Plan B -P65-

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I gritted my teeth and screamed out in pain. I saw that the guards had shot me in the lower back, and that went straight through. My hand gripped the bullet wound as I tried to pull my senses back in order. Everyone stared with eyes the size of freaking dinner plates. But I reached for the revolver again, kinda thinking how Shepard used the same gun. Then fired at Makarov. Killing him and putting a finally end to his retched life.
I whipped around as guard opened fire, I could feel bullets graze my skin, hear them wizz by my ears, And I watched them fall to my retaliation. Then black.

Scarab then went limp on the screen, her head just went back and hit the floor. And al I could do was watch as the guard countinued to fire. I wasn't gonna watch helplessly, I stood up and ran at the door, ramming my body to it. Then it flew open, leaving me to fly into the room.
I slammed into guard, knocking them over. Me with a gun, no good if I don't like you. Me ANGRY with a gun, better run like hell no matter who the fuck you are.
When I was done, I untied Price and e got to work on untying everyone else. While I ran straight for Scarab. Her blood stained the floor red, her eyes closed.
I stroked a hand through her hair and held her close. Silently praying that she was alive. Abd a moment later everyone was lumbering over me, seeing her expressionless face against my shoulder. I felt Ghost's hand on my other and he asked, "You mind?"
I slowly released my grip and laid her back down on the concrete floor. Ghost was already working so I looked around a moment. There near the chair, where me and Makarov were both trying to convince Scarab of choose a side, was her hat. And know he, she'd be so pissed if we just left it. So I picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket for now. I returned to the other, then Ghost looked back to everyone. "She's alive. But bloodloss is catching up. We need to stop the bleeding and get help."
"Then let's go people Move!" I barked with some determined leader voice to mask my true worry. The sicky feeling that made me want to just throw up somewhere and die. And staring at Makarov's corpes doesn't help. Everyone got to work. WIthin minutes we had found a first aid kit, three trucks hidden under some tarps, and, to our sheer luck, a map! Ghost finished patching Scarab up for the moment and sat her down in one of the back seats of the trucks before taking the wheel. Last time he had to drive any of us around was back on our uber long road trip to London from Nikolai's, or what was Nikolai's house.
"Where are we going?" Ghost asked me as we got on the road.
I looked over to him and sighed, "Looks like my place is our last refudge. It won't matter anyways, There's nothing left for me to lose."
"Except Scarab," Ghost chuckled. And I shot him a look which he shrugged off. "Heatstroke told me."
"Remind me to murder her later. And Roach." I grumbled.
Ghost arched a what-used-to-be-an-eyebrow behind the orange shattered lences of his dystroied sunglasses, that he couldn't part with. "Roach?"
"Heatstroke did say 'on ROach's grave'." I explained.
Ghost nodded and in a teasing voice he asked, "You have fun?"
"You're lucky I CAN'T squish you like I can Roach." I groan.

When we arrived in Scottland, Price grumbled about how we all sounded the same. Guess he never heard a Brit, eh? They all sound the same to me. But accents do that. And we finally made it to y apartment, really crowded with elevan people, but doable.
I unlocked the door and we filed in. sighed, "Sorry if it's a little crowded. But better than nothing. Oh and Price? Ghost?"
"Yeah?" THe two both said.
"Please don't say anyhting conserning Scots and Brits," I groaned. But knowing them they still would. eople around here are a little... excentric."
"Got it," Price replied. "SO no mention that we kicked Scotlands sorry arse."
I facepalmed with a groan of annoyance. "No."
"One more question," Price continued. "Are all the men here gonna herd sheep and dance in kilts to bagpipe music?"
I know he was just doing this to annoy me. But it was working. "No Price, and I suggest you shut up before I slot you. Oh and Brits are just as guilty for the sheep herding, old man. So shut you_"
"Hey sir, what's this?" Ghost asked from my closet. I dropped an eyebrow, but quickly switched to an annoied glare as Ghost pulled my bagpipes my the closet. To make my point clear with you know, my DAD ad me learn! I don't actually play that thing often! "I didn't think you played."
"Okay so I do," I grumbled. "What's you point?"
"yeah yeah," I muttered. "And Brits are all crumpit eating, tea sucking, pumpus prissies."
Heatstroke chuckled, she was technically American whihc would mean she was neutral. "I think you both are great... For pissed off kilties and annoying bloody brits." She somehow took on the accets of both Scots and Brits as she meaninglessly joked.
"Cheeky bastard," Me and Price both groaned. But I quickly got back on topic. "I'll call my neighbor. He's a doctor and should be able to help us."
"Are you sure that's safe?" Price asked. "Aren't we wanted?"
"RIght," I grumbled. "But Dr. MacMillian is someone we can_"
"Whoa,whoa,whoa, what? Dr. MacMillian?" Price stopped me to ask.
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked with an arched eyebrow.
"Was he in the military?"
"Yeah so?" This was very unusual of Price.
"He was my Captain!" Price exclaimed. Now I could kind of remember him tell me and everyone back in S.A.S. about him. And I was kicking myself for not truely remembering. "Call him! Call him! Call him!"
"Okay! Calm down!" I told my now crazy excited old Captain. Then picked up the phone.

MacMillian sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, I was being nice and givin him space to work. Then he stood from Scarab who laid on the couch, "Sorry to say John, but there isn't much that I can doto help her out at the moment. I need to get some equipment first. But I think you should take her to a hospital."
"But there's a problem with that," I told him sadly. "Everyone thinks she's dead. And well, I'm kinda wanted."
"What?!" MacMillian just stared at me a long few seconds then snapped. "You didn't tell me that!"
"You can't tell anyone," I warned.
MacMillain raised his hands in defence, "Easy now! I won't tell anyone! I'm not a rat. Besides, I still owe you for that freaking gas leak."
I shuddered in rememberence of that, it's such a pain trying to drag a man in his 50s out of a building which is contaiminated with a toxic nerve gas that someone down the hall dropped. What the fuck was he doing with nerve gas anyways?
"I'll be back, I just need to get a couple of things," MacMillian told me then he was gone.
MacMillian had wrapped up the wound much more stably, and sed some antibiotics to make sure she won't get an infestion. Soon he was back, and got her on an IV drip, and finished up by stitching the wound so it'd close neater. "She'll just need some rest for a couple of weeks. And make sure she doesn't move around too much, it'll tear the stitches. I'll pop in now and again to check on her, alright?"
"Thanks, I really can't tell you how much this means." I smiled kindly.
"No problem, I almost wonder what gun shot her in the first place. It's not the most common thing to find that a bullet gos straight through so cleanly. Usually it will get lodged somewhere." He ponders a moment then turns towards the door with medical kit, "I'll see you around."
I glanced down at Scarab, she seemed so peaceful for the moment. Then it was ended by a soft groan her shifting to her side and turned away, facing the back of the couch. I reached in my pocket and pulled out her hat and tucked it in next to her. Then pulled the discarded blanket back over her.
When I saw the clock, it as near 5 pm. SO I went to check on everyone else, the younger boys, Fador and Marchell, were playing poker with Price, Nikolai, Heatstroke, Roach, and Ghost. And for some reason, not that I didn't have a clue, Fador was winning. Irina was making a tent outta blankets and pillows on the guest bed. Well I two bedrooms in this apartment, there was mine, and the guestroom. But because of how crowded I was stuck sharing with Ghost, Price, and Nikolai. But because it's my place I got the bed. SO HA OLDER PEOPLE! Heatstroke was in charge of Fador, Marchell, and Irina in the guest room. and Roach was on the recliner out in teh living room with Scarab. Kamarov and Gonzalo I had to give sleeping bagss they were on the floor.
It felt kinda nice to be off for a little bit. And then I remembered something, what should we get for dinner tonight? Well the fact me and Price were wanted eliminates the possiblity of going out to eat. So looks like I just gonna see if I could order pizza or something. "Hey gys, I'm ordering pizza, what do you want?"
"Peppernoi!" Roach asked.
"I second that," Heatstroke chuckled as she laid her fan of cards face down on the table.
Well do I wanna bore you with what people wanted? Probably not. But in the end I stil had to order three pizzas, two pepperoni and one cheese. So now, because I was sure the doorman still had his rule about this crap, I was going to have to go and pick it up. So I slapped on a cap and a pair of aviater glasses. I seriously looked stupid. But better that then dead.
So I went out to pick up the pizza, a mere ten minute drive. When I got to Johnny's Pizza Shack (haha just a coinidence. Don't go crazy about it) I came to the counter and told the woman there that I was here to pick up a few pizza's, gave the imforation, then was told to wait. So I sat down on a chair.
Suddenly my alarm bells were ringing, a police officer came in with a sheet of paper, and came up to the counter. I quckly grabbed a newspaper and hid behind it so I wouldn't be seen as I listened in to hs conversation with the woman, "Did you see this man?"
I barely peaked out from behind the paper to see that the paper had two mugshots of me and Price. But to my damned luck the woman scartched her head and and said dumbly, "Nope, I've told you before. I didn't see them around here."
"Oh you haven't now?" The cop just pondered a moment. Not that I felt any more comfortable with his tone of voice. "I got a tip that he was here." Okay who said that so I can stab them? "I recommend you tell me now and make it easier on yourself."
"I swear," She tells him. "I didn't see anyone here who looks like either of them. You hve no buisness here unless you're gonna buy something."
"Then mind if I get a look around?" THe cop asked more calmly.
"You won't find anything," She retorted. "But if you must." Well that's just my freaking shitey luck.
The cop turned back to the rest of the resteraunt. And started to look around, in fact he even examined some of the people. I felt the blood draining from my face when I found out he was being very therow with his serch, with the men wearing hats he swiped them off and even would tip down anyones sunglasses. I'm screwed.
He puled the newspaper I was pretending to read down so my face was in front of him. Just as he was about to pull my hat off his comm. came to life with a static filled voice. He turned away and I felt so much releif flood over me. Loks like god's on my side for once. THe police offficer had to respond to some call for back up and he left. So I got up and went back to the counter as soon as the woman told me that my pizza was done. SO I paid and just as I was about to leave he said, "You owe me."
I looked at her through the dark lenses of my sunglasses, "For what?"
"For not ratting you out." She smiles. Oh shite, she knew?
"B-but how did you_" I studdered but was cut off.
"Anyone with a brain can see through that failed disguise of yours." She tells me sheepishly.
I give a kind of embarrassed grin and ask, "So why didn't you?"
"Don't you reconize me?" She askes. Actually to be honest I didn't. I just couldn't place the dark red hair and watery blue eyes.
"No, sorry." I tell her.
"Sheesh," She chuckled then punches my arm lightly. "You're just as big of a dork as I remember, John."
I arched an eyebrow now still trying to match a name to the face. One of the many things I sucked at.
THen she thumped my forehead playfully, "I'm Laura, don't you remember me? From high school? We used to hang out."
Oh duh! I forget crap too easily. Or maybe it was my caught experience with the cops that frazeled my brain. "Oh yeah! Sorry, I was a little... distracted."
"About what?" She asks.
"It's nothing," I sigh.
"Come on Tav, you can tell me." SHe smiles that same old genuen smile that she always flashed around her boyfriend in high school. I wasn't, honestly, we were just friends! And that nickname, she was the first to start calling me that.'
"No trust me, it's really nothing." I assure her.
"Oh, well maybe we can hang out again," And now she's starting to stroke my hand so lightly with a finger. "For old times sake."
"I don't know, there's been a lot going on." I tell her.
"Well if you change you mind, call me." She smiles again and hands me a small peice of paper. On with her phone number on it. "See you around, Tav."
I pick up the boxes and turn for the door, this time I leave and get to my car. And drive back to the apartment complex. Inside Fador is kind enough to take the pizzas off my hands and put them down on the table. "Did Scarab wake up yet?"
"No," ROach told me. "She was just muttering crap in her sleep. Maybe she's have one crazy dream."
"So what took you Soap?" Price asks me.
I shrug, "A cop came into teh pizza place and started to try find us." I pull off the cap and sunglasses. "And to my luck he left to respond to some emergency."
"Just gonna lve crime sceens," Ghost jokes as he grabs a couple of slices of pepperoni pizza. "Was he being super crazy with it?"
"Yeah, he was pulling hats off of people like crazy," I tell them.
"What else kept you there?" Heatstroke asked.
"Nothing, just traffic on the way back," I lied. I didn't feel like mentioning about Laura seeing through my disguise.


A/N: Yup Makarov is dead. FINALLY! And now they are at Soap's place!

And le gasp! MacMillian is here! In teh same apartment building as Soap! OMG! Pure coinsidence!
The little scean in the pizza place was just something extra. I needed somehing to kill time. So yeah.

I have the nexxt part planned but I am gonna have something in between. Just for the hell of it.

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