chapter one

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"Kris I'm not going out tonight."

"Bitch, why not." he asks, he's flaming I swear.

"Because I'm not a club kind of girl."

"You are tonight Jade." he says

He hangs up on me, leaving me hanging and forced to go to some club tonight. We are only 18, what fun could I have at a club?


A couple hours later I hear honking come from outside. Kris is here. I check my makeup one last time and grab my phone.

I jump in the car with Kris and get his "are you ready bitch" look.

I groan and lean my seat back more as he blasts Beyoncé in the car. It's his queen.

We pull up to this club, I've never heard of it before and it's deep downtown. All I see though is a line that wraps around the building.

"We are never going to get in there." I say

"Shut up I have my connections."

Great, another gay guy that he's been fucking with. The usual "connection".

We walk up and he's greeted by yet another flaming boy. God I love him, but sometimes it's just too much.

We enter and as usual, Kris leaves me by myself. This is exactly how it goes every time he drags me to a club.

I take it upon myself to walk around and look at the scene. Its of course loud and I can't hear myself think, strobe lights flash along with other colored lights.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to reveal a tall, blonde curly headed man.

He starts talking to me, but I can hardly hear him. I gesture towards the fact that I can't hear him and he gently grabs my hand leading me to a quieter spot.

"I was asking if you're here alone." he chuckles

"Oh no, I'm my friend came with me but he ditched me."

"Gotcha, well do you want to hang with me? I'll watch after you." he winks at me.

Did he just try to make me feel like a child?

"How old are you?" I blurt out

"24, how about you miss?"

"18." I say bluntly

"Do you want a drink?" he offers

My eyes widen, I thought this only happened in movies. I didn't think guys actually offered to buy girls drinks.

"Um sure. Surprise me."

He turns to the bar tender and orders some complicated sounding drink and she returns with a colorful liquid.

"Here." he smiles.

I take the drink and sip off of it for a second.

"So what's your name young lady?" he asks

"Jade." I say trying to keep things short, he's a stranger and not only that he's a bit older than me. I'm not interested.

He nods his head as he takes a sip of his "craft" beer, I just call it expensive beer that taste like shit.

"I'm Ashton." he takes a pause and looks at me deeply.

"But you can call me daddy."

I nearly choke on my drink when he says daddy. I start coughing and trying to gather myself.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me kitten." he says in a deeper tone.

What the fuck. I set my drink down on the bar and walk away.

What a fucking creep.

I look around desperately for Kris. At this point I'm ready to leave, I'm creeped out and tired.

I walk around and start feeling dizzy, I guess from the drink. It was too strong for my taste. Then he pops up again, Ashton.

"Hey are you alright?"


"Let me take you home, you don't look too good." he states as he grabs me by the wrist, leading me out of the club.

We hop in his Jaguar and roll out of the parking lot. I start directing him where to go and we finally reach my place. It's a small apartment, nothing fancy.

I go to get out of the car when I hear the doors lock. I shake my head a little and look over at Ashton who was smiling.

"Can you unlock the doors?" I ask nicely.

"If I can get your number." he says


I take his phone and type in my number. I send myself a message from his phone that way I already know what his number is.

When I click on the home button his home screen pops up and the wallpaper is some kinky tumblr girl with a shirt on that clearly states "daddy".

I cringe and hand his phone back to him. I'll just block his number, problem solved. The doors unlock and I get out as fast as I can.

I practically sprint towards the stairs as I hear the Jaguar roar down the street.

Forget that man.

Seconds later my phone chimes.

from: Ashton

hope to see you again kitten.

I close the messages and throw my phone on the couch. I kick off my heels and literally strip down in my living room. I hate club attire, it's so uncomfortable. I walk back to my room and slide on a cozy nirvana shirt.

Fuck pants who has time for those.

I lay down on my bed and let out a relieved sigh. I'm so glad to be back home.

Tonight was just far too strange for me. I've never had a man address himself as daddy before. Yes I'm still technically a teen, but you don't have to treat me like one and tell me to call you daddy.

The fuck?

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