chapter three

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Jade's POV

6:45 a.m

"What do you want Kris?"

"Oh thank god. You're alive." he lets out a deep breath.

"Why wouldn't I be?"


"I fucking disappeared??" I feel annoyance build inside me. Like did he really just say that I left HIM.

"Whatever. That's beside the point. So who'd you bang?" he asks

"No one? I came home and that was it."

"No action? What the fuck Jade. So lame."

I swear sometimes I just want to put him in a choke hold.

"I have some respect for myself you know. Unlike you." I spat at him.

I hear him gasp on the other end and I take the opportunity to hang up on him.

My phone starts buzzing almost immediately. Kris's number flashes brightly in my eyes as I ignore it. He's not going to make me a slut or shun me because I'm not one.

I've had sex with one guy and it was my ex. I regret it and wish it never happened, but since then I haven't even thought about it.

I hate to fight with Kris, we've been best friends since elementary school, but he's not going to treat me that way.

No one is.

My phone buzzes again, I figure it's a message from Kris, but I'm wrong.

It's Ashton, or "Daddy" as he refers himself as.

from: Ashton

So was I dreaming or did you call me daddy last night?

I scroll through the messages and screenshot them. I sure enough did but only to give him some kind of satisfaction. I'll never say it to his face and I'll probably never say it through a text again.

Hell I may never see this character again, if I can help it at least.

I send him the screenshot and wait for a response.

from: Ashton

well I guess you did then.

lunch? ;)

to: Ashton

if you're buying.

from: Ashton

of course princess.

to: Ashton

it's a date then. What time?

from: Ashton

just be ready at 12. I'll come get you. :)

to: Ashton


I lock my phone and lay it on the bed. Well it's 7 now, guess I should eat some breakfast and shower.

I go to the kitchen and microwave some frozen pancakes.

I get out the syrup and drown them with it and start eating. The apartment is quiet and still. Sometimes it's a little lonely here and I wish I had a companion, but then again I enjoy being single.

No hassles, no stress, and no constant worries about what your significant other is doing when you aren't around.

I finish eating and clean up, then I head for the shower to clean myself up.

I hop in the warm stream of water and let it run down my slight curves and skin. I lather up and rinse myself down feeling refreshed and clean already.

I dry my body off carefully and lather up with lotion. I love my skin being soft, don't judge.

I brush my teeth and walk around my apartment nude so the lotion can fully dry before I put my clothes on. I hate feeling sticky and stuff. I walk out of my room while looking down at my phone, still butt naked.

I hear someone clear their throat, I look up and scream when I see Ashton standing in my living room.

"You should really lock your front door." he states and lets out a little chuckle.

I run back to my room and shut the door. Oh my gosh he just saw me nude.

My heart races at the fact that he just saw my bare body. I hear a knock on the door and know it's him.

"One second let me get decent." I say

I throw on my clothes and unlock the door. The second I turn the knob he pushes in and plants his lips on mine. His large hands roam my body as he picks me up.

I can't lie, I'm enjoying this kiss but I'm not ready for this.


"Stop." I say in between kisses. He stops and sets me down on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I-I I just couldn't help myself. You're beautiful in every way." he says, my heart skips a beat and I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

Ashton lets go of my hips and walks out of the room. I finish getting ready and walk out.

"You ready Ash?"

"Of course baby doll."

We walk out and I lock up. He escorts me down to his car, the same all black Jaguar from last night. Might I say it's a nice car.

He opens the passenger door for me as I sit down in the car. He gently shuts the door and makes his way around the car to his side.

Once he gets in he looks over at me and gives me a smile. God those dimples.

He cranks the engine up and I hear the sports car roar. We pull off the street and start making our way deep in the city. We pull up to a pretty nice restaurant, I've seen it before but I've never been here.

Ashton does the same routine as before and opens the door for me to get out.

Such a gentleman.

We walk inside and I notice a table full of boys about my age. A couple of them wave to me and wink. I wave back and Ashton notices.

"Do you know them?"

"No, I'm just being friendly. They waved at me."

He slides his hand from where my rib cage is down to my butt, pulling me closer and glaring at the table of boys.

"Well don't be friendly. You're mine."

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets in shock. Did he really just say that I'm his?


The hostess guides us to our table, it's a quiet corner table. Ashton pulls my chair out for me and I take a seat.

He sits directly across for me and stares at me.


"Are you getting sassy?"

"Maybe." I roll my eyes and pick up the menu.

Ashton slaps it out of my hands and holds it down on the table.

"Don't roll your eyes at daddy."

I clench my fists and roll them again right in his face. Ashton grabs my thigh under the table and squeezes hard. I let out a little whimper and try to pry his hand off.

"Someone's getting punished later."

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