guy, and I muttered, "Doom on you Mr. Tango."
Everyone made their way to the ditch and I got up from the snow. Now to get to position 'B'. I climbed up off the perch and trudged to my next place. A ledge, I laid down and looked through the scope. And heard Price say, "Soap, we've linked up with Ghost and the rest of the team."
"Roger that. The second Predator is almost in position. Make it count, these things don't grow on trees." Soap replied with a hint of humor imbeded in his voice.
"Yah they don't because that'd make our lives so much easier," I mutters are I watched Price and his team lanch a predator. A helicopter exploded and everyone jumped up.
"That got their attention! The whole base is on alert!" Soap informed. "You better hurry. You've only got a couple minutes before that submarine dives."
"We're moving!" Price snapped as they leaped over fences and into the base. I watched them move as fast as they could.
"You're halfway there!" Soap burted out as they reached two fuel trucks. And then he added, "AGM missile is online." Roach didn't really do anything but shoot, and Soap said again, "AMG missile is online. I repeat AMG missile is online."
"I'm waiting on this!" Roach snapped. "You know, for a truck or something."
No one responded. But then I could see a BTR, Price yelled, "Destroy that enemy armor!"
I watched Roach duck behind a crate and pull the laptop out and sit for a moment, then I saw the BTR explode. Soap then said, "Good effect on target. BTR destroyed."
They continued on, and were near the sub. Price yelled, "I'm going for the sub! Cover me from that guardhouse by the west gate!"
"Roger that! Roach, we have to get to that guardhouse by the west gate to cover Price! Follow me!" Ghost shouted to Roach as he pointed to the guard house. I could see some trucks being loaded with men. Terrific.
Back with Price he jumped into the sub and announced, "All right, I'm inside the sub! Cover me, I need a few minutes!"
"Incoming! Two trucks to the east!" Ghost told Roach. Roach was already on the predator drone. And both trucks blew up.
"Good effect on target. Multiple enemy vehicles KIA." Soap calmly stated.
"More vehicles to the east! Use the UAV!" Ghost shouted. Roach was getting on the laptop but quickly shut it.
"Arming AGMs, standby," Soap told him. But Roach didn't want to wait, he picked up an RPG and launched that at the first truck. The second didn't explode, "AGM missile is online."
Now Roach go out the laptop and brought doom on the second truck. I swear I could feel the heat of the flames even from here. But now the dock was crowding with enemies.
"Contact to the north, on the dock next to the sub!" Ghost shouted as he fired down at the hostiles. I followed suit and shot down some closer anemies they were forgetting to the east. I looked back to the sub, the silo door slowly began to open. "Price, are you there? The silo doors are opening on the sub, I repeat, the silo doors are opening on the sub!" Price didn't answer. "Price, come in! They're opening the silo doors on the sub! Hurry!" Still Price didn't answer. "Price, do you copy? The silo doors are open, I repeat, the silo doors are open!"
"Good," Price finally said. I didn;t like where this was going.
"What? Wait, wait, Price, no!" A nuke came launching from the sub and I listened to Ghost and his frantic screams to control, and Soap. "We have a nuclear missile launch. Missile in the air! Missile in the air! Code Black, Code Black!"
This is the part where I wait for them to leave and I called in Nikoli. He came to pick me up and asked, "So how'd everything go? I heard a lot of radio traffic."
"Price launched a nuke, he's gonna make it go off over America to cause an EMP." I exclaimed leaping into the chopper.
"Well we don't have much time," Nikoli sighed. "We have to get out of here before we are spotted."
And like that we flew away, distantly following the Task Force.

Meanwhile (Soap)
"What the bloody hell were you thinking," Ghost snapped at Price. "Launching a nuke? That's a whole new level of stupid! What was going through your head when you discided to do that?"
"Ghost I know this is_" Price started but was quickly cut off.
"Your crazy!" Ghost interrupted. "I'm franky amazed you even were allowed to reenlist!"
"Ghost," Price tried to say but once again was ignored as Ghost continued his tyraid.
Said man then screamed out, "And you could have told us what you were planning to do! You useless wanker!"
"GHOST!" Price yelled over him, Ghost glared at him but didn't say anything else. "I know you think this is mage bad. I know what I was doing. I launched that nuke and programmed it to go off over Washington. Now before you start yelling at me and saying that I want to nuke the whole place, I was trying to start an EMP. The Russians are using the air, so if we get rid of that then they are forced to fight on the ground. And that should smooth out the playing feild for the Yanks."
"This still was a stupid idea," Ghost spat under his breath. I frankly didn't want to add anything to keep from being stuck in Ghost's rage. He starts and it's hard to get him to calm down. Lesson one for Price, never do anytihng stupid and not tell Ghost about it.


A/N: Yah I discided to make this in Scarabs point of veiw, meaning that she could only hear what was said when teh comms were used, meaning if Soap said anything, Price was talking to Soap, or Ghost was speaking it was hear on teh comms. The whole stealth thing I guessed the comms were off... I MIGHT be wrong.

I thought it was fun to write something from Scarabs view for once. I was so happy to, and this was one of those brilliant ideas I magically come up with from reading the level discription. Like, "Oh hey I wonder what would happen if I could write this from a snipers point of view."
I really had fun writing Ghost's trantrum at the end, in a way I guess he would be furious at Price for launching a nuke and not telling him.

So we only have 4 more levels!
-Loose Ends (Surprise point of view!)
-Enemy of my Enemy (AWW!!!! No more Ghost!)
-Just like old times (Gonna be EPIC!!!)
-EndGame (Shepard's death! WHOOT!!!!!!!)

And then we are off to MW3! Now some of our questions are answered, like where is this 'a place' Nikoli mentions. And is Kamarov really alive? But we don't know what is coming next. Which is gonna be fun for me, I'll see how far I can keep this going before it's stretching the damn thing.

But who knows, when MW3 comes out in a couple of years I might make some more to correct myself, or I'll just rewrite them.
But I'm getting a head of myself now.

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