Chapter 65.

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Madisons pov.
I've ran as fast as I could which is pretty slow seen as I'm kinda dying and I have a broken rib. I've been running back to the ambulance for the past 10 minutes. My head is pounding and black spots cover my vision. I shake my head harshly as if to shake the spots away. I feel my chest rise and fall rapidly and that unfortunate familar taste of metal in my mouth. I find myself spitting blood and getting up to run again until my feet give out and i'm on the ground. I cough blood and the noise attracted a stray walker. I slowly pick myself off the ground and when the walker is close enough I use a single arrow to take out the walker instead of my knife. I power walk the rest of the way only to find everyone outside the ambulance looking for something.
"She's here!" Michonne yells to the others.
They all run up to me and I lean over putting my hands on my knees trying to get my breath back.
"Where the hell were you?" Maggie asks frustrated.
"Hospital... Theres ... A ... Hospital." I eventually get out.
They all look confused. I don't know i'm falling over until everyone lets out an "oh" or "ah" in surprise and Carl catches me by the waist and holds one of my shoulders. I lean onto him in support and smile at him in thanks.
"I found a hospital. Theres electricity and people, medicine, doctors...." I ramble.
"No, there couldn't be. Nobody would be that stupid as to have a hospital so close to the city. It's a death wish. It's the living they should fear, not the dead." Rick tells me.
"I swear there is. I saw it." I protest.
"Your ill Mads, your tired. I think you need some sleep." Maggie says to me giving me her hand to help.
I shove it away, irritated.
"I'm not an idiot. I know what I saw."
Everybody just looks around pretending they didn't hear me. I groan in annoyment.
I look at Carl and he looks unsure. At least I know he's considering it.
"Come with me. I can show you. It's just fifteen minutes away." I say.
"Your injured Madison." Carol speaks.
"I'm fine!" I snap.
"Please! Just come and check with me and if you don't believe me afterwards then we'll come straight back and i'll listen to every stupid little order you give me about my well-being." I negotiate.
"Fine. We'll drive though. Everybody hop in." Rick says while getting into the front seat with Abraham beside him.
Carl never lets go of me. He supports most of my weight and helps me up the step of the ambulance. We sit down and I sit on his lap. My head is resting in the curve of his neck with my eyes closed. His arms wrap around me. Protecting me from harms way. I fell him planting small soft kisses in my hair.
"Are you ok?" He whispers.
"Im fine." I whisper back, looking at him and holding his hand rubbing circles on it to calm him. I know he's worried about me.
"If you need anything just tell m-"
"I'm fine Carl. Relax." I whisper in his ear.
A few minutes after the ambulance pulls to a stop and parks. We all get out and hop the fence. Everyone took care of me helped me over with ease. Which was a lot easier than last time. We get inside the fence and I walk towards the gap in the window to show them what I saw earlier today.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Look in." I tell them.
Rick, Glen and Daryl look through the gaps in the window.
"See?" I say excitedly
"Ehhh, no. What am I ment to be looking for?" Glen asks.
"What do you mean no. Open your eyes it's right there." I say waving my hands around.
They look again.
"I still see nothing." Rick agrees with Glen.
I go over to the window myself and push them aside gently.
"Here let me see. I'm sure your just not l-" im cut off, shocked when nothing is there. The setting is the same except the woman isn't at the desk. Nobody is in sight and its pitch dark. No lights.
"But I..... I swear everything was there earlier." I defend.
How could everything be gone it was there half an hour ago.
This is crazy.
"Mads your really sick. You need to rest." Rosita tells me patting my back.
I take a step back clutching my stomach.
"I'm not crazy. I know what I saw." I protest.
"I'm not saying you didn't i'm just saying..." She lies.
"Your saying what?" I agrue.
"God Mads, your not easy to take care of, are you?." Rosita argues back.
"Nope." Maggie agrees.
"Well, I never had someone to look after me. Ever. So excuse me if I want to look after myself." I spit.
"And your doing such a great job. Aren't you? I mean running off on your own outside the city, alone. In the middle of the night. While your sick, might I add." She agrues sarcastically.
I huff and cross my arms like a child.
I turn around and head for the gates. I start to climb it and everyone starts to protest and help me but i just kick them away.
"Oh dry up in a wet bucket, would ya!" I yell.
That shut them up.
I get off the gate on the other side clutching my stomach and rib when I connect with the ground. I find myself limping my way back to the ambulance.
How ironic!
I hop in and wait for the others. I lie down the middle on the gurney and sigh in pain. I lightly lift up my shirt to find a very red looking patch of skin. It was found just above my stomach. It looked like it was under my skin. It looked like blood.....under my skin.
"Oh shit." I whisper.
"What?" Carl says from behind me. I drop my shirt immediatly and whirl around. He's the only one there.
"Nothing." I lie.
He raises an eyebrow.
"Come on we're not playing that game anymore. You already lied to me once. Which wasn't cool by the way."
"I know i'm so sorry Carl. I thought it was gonna get better and go away and then it didn't it just got worse and the truth is I was scared to admit to myself that I was dying." I distract him.
"Hey, your not dying." He tells me while cupping my cheek and leaning his forehead on mine.
"Then whats happening to me Carl? Because I know now whats happening. Everyone else knows whats happening, bar Abbie. I don't think she knows whats going on. Just admit it Carl." I say.
"Because I can't lose you. I'm in a place in my life where I can't afford to lose anybody else." He whispers to me, his voice cracking at the end.
"Carl." I sigh. "I'm sorry, i wish I could do something but I can't. It's just a matter of time." I admit.
"No!" He cries. I swipe away the tears that fall from his eyes. He hugs me gently careful not to hurt me. He puts his head in the curve of my neck and I feel my top soak his tears.
"Carl, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna stick around and annoy you for as long as I can. Okay?" I chuckle.
He lifts his head and forces a smile.
He nods. I wipe away the remaining tears and everyone gathers into the ambulance. I swiftly take Carls hat. Placing it on my head and dodging his attempt to grab it back. He laughs and its good to finally see him smile again.
I feel a smile plaster onto my own face and I can't get it to fade.
We arrive back at our old spot as before and the ambulence parks. I see Carl step outside and i immediately follow.
"Where are you going?" Tera asks.
"Just out to find Carl." I explain.
I follow him outside and I squint in the dark looking for him.
I whirl around and find nothing. Where is that voice coming from?
I look up this time and find Carl sitting on the roof of the ambuance. I laugh and start to climb the ladder at the back of the truck. I reach the top and sit beside him. Clutching my stomach I lie back beside him to look up. All the stars twinkle above us and the view fasinates me. Carl begins to tell me all about the constalations. Pointing them out to me.
"How do you know these?" I ask finally giving his hat back.
He places it in his head. "I dono, i guess my mom taught me." He whispers. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me, keeping me warm.
I wish I could freeze this moment and live in it forever. Because a forever without him scares me to pieces and the worst part is that i'm not the one that has to go on with life. He does. I want him to promise me to look after Abbie but I think thats a touche subject right now. I look up at him and he looks at me. He places a small kiss on my lips and goes back to cuddeling me.
I hear a rustle in the tree on the opposite side of the road. I sit up to find walkers coming towards the ambulence. Not much but enough to cause a blood bath.
I knock on the window roof and it slides open.
"Pass up my bow and arrows. Walkers outside. Better hurry!" I tell them

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