Not a true professional

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"Hey Soap! I knwo what'll cheer you up!" Ghost sang as he jumped into the bunk hall. I was still extremely upset about Scarab's passing. And had discide not to even bother getting out of bed. I felt there wasn't a point in it anymore, now that I couldn't she her perky smile and hear that song that was her voice. I curled myself deeper in the vocer as responce to Ghost's optimism. But he went on to tell me, "I hired a psycic medium!"

I glanced out of the corner of my eye, practically spitting vemon at him, "Do you really believe in that bullshite?"

He grinned foolishly. "Well I uh, I thought it would help."

"Well mind you're own business." I hissed and looked away before muttering, "Besides. She's dead. She can't talk to any of us, ghost's aren't real."

"Sir, you've been holing up in here for the past five day!" Ghost reminded. "I'll bet you haven't opened the curtain once! You just lay there like nothing matters!"

"Not true!" I protested. "I have opened the curtain! And will you stop worrying about me?"

"You're seeing that medium wheither you like it or not." He barked. "And I better see you dressed and at the rec room by ten or I WILL send Price and Gonzalo in here to get you lazy arse out of bed in your underwear!"

"Correction, I'm still in pants, just shirtless." I remarked.

"Well get a shirt on and meet up at the rec room." Ghost turned to the door, but before leaving he added, "And make sure you shave, your growing a beard all over again."

I payed no attention to his last remark and reluctently pulled myself out of bed. I could care less about how messy my mohawk looked, but he was right about the beard, just a short one, ut it only seem effective in the cold. Of course I shaved and got a shirt, and noted I had a few minutes to spare. So I got on my combat boots and loomed over to the rec room.

Everyone was there! This only pissed me off more. And there was also that "pshycic" John Edwards. I mean seriously, what the hell? I'm gonna kill Ghost when I find him! But before I could stop him, I was pulled to a seat by Gonzalo and we waited for the "reading" to start.

"Hi," John Edwards begun. "I'm John Edwards and I'm bridge to the living and the past." Yeah sure... And they expect me to believe this garbage? I'm not a retard! Just because I wanted some solitude, doesn't mean that I'm insane! "Now I'm here to help settle someone here."

I wanted to snap at him that he's fake, but I didn't bother, it'd be lost on him.

"I'm reading a presence, a young female." He started. I'm sure Price told him EVERYTHING. "Does anyone know a Alex, Alexandra, someone whose name begins with an A?"

Gonzalo nudged me and I put up my hand with an annoyed ook on my face, making it clear I didn't want to be here. I didn't say anything until he urged me to. "Yes, I know an Alex."

"She was young?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah she was."

He seemed to take this quickly and continued, "And she's saying something about an injury involving the chest. That make any sense?"

"Yeah, she died of a gun shot." I grumbled.

"Alright, well I'm getting the feeling she was born in June. Is that so?"

"No," I shook my head. "She was born in December."

He once again took that information in. "And I'm hearing she died in Feburary?"

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