chapter twenty

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Ashton's POV

"Just fucking do it Ashton!!" I scream at myself in the mirror with a gun to my temple.

I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, puffy eyes and messy clothes.

Then the tears, I lower the gun and fall to my knees. Sobbing.

What have I done?

I shouldn't have put my hands on her, I just escalated too fast. I let my anger get the best of me and now she's gone.

There's a soft knock on the door.

"Ash, please come out of the bathroom. you're freaking me out dude." Luke begs.

I unlock the door but stay in the floor. Luke comes in and sees the gun laying on the counter.

"Fuck, Ashton where did you get this??"

"I've had it."

"Well we are getting rid of it." He grabs the gun, unloads it, and takes it to his room.

He returns and hold his hand out to help me up.

"Ashton I hate to say this but you need help.."

He prepares himself for me to yell but I simple nod in agreement.

"I know I do.."

"I'm here for you and I'll help you get through this."

"Thanks." I say quietly.

He helps me to my room and gets me laid down.

"Good night, I'll see you in the morning."

I nod and turn on my side. I stare at the wall for hours, still thinking about how I don't want to go on in this world without her.

I grab my phone and text her.

to: kitten

please talk to me. I need to see you again, I'm sorry about how I treated you. I shouldn't have laid a hand on you, especially since I said I'd never hurt you and I broke that promise.

I lay in my bed waiting for a response, little to my knowledge is actually get one back.

from: kitten

it's Michael, piss off. you're old news and she doesn't want to see you again. you had no right to lay a finger on her. you could never be sorry enough for what you've done to her.

I lay there angry and upset. I know what I did was wrong, but why the fuck is she with Michael?!

to: kitten

let me speak with her.

from: kitten

she's asleep, leave her alone and don't text or call her again.

to: kitten

I'll do as I please Clifford.

I throw on a jacket and shoes, swinging my door open and sprinting to the front door so Luke can't stop me.

I run to my car, ignite the engine, and speed off to the Hood residence.

I go around back and knock on the back door. Calum opens the door and I push in.

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