Chapter 63

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Madisons Pov.
The adrenaline couses through my veins and I feel ready to sprint a marathon which is strange seen as I have been puking blood for at least a week now, maybe more. I lost count.
Daryl and I are standing ready at the back door of the hotel covered in walker guts. His hand is ready on the door handle.
"When we're out there just remember. No talking. No running. No sudden movements.... Don't. Draw. Their. Attention. This city belongs to the dead and i'm not planning on joining them." Daryl tells me.
"I got it. I'm not to keen on dying either. I've got your back, you've got mine?"
He nods and gently pushes open the door. The sunlight stings my eyes but I help Daryl push the heavy metal door, praying it won't make a loud squeeking noise.
We walk outside and he wasn't kidding when he said the block was over-run
Holy shit! I can't even see the bottom of the block. They're everywhere.

I walk forward right behind Daryl. He's guiding the way seen as I have never been in the city and I have no clue where i'm going. It's weird to think that just one small little slip up and i'll be dead. I've never much believed in God but a part of me hopes I see my family, but another part dreads it. I'm most likely going to hell. They didn't do anything to end up there. They shouldn't be there. I'd be scarred for them to see what I've become. What im capable of.

We walk past a few walkers and my heart is beating so hard against my chest I can't believe the walkers can't hear it. I can hear my pulse in my ears without trying. A few walkers turn their heads slightly to examine us but ignore us when they notice we're 'dead'.
We slowly walk in crooked lines down the block until we are quater ways through. We are deeper into the crowd of walkers and there a millions of them packed. We are literally brushing off the walkers and i'm sweating bullets. Some of the walkers are rubbing off the guts on my sheet and i'm nervous that they can smell me. Daryl looks behind to me and I look up at him petrified when a walker stands right infront of me smelling me, way to close to my neck. Daryl nods in encouragement and I slowly walk out of the walkers way. The walker follows me and Daryl. We walk a little faster through the block until we are half-way through. The same walker is following us and its brought a chain of other friends with us. They're a few feet away but still close. We are speed walking now because there are many walkers up our ass. Our sheets are nearly gut free now as the walkers took most of it off as we walked past them.
A few minutes later we are nearly onto the exit route on the block. I told Daryl where to meet up with the others. I presume they are still going to the same meet up point as we discussed.
I may as well not be wearing a sheet at all. All the guts are gone and a lot of walkers are following us and it's not worrying until a walker shuffles over to Daryl and starts reaching for him. Daryl swiftly dodges it and it comes straight infront of me. Its hand grabbing my shoulders. I feel it's nails trying to tear my skin, but failing. I push its shoulders back and Daryl jumps into action pulling the walker off me and putting a knife in its head. It drops to the ground and the walkers behind us are now running towards us. We sprint away from them and push past the remaining ones infront of us. I pull the sheet over my head while running. There is no use to it now anyways. I throw it behind me and reach to my back to grab my bow and load it with an arrow. I take out a few walkers infront and Daryl retreives the arrows I don't and hands them to me to reuse. The path in front is now clear but the walkers behind are too close. Dangerously close. If we fall now, we would wish we were dead. I sprint faster but my head is pounding again and I feel faint.
I have to keep going!
We run so fast I feel my hair behind me blowing in all directions with the wind. We round a corner to exit the block and there is a huge walker in front of Daryl. He quickly takes his sheet off and wraps it around the walkers neck and uses his foot, pushing it forward. The walkers body falls to the ground with its head seperately following.
Walkers are coming in all directions now and we both know its only a matter of time until we face death himself.
Walkers come from left, right and center. Circling us. No way out.
I feel a tear fall from my eye knowing that I will never get to see Carl again. I will never get to build my future with him. I'll never again see Rick, my father figure. Maggie and Michonne. My best friends, sisters. And my own blood, my baby sister. I will never get to keep my promise to her. I promised i'd never leave her. I'd never let her get hurt, that I would keep her safe.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she's capable of keeping herself safe. In some ways she is the strongest person I know and in others she is the most delicate and fragile person still living on this planet. I love her. God I love her so much and she doesnt deserve to go through this alone, even if she has to.
I'll fight for her. I'll fight until the end.
Daryl looks at me with defeated eyes.
"I'm not going down without a fight." I tell him.
He holds my hand.
"I wasn't planning on it Mads."

We wait a few seconds until they come closer. I took out my mothers knife and begin taking out as many walkers as I can. To many of them, gathering up on us now. I take my bow out and stab the walkers heads using the bottom of it. Me and Daryl fight until we are back to back and the walkers are inches away from us.
"Shoot the wooden fence." Daryl tells me pointing to the fence beside the building opposite to us. He sends his own arrow flying into it making a mark. His arrow stays in it's position pointing out of the fence. I copy him. I load my bow quickly and aim. I release my grip on the string and my arrow soars through the air taking its position next to Daryls. I know exactly why he told me to do this. Another tear leaves my eye without warning but I quickly swipe it away and face death with a brave face. The walkers are basically ontop of us. We crouch and the walkers lean towards us. I feel their hands grabbing my hair and pulling me back but Daryl holds on tight to me, saving me from falling into the crowd. In a matter of milliseconds loud noises ripple through the air. Walkers fall ontop of us. Except their dead. The noises don't stop. They sound like gun shots. The bodies pile on Daryl and I. The rest of the walkers are a few feet behind us but their still dying.
"How is this possible?" I whisper to myself. Walkers have piled so much ontop of me that I can't even see Daryl or anything thats happening around us.
It's hard to breath, but i'd take this over death anyday.

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