Chapter 21

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My eyes shut as the hot water runs down my back. My hair is wet and smells like strawberrys after using the shampoo. My mind is racing with all the unanswered questions that my mother is keeping from me. I try to forget for now and let the hot, steamy water relax my muscles.

I rake my fingers through my wet hair to make sure all of the shampoo is out and I grab a sponge and start to take all of the dirt and blood off of my body. When I look down to my feet the water is a strange mixture of red and brown. I lean my head against the tiles of the shower wall and flinch at the sudden chill.

I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired. Both mentally and physically. This is my first shower in a long time and I thought I'd at least enjoy it more.  I look down at my arms, legs and my stomach. Everywhere has a scar or bruise. I look at my waist to see that the wound is healing, but I know that the scars and marks will always be there and they will be for the rest of my life, reminding me of the past. I know that even if I try to forget what happened it won't work, i'll never be the same. I'll never be able to forget.

I want to stay in the shower until the water goes cold but I remember Rick saying Carl still needs to have one. Instead, I turn it off and step outside to wrap a towel around me. I walk over to the mirror above the sink and wipe the condensation off it. I look at myself my eyes are exhausted and my frown lines seem permanently etched into my skin. I try to relax my face. I ignore the cuts and bruises. I'm tired of looking at them and I know it'll be a few more days until they're gone. I'll pretend they're not there.

I open the presses under the sink to find a hairbrush, facecloths, razors, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and my dads old shaving cream.
I decide to do something i've never got to do before. It's nothing big, it's just something a normal teenage girl would do. So I take out a razor and sit on the floor to shave my legs.

It's not as easy as it seems. I've knicked myself a few times and I have to ignore the small sting as I swipe the blotches of blood away. People in movies or commercials made this look a lot easier.

After that, I grab the tootbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth, tasting the familar mint. I brush for a long time before washing off my brush and doing it all over again. Last but not least I take out the hairbrush and yank it through my knotted hair. After it's detangled I look around and find that I forgot to even bring a pair of clean clothes.

I groan. Can this day honestly get any worse. I chance it and double check that my towel is wrapped securely around me. I dash for the door and hope that nobody is there, but of course i'd forgotten that I've been gifted with the shittiest luck in the whole world. So I'm not completely surprised when I find myself practically face to face with Carl the moment I open the door.

I grip my towel tighter around myself but other than that compose myself. I try to act as unfazed as possible.
"I,uh.... I'm sorry.... I was, um, I was just going to go for a shower. I didn't know you were still in there." He rushes, his cheeks red as he looks to the ground.

"Um, don't worry about it." I say calmly but I practically run away. My feet bring me to my bedroom and I grab the door handle and twist it quickly, launching myself inside the moment the door is open. I shut it behind me just as quickly.

Christ Madison! Good job, really smooth.

I look around my room for anything to wear but all of the clothes here belonged to a seven year old Madison.
Ugghhh jeez!! This day just keeps getting better and better.

With a sigh, I turn back around and this time I check the hall before mortifying myself. I peer outside the door and find the gall empty. Carl must have already gone for his shower. Just as I'm about to make a move I hear footsteps on the stairs. I relax once I see her.

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