Plan B -50-

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"So we need to help you with some drug dealers?" Roach asked again. I was at the verdge of groaning.
"Si," Gonzalo answered. He hadn't looked away from me the moment he saw me. I kind of wondered if it was because I was only in a sports bra.
"Hey Scarab?" Heatstroke asked. "Where the hell is your shirt?" Leave it to her to bring that up.
"They took it off when they were interrogating me." I sighed. "I wonder if it were only to make things easier, or because they are just perverts."
"Maybe perverts," Nikolai bet. "I guess when we get in Columbia we'll have to get you a new one."
"Oh terrific." I replied sarcastically. "I hope I can find a new vest though."
"I think I have a spar in my apartment," Gonzalo said. "You can have it if you want."
I gave him a weird look and shrugged, "Thanks. I guess."
The ride was full of talk and soon we landed in Columbia. Florencia, it was alright. Much different from Manchester. You know how sometimes you feel like a tourist? This was one of those times.
Just as we were leaving the helicopter Gonzalo handed me his vest, "Here at least for now you can cover up." I flushed remembering that I was still at a lack of a jacket. I pulled on his vest, it was actually pretty comfortable.
A van stopped and a hispanic man came out and said something in Spainish. I only knew a little bit a Russian, French, and Portugese. Spainish, well I knew nothing. Maybe because I wasn't into the whole Dora the Explorer thing when I was little.
"Come on," Gonzalo told us. "We're gonna head to our headquarters." We all entered the van then drove away. Gonzalo then asked Price, "So what the whole situation you were gonna be telling me about?"
"Shepard tried to use the Task Force to rally troops and make the U.S. look great," Price told him. "But he hired Makarov as the man to start it. With Shepard dead, Makarov is gonna try and take over."
I didn't add anything. But I looked over to Heatstroke, she stared out the window. I tapped her shoulder and she looked over to me. I pulled her goggles off my neck and held them out to her. She looked to them then at me, "Keep them. This way if I ever really die you'll have something to remember me by."
I half hugged her and and glanced at the goggles, the green lens shined dimmly in the light and the black framing was much more rustic. Then I pulled them over my head again. She tapped my shoulder as I looked away.
"Oh and after you were interrogated I managed to snag these," She held out my beanie and mask. I sighed, the hat was something I had since I was four. The mask, well I just liked it. I took them.
"Thanks Heatstroke." I told her softly.
"I should be thanking you," She sighed. "You saved me."
I asked, "What did they do to you?"
Her eyes filled with pain and she choked out, "They took me from the burning car and revived me. But I kept trying to get away, and they discided to brainwash me. And since then they had monatored my levels of mental activity."
"Oh technoligy," I hummed. "Ain't it a bitch."
"No kidding." She chuckled. "And then you and the others came. When we were fighting and you were telling me about my past. I remembered them like they had just happened. And it started to overload their devises. And then you said that we're best friends, everything clicked together. I-I just didn't know what to think, Mostly I was overwelmed by all these memories we had."
"Everyday I thought you were dead, I felt like I was missing half of me." I sighed. "I wasn't myself."
"Neither was I," Heatstroke agreed. "I shoulda died in the car."
"Don't say that." I told her.
"It's true," She quietly cried. "If I was dead Makarov couldn't make us fight. He wouldn't have kidnapped you, and we would be fine."
"No it was Shepard who should of died." I muttered and she looked back at me. "I had the opprotunity at the asylum, but I ran. If I told his revolver and shot him, none of this would have happened."
"You would have been expelled from the Task Force," She reminded. "If you killed him then you'd be in jail."
"Or in hiding," I corrected. "Oh wait, we were already in hiding."
After that it fell silent, and within minutes we were at the headquarters. Which was a house on the edge of the forest. Everyone followed Gonzalo and his friend inside. There was five other Columbian men here, Gonzalo then told them something in Spainish and I could hear our names. He turned back to us, "Everyone these are a bit of my squad. Sadly they don't speak English. I'll translate if it helps."
"Thanks Gonzalo," Price smiled, it actually had a jolly affect thanks to his beard.
"I have some rooms ready for you," Gonzalo told him then looked to of his men. He said something in Spainish and a slender man who looked near nineteen stood up and nodded. The guy gestured for us to follow him.
As we came down a hallway he stopped and opened a door, then said something in Spainish. I heard Heatstroke mutter as he said, "Men in this room."
"You speak Spainish now?" I asked.
"Well duh," She mumbled. "Unlike you I didn't sleep through Spainish class."
I grinned sheepishly as Heatstroke said something to the man in Spainish, then she told us that the man are in this room. Soap and Price shrugged and went in followed by everyone else. The man continued down the hall and pointed to another room as he said something else. Heatstroke nodded and went in as I followed.
Inside we looked around, there was a couple of bunk beds and a dresser. I kinda missed the safehouse back in Russia. Well get this, they had some clothes in the dresser! Mostly tee shirts and cargo pants, but I'd be fine with them. Me and Heatstroke exchanged a glance and she asked the guy in whose the clothes was. Both of us figured they would be someones around here.
When she came back sh shrugged and told me, "He said those were just extra in case if anyone needed it." If you looked at me in my current change of clothes you'd see some grubby woman in a sports bra and super torn up and blood stained jeans. I switched up and was in a pair of camuoflage cargo pants and a black graphic tee with a picture of a skull on it. It'd work with my hat alright. My mask, I'd save it, or maybe I'd wear it.
Heatstroke didn't need any, consitering the clothes she was wearing as Makarov's puppet slave thing was still in good shape. We came out to the living room where everyone was, most of the guys had changed their clothes so they would be more comfortable in the climate. A.K.A. Nikolai and Kamarov. Nikolai had some grey plain short sleeve short and jeans, Kamarov was wearing a crimson shirt. But they were dressed similiar.
Ghost had his sleeves rolled up, Roach and Price were bothered at all, and Soap had grabbed a tee shirt himself. I took a jump over the couch and landed neatly next to Soap. "Hey guys, so what's the plan here?"
"We're gonna help Gonzalo with a dealing with a group of drug dealers. Appaarently they pass through the rain forest so that they can get ot Mexico faster." Price explained. "Our job in this is to assist in apprehending and bringing them to custity."
"Rules of ingagement?" Ghost asked.
"These are young adults," Gonzalo began. "But they are armed, you are allowed to shoot. But they aren't to be killed. Got it?"
Everyone nodded and Price asked, "So when are we gonna do this?"
"They come by extremely early in the morning. I'll wake you all when it is near time to get moving." He explained. "Now because of how early we have to get up, lights are out at five."
Everyone had heard him, well us in the Task Force anyways. The Spainish men were polishing guns or quietly talking. I figured Gonzalo already breifed them. And after a bit we were off to get some sleep. I was asleep easily. Well for once.


A/N: Yup it's the 50th chapter! YAY!!!! Let's celebrate! 

Hey did I sense what I thought I did? I see some form of a crush going on with Gonzalo. OOOHHHH!!! If you didn't pick itup then he is taking an intrest in Scarab. Oh god, Soap won't be happy.

WHOOT! New mission coming in on the next part!

Thanks everyone whose been commenting and reading this fanfic series. I seriously love the suggestions made over notes and if possible I'll make some shoutouts to all you supporters.


and a big thanks to my best friend *****************!

(Current Me Note: I blocked out the names of my supporters.)

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