chapter five

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Ashton's POV

It's been days since I've talked to Jade, my princess. She's most likely mad at me because I left her when she needed me the most. That's part of being punished though, bad girls don't get rewarded.

Luke strolls around the apartment and notices me lounging around in the living room.

"What's going on bud."

"Not much." I say

"Hm really cause I've never seen you so bummed out."


He cuts me off quickly.

"I knew it, something is up. Spill."

"Alright alright." I say

I explain everything about going to the club the other night and meeting Jade and such. He listens closely to me and finally puts a finger up in the air to stop me.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You met a girl, now you're super into her, you treat her like you're her daddy, and now she's ignoring you because you "punished" her." Luke re-explains everything I just said.


"Get the fuck over it dude."

My eyes widen at Luke's sudden harsh tone.

"She's not into you and your daddy kink shit. Move on." he says and gets up to go to the kitchen.

He's right, if she really wanted me the way I want her then she'd be calling me desperately.

"Luke, I'm going out tonight." I yell over my shoulder.

"Yeah okay. Have fun." he says back

I go to my room and put on something nice to wear. It's time to hit the clubs, again.

Forget Jade.

Luke's POV

God dude Ashton is such a freak when it comes to chicks. This is why he's never been in a relationship because when we were younger Calum got him to watch "daddy kink porn" and ever since he's been hooked.

He fantasizes about women calling him daddy.

He wants to have a dominate approach towards a woman. He wants to intimidate them, make them feel like nothing more than a child.

Preferably a little girl.

Not many women are into that and the ones that are, he's not sexually attracted to them. He's got such a strange mental.

Sometimes I don't understand him, he's a great guy, but when it comes to a relationship you might as well avoid the subject.

Because he gets weird.

Super weird.

"Luke, I'm going out tonight." he yells from the living room.

Seriously? Have you not learned your lesson Ash. Clubs are NOT the place to pick up the kind of chicks you are into.

"Yeah okay. Have fun." I say back to him and see him dart upstairs.

Jade. Hmm, I wonder what she looks like.

I go grab Ashton's phone and search through his phone.

Not one picture.

What's her number? Ah. Found it.

I type it into my phone, close out any evidence of me going through his and place it in its original spot.

I text the strange girl and let her know who I am. After about an hour we get to know each other a little more personally.

She's WAY too normal for Ashton. What was he thinking.

Jade Harrison.

I go on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find this girl.

Ashton comes running down stairs and grabs his phone.

"See ya, Luke."


I look at pictures of her. She has wavy lavender hair and pale skin. She's quite beautiful if I must say. A simple silver hoop is strung through her nose, her Jade green eyes stand out next to her hair.

I see where she gets her name from now.

I scroll through more pictures and admire her. She reminds me a lot of my ex-girlfriend, except she had bright neon blue hair that would nearly blind you.

I honestly hated it now that I think about it.

It went horribly with her dark brown almost black eyes.

My ex-girlfriend also had one of those medusa lip piercings. I fucking hated it on her. It looked terrible.

She only got it because I went and had my lip pierced.

Ugh. Enough about her.


Such a beautiful name.

I smile to myself and continue to text her.

I end up making pizza and eating the whole thing without paying attention. I was too caught up texting Jade.

from: Jade

FaceTime? (:

to: Jade

Sure! Call me :)

My phone starts ringing seconds later, her name lighting up the screen.

"Hello!" her voice chirps as I wave with pizza in my hand.

"Hii!" I say excitedly

"Is your lip pierced?!" she shouts

"Yes.." I turn a deep shade of red as she points out my piercing.

"I LOVE IT." she yells with pure excitement.

"So tell me, how do you know Ashton." she asks

"Well we grew up together along with our two other friends."

"Ah! Okay, makes sense."

"And you two met in a club right?" I ask

She nods yes and bites her lip.

"How old are you Jade?"

"18.." she scratches the back of her head. I can tell she's young, she's so energetic and youthful.

"Really? I'm 22." I say cheerfully.

"Oh wow, a little younger than Mr.Irwin."

"Yeah, it's crazy how the two of us met." I cheese extra hard for her and laugh.

"We all became super close in high school, even though we were kinda spread out in age." I explain.

"Well that's nice! I have one friend. He's gay." she laughs and makes my heart skip a beat suddenly.

"How gay?"

"Flaming gay."

We laugh and continue to talk for what seems like hours. Finally she starts getting tired so I let her get some rest.

Then Ashton came home.

Piss wasted and tightly grasping an ugly blonde around the waist.

The two fumble to his room and I basically hear them fuck for three hours.

Just what I wanted to hear.

I don't know how he can deal with her disgusting moans and groans. Then again he's drunk so he won't remember.

When it gets quiet I sneak in and snap a picture of them laying naked in Ashton's bed.

I send it to Jade and tell her "this is what I've dealt with for the last three hours. kms."

She immediately responds.

from: Jade

wow that would have been me if I would have given into his shit. disgusting.

I couldn't agree more.

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