Chapter 120- Final Chapter.

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Last Chapter of this book but there will be a sequal and I'll post about it when I have the first chapter published. It would mean a lot if you continued to read. This will be a long chapter but bare with me the ending is worth it(I hope 😂)

Madisons pov.
I hold the test in my shaking hands and I have to blink really hard and stare at it again and again until it sinks in.
No. No. No. No. No.
I take two more tests again and go through the same routine. All the while thinking:
This cannot be happening, I mean how could it, I haven't had sex in a long time and the only person I ever did it with was Carl.... OH MY GOD...CARL!!!

This isnt real its just a really bad nightmare that I have to wake up from.
I stay sitting on the ground and actually pinch myself to get myself to wake up. I literally started pulling my hair and bashing my fists to my forehead and my last attempt was headbutting the ground. But I never woke, but it cant be real except the small voice in the back of my mind says it is real. I grab the box of pregnancy tests and the ones ive used and walk back into my room throwing them all under the matress of my bed. My chest begins to heave and move at irregular rates. My breathing is loud and uneven and tears form at my eyes.
I need to get out of here.
Im being trapped behind these walls and im sick of it. I need air, I need to think.
I feel wave after wave of fear and my stomach gave out on me. I could hear my heart pounding so loudly I thought it was gonna come out of my chest. My hands become cold and sweaty and my head hurts. I pull on proper clothes and a coat and then lace my shoes on my feet. I quietly walk down the hall. Everyone is in bed now and the house is silent. I quietly race to the sitting room to collect my bow and arrows that are still lying at the end of the couch. A figure on the couch moves in the dark and I have to bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming and waking everybody.
"Where are you goin Mads." Luke asks
I forgot that he was still here. He must have woken up.
"Out." I snap.
"No, you can't its too dark out. Its dangerous. I wont let you." He tries desperately to stop me.
"You couldnt stop me if you tried. You're battered, I bet you can't lift yourself off the couch. And if you dare tell anyone I swear i'll make those walkers look less threatening." I promise. I swing my arrows onto my back and make my way towards the door, carefully and quietly unlocking it and then reminding Luke
"Dont follow me and dont say anything to anyone. Ill be back in a few minutes." I tell him and shut the door behind me. I take deep breaths an wipe away the tears that keep spilling down my face as I walk towards the gate. I see people on watch duty so I quickly turn and avoid their attention. I jog to the fence and put my knife in the holes in the walls to use as a step to climb higher and higher, I also used the steel bars to step on until I reach the top.

 I jog to the fence and put my knife in the holes in the walls to use as a step to climb higher and higher, I also used the steel bars to step on until I reach the top

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when I finally reach the top I jump down landing on my hands and knees. I pick myself up and I pay attention to the stinging in my hands as its the only feeling other than fear that I can feel right now. I load my bow and run into the amounts of trees. I dont know how far I run but I know that i've been running for quite some time and never stopped. The weight on my chest only gets heavier and I feel like i'm suffocating. I cant breath. When I finally stop running I gasp for breath and throw up beside a tree. I sink to the ground and hold my stomach.
Thats when I realised:
This is real. This is happening.

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