Plan B -P44-

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As soon as we returned to the safe house Tatiana got to work with Ghost and Roach's wounds. Both were silent, maybe uncountious, for hours after Tatiana finished. I came in to check on them, they were gonna have to share a room so that eliminated the annoying going into two different rooms thing.
Ghost laid on the bed to the far side of the room, a breathing mask over his face and an IV drip going. I kind of wonder where these loyalists got the supplies in the first place. Roach was just about the same. Both had been bandaged up big time because of all the bullet wounds, and their skin was pinker from the fire.
I remembered the bullet wound in my chest, it had scabbed now but I was still wearing bandages. I wanted Shepard to burn in hell for everything he did, in fact I wanted to kill him myself. But then I saw Price and Soap, both eager for the same wish. Maybe they should.
I sat down on Roach's bed, most of his upper body was submerged in blankets, but I saw his wet soaked face. One hand was uncovered because of the IV drip in his wirst but the rest of him was curled up. I took not of the fact he had lost his eyebrows and his hair looked like a bad buzz cut. I'd miss his brown hair that flopped in front of his eyes.
I stood up and sat down on Ghost's bed to look him over. He laid stiffly with the IV drip hand outward toward to edge of the bed. Tatiana had taken off his 'bones' mask so that she could see if his face would need any treatment. Well aside from a burn on his cheekbone he was fine.
And once more I got up but this time headed for the door, just before I could leave I heard Ghost say, "Thanks." I turned to see him with the mask pulled off his face and a smug grin. "I thought you had died over a week ago. I can't believe I was wrong."
I merly chuckled, "Can't kill me that easily, besides it was Shepard's mistake not to shoot me in the head."
"What a wanker," He groaned as he flopped the mask back on. And he just looked up at the ceiling as I left. For most of the time I sat in the living room, but now and again I'd check in on them. I was on the couch looking down at my hot chocolate when I heard some clumsy footsteps coming down the stairs.
Imediantly I was on my feet and going to investigate. The answer was Ghost had gotten up and out of his bed. I looked at him and asked, "What the hell are you doing up?" I then noted the fact he wasn't wearing the breathing mask nor did he have the IV drip.
"Tatiana said it was fine for me to walk around," He explained. "I'd like to retain my ability to walk if that's alright with you." Then came past me on teh stairs using the railing for support.
"No no it's fine," I sighed as I watched him look at the living room. "Hey Ghost you might wanna close your mouth before you start catching flies."
He took note of his slag jaw and closed his mouth, but his eyes still studied the room. I kind of wondered what Roach's reaction would be. Maybe when he was up for it then he could look around. Then I heard Ghost ask me after he finished studying the living room, "So where is Captain MacTavish? And Captain Price?"
"They're on their way to hunt Shepard down." I answered. "Both think you and Roach are dead. So the only ones who know you two are alive right now are just me, Nikolai, Tatiana and Kamarov."
"Whose Kamarov?" Ghost asked as he turned to face me.
"He was a former loyalist Sergeant." I sighed.
"Those the good Russians or the bad Russians?" Ghost questioned.
I shrugged. "Their alright. At least they tried to stop Zhekaov from getting what he wanted."
"Good enough for me," Ghost replied as he sat down on the couch. "When will we be able to see MacTavish and Price again?"
I honestly didn't know. But since I seemed to be in charge of the place while Kamarov was rounding up more loyalists and Tatiana was checking in on Roach. I shook my head trying to come up with the best answer I could think of, "I don't know. If Shepard could bang you and Roach up so bad, I hate to picture what he'd do to the Captains. But hopefully we'll see them soon, not dead."
This didn't really ease Ghost much, he just tenced up even more. I was more afraid he'd be so wound up that he'd launch from the couch like a spring. But he didn't, instead he got up and stuffled to the wall and kicked it with his bare foot. "Is there any way we can listen in on them?"
"My comm still works, I used it to listen in on you guys while at the sub base." Ghost shot me a look of disturbance. "Okay yes I was spying! But was also proving sniper support from teh cliff with you guys even noticing." I paused and took off the ear peice and plugged it to a speaker. "Maybe we could hear them if I just connect my ear peice to the speaker. If I'm right we should hear them talking."
Ghost leaned in to listen and we waited as static filled the air. A moment later Soap then stated, "We've got one good UMP. They've got a thousand. We don't even know if Makarov's intel is any good." After a long pause he asked. "Price. ...Price?"
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth." Price sighed. Then continued. "But I think that's a luxury. Not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory." I could imagine Soap just staring at him in disturbance. "Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks here, stained with thousands of years of warfare... They will remember us. For this. Because out of our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the Earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him."
A minute or two later Soap then added, "For the Task Force."
"Right," Price replied. "For Ghost, Roach, and everyone else who died because of Shepard."
"For Scarab." I was near tears now hearing him say that. "Because she knew before any of us did. But we didn't listen."
"Okay," Price sighed. "You think you've got everything?"
"Yah." Soap answered flatly.
I turned off the radio transmition and looked over to Ghost. He was more or less in shock of hearing what he heard. Then he asked, "So what can we do? Just sit here doing nothing?"
"No, I'm gonna be dropped off by Tatiana to rejoin Nikolai. You and Roach just need to rest." I told him. "Don't get in any trouble and Tatiana will be back as soon as possible. Alright."
Ghost huffed, "I feel like a sack of bricks just sitting around."
"I know," I responded. "But I can't risk you and Roach getting hurt. You need time to rest up and heal the bullet wounds."
Ghost didn't say anything else and with that I met Tatiana up outside and she flew me to Site Hotel Bravo. I could only see Price and Soap repell off the criff face and I got back onto Nikolai's Pavelow.


A/N: Yup this is just a little bit of into the level but never fear I won't miss anything! So next we have Just like old times!

Yah Ghost and Roach are alive, which is a good thing. You can imagine how ticked Ghost is for having everyone thinking he's dead.

Okay just 2 more levels left! That la is the devil waiting for Shepard in hell! MUHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!

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