chapter eighteen

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***Authors note***

I'm so sorry that I've sucked at updating lately. I've just got a bunch of stuff going on so I often forget about my story, but I've been writing a lot so I'll be updating more. it's taking a twist ;)

Ashton's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar place, the stench of alcohol, marijuana, and sweat remaining in the house.

I rub my eyes as I try to adjust to the room, looking down to find myself naked.


I look over to see a blue haired girl. I don't even remember her name.

I try to carefully get out of bed to find my clothes when the door swings open.

"Ashton are you in-" Luke walks in and stops mid sentence when he sees me naked along with a stranger.

"What did you do Ashton??"

"I don't know?!"

"God damn it." Luke groans as he grabs my clothes and throws them at me.

"We have to go, now." he demands as I throw my boxers and pants back on leaving my shirt thrown over my shoulder as I carry my shoes out.

I feel bad leaving the girl so vulnerable but I can't stay.

I can't believe I had sex with her though. why did I allow that to happen? What even happened??

"How do you not know what happened?" Luke questions as he drives my car.

"I don't know it's like I was fine and with it one second and the next I was waking up naked."

"Dude, what if she drugged you??"

"I don't know Luke. maybe I had too much to drink, like always."

"Whatever, blame it on the alcohol as usual."

I sit in silence as we pass shopping centers on our way home.

"Are you going to tell her?"


"Jade you idiot." he hisses with annoyance.

"It'd break her heart. she can't find out about this Luke, do you understand?"

"Yeah I understand, but it's fucked up to keep it from her."

"I know I just can't bare the though of losing her."

We finally pull up to the apartment, when I see a familiar face sitting on the tail gate of a white pick up.


We get out and Luke leaves us alone, which I appreciate but I have such an elephant sitting on my chest.

"Hey daddy."

"Hey kitten." I walk up to her and stand in between her legs as she wraps her arms around me.

She smells like cigarettes and perfume.

"Why are you smoking?"

"I always have, I just seem to be stressed out lately." she says quietly.


"I don't know, just life. You know?"


"Are you okay ash?"

"I um, yeah, I'm just hungover." I clear my throat and back away from her.


Oh shit. I didn't tell her I went to a party last night.

"Uh yeah, Luke and I went to a little party. Nothing crazy and we drank."

"Oh.. so that's why you left yesterday?"

"Yeah.." I feel guilty.

"What are you hiding Ashton? Something's wrong."

"Why do I have to be hiding something?"

"Because you always act like a puppy that has just gotten into the trash and doesn't want his owner to know it was him, when you're hiding something."

My heart rate speeds up as she confronts me.

"Can we go inside?"

"I guess."

I grab her hand and lead her to my apartment. Luckily Luke has started playing Fifa and won't be around until tomorrow.

I sit down as she keeps standing, waiting for me to speak.

" it was a frat party that we went to. I had no intentions of staying long or drinking much, Luke had a buddy that invited us so we went. well while I was there this girl started chatting with me, nothing crazy and she got piss wasted. well I helped her to a bedroom and she didn't want me to leave due to her fear of someone coming in and taking advantage of her considering it's a frat party. Well then I layer down on the edge of the bed, she kissed me and that's the last thing I remember before waking up completely naked..."

Tears stream down her face, but she's not sad. She's angry, you can see it in her eyes.

"Fuck you Ashton. Don't ever come near me again, I fucking hate you!" she screams at me.

Her words hit me like a bus, hard.

"Jade please-"

"Don't." She hisses

I get up and step to her as she tries to leave.

"Please don't leave me." I beg her.

"You can't fix this Ashton, I'm such an idiot to think you'd change."

I grab her by the wrists and pull her close, squeezing them.

"Stop it!! STOP!" I yell at her as she tries to yank herself away from me.

"Don't fucking do this to me Jade!!"

"You did this to yourself Ashton."


"You didn't last time either."

My grip gets tighter on her small arms as rage begins to consume me.

She winces in pain as I keep holding onto her. She slams her fists into my chest a few time before screaming at me again.

"LET GO!!"


Soon enough Luke comes running out and sees me holding her tightly.

"Ashton stop!!" he yells at me, making me angrier.

I throw Jade into the couch hearing her yelp in pain as I now point my finger in Luke's face.

"Go back to your fucking room, this doesn't concern you." I growl at him, he follows my instructions and turns away.

I turn back to Jade, seeing her wrists purple and blue along with tears of pain filling her face.

I slide the coffee table out of my way and sit down against the closest wall, pulling her limp body into my lap.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper.

"you're the biggest liar I've ever met, I don't ever want to see you again."

She throws my arms off of her and runs out of the apartment and down to her truck.

Leaving me in emotional pain and tears.

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