chapter seventeen

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Jade's POV

The words hit me like a bullet in the chest. It stings but it feels so good.

He turns his head to look at me, worry consuming his emotions. I feel bad, I'm just not there yet. I don't know if I love him, hell we aren't even dating.

"I'm sorry.." Ashton whispers as he sits up, grabbing his clothes and putting them back on.

My mouth opens but no words escape. Why can't I just say it back to make him feel better?

"Ashton, can we talk about this."

"I shouldn't have said that, I know it's too soon."

"No, I mean.., love doesn't have a time limit. You can be in love with me whenever you feel like it's right. It's just.."

"What baby?"

"I'm not quite in love with you yet.."

"That's okay, I'll wait as long as I have to for your love." He shoots me a small smile.

I smile back and clutch the sheets in my hands.

Ashton notices and pulls the sheets back from my grasp, exposing my bare body.


"What? I like looking at you." he grins and grabs me by the hips pulling me closer.

He examines ever inch of my body, delicately touching my skin.

"I'm glad I'm the only one who gets to see you like this." he says softly.

He looks up at me, his eyes soft as ever. What is this man doing to me?

I softly peck him on the lips, recieving a small grin from him after.

"I swear you've put a spell on me." he whispers.

I look down at the bed and smile a little. He hooks his finger under my chin bringing my eyes back up to his.

"Don't look away princess. I like looking at your eyes."

"Okay daddy." I whisper as he places his big hand on my cheek. I lean my face into it and close my eyes for a second.

I haven't desired the touch of a human being in so long. Now that Ashton has shown up it seems as if I can't breathe without his touch.

His phone starts chimming.

"Hang on its Luke."

He crawls off the bed and exits my bedroom, while he's gone I throw my clothes back on and decide to walk closer to see what's up.

"Dude I'm with Jade right now."

"What time?"

"Okay okay, fine I'll go."

He huffs and starts walking back. I casually act as if I heard nothing and pick up things from the floor.

"Everything okay?"

"Um yeah, bad news though. I have to jet."

"So soon?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry baby girl."

"It's okay, I have things I need to do today anyways."

"I'll see you later, okay?"

I nod my head and he kisses my forehead, leaving me in my room alone.

"well shit, now what?"

Ashton's POV

I head home from jade's house to change and freshen myself up after Luke calls.

I walk in my front door and Luke greets me.

"Hey man, I'm just going to clean up and then we can go. Okay?"

"Yeah go ahead." he says and waves me off.

I go in my room and grab clean clothes to change. I apply a nice layer of cologne and fix my hair up.

I'd say I look party worthy.


I walk out of my room and meet Luke at the door. We go down to my car, hop in, and head to a frat party.

"How'd you find out about this party?"

"An old buddy of mine from high school. He's still in college and he's in the frat there. He said we could come."


We pull up and the music blares from the house. Strobe lights flash and people are all over the place. Drunk people making public affairs and others vomiting on others shoes.

I haven't been in a scene like this one in a long time.

We walk into the massive house and are greeted by Luke's friend, Kyle.

I introduce myself and head off to the alcohol. There in the kitchen I find a bar with a bartender.

Quite odd but sweet.

I get a drink and turn around to see a girl, 19 at the most, dark blue hair and a dress tighter than most I've seen before.

She looks over at me and sees me gawking at her.

Soon enough she's right in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Allie."


"Nice to meet you, did you come alone?"

"no I'm here with a buddy."

She nods and looks around the room.

"So how old are you? You look too old for a frat party."

"I'm 24, how about yourself?"

"Just turned 20."

"Oh nice." I take a sip of my drink and nod.

She smiles and I return one.

"Do you want to go somewhere and sit?" I ask randomly.

"I'm yeah, sure!" she guides me through the house since I clearly have no idea where I'm going.

After we sit, I drink about 7 more beers and find myself slurring, Allie can't hardly sit up at this point.

"Hey are you o-okay?" I spit out.

"I think I need to lay down now.."

"Here let me help you upstairs." I grab her by the hand and help her up the stair case.

"Here's a quiet room for you.." I push open the door and shut it behind me.

I help her stumble to the bed and lay her down.

"Thank y-you." she mumbles.

I go to leave but she grabs my hand.

"wait, I don't want to be left alone. what if someone comes in here?"

"Oh..okay, I guess I can stay with you."

I go to the other side of the bed and lay down on the edge.

"Why are you so far away?" she giggles as I feel her scoot closer and wrap herself around me.


"Shh, it's okay. you don't have to explain to me." she looks me in the eyes and plants her toxic lips on mine.

The alcohol stirring in both of us, hormones flying throughout the house.

Then suddenly everything was a blur.

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