It feels like a long time when you try to find love. You look for it and it seems like it will never be found. But when you hide from it, love finds you so easily. I had never been looking, or hiding from it. I was never really aware true love existed…
Why had I done this? What had I got myself into? My friends had thought it would be a great laugh. I didn’t really know. School had always just been an extra thing in life to me. Something that gave you a boost. Of course what 15 year old boy would know what was important in life? It was the weekend and I went out with the boys to see a movie. After that it was late. Luke’s mom and Dad were out and his big brother was asleep. He decided to take up for a joy ride, and maybe go to see some of the girls in our year that were having a sleepover.
We all thought that this was a great idea. Nobody had their drivers licence but – hey we needed some fun. So Luke decided to drive. The car was quite small it held five people. There were eight of us. Still we all squeezed in. After a quick drive through Atlanta. Then Luke turned around to tell us something and … well you can imagine what happened. The car started to wobble and we were on the wrong side of the road. Another car came speeding down, and then I blacked out. One of the guys, Zack did stay conscious.
Luke was hurt the most, at least in our car. The other car was … different. A family of five were on their way back from a party. The oldest stayed unconscious for the longest. The only boy child, he was about eleven. The middle kid was badly hurt. She might have brain damage and could very possibly be in a wheelchair for the rest of the poor eight year olds life. The youngest, she … died.
I felt s so bad. Even though I would be in crutches for a long while but, I had changed (or at least helped change) a family’s life. I felt so ashamed, embarrassed. I didn’t think I would be able live with myself. I sat in hospital shaking with nerves. My heart shattered when I found out about the baby. I almost died myself.
Never before had I, ever been in trouble with the cops. We have to pay a fine, but of course being fifteen I didn’t have anything. I had been grounded for life. I couldn’t go to school because I had broken my left arm, but my parents were keen on punishing me more. So my parents had to pay for my reckless behaviour. I was not allowed to see any of the boys or go out, but I can imagine Luke got in a lot more trouble than me.
The weeks went on slowly. I started to form a little routine. Wake up, get ready, and eat. Then after I would get taken to school ( I usually walked – with Luke ), go through school – mom and dad couldn’t stop me seeing my friends then but it was awkward knowing none of us are allowed to be friends. Then I would get picked up and dropped off at the Mullen’s house (the family that I helped to almost kill) and would help them out with Molly’s homework, and the cleaning. The other boys helped, but at different times. I would walk home, then do my homework, eat and go to bed. That was my life.
Eventually after months of going on like this I got to stop. My family were going on vacation to Italy. Brea wouldn’t be coming with us. She had stopped coming on vacations with us for a while now. She would go somewhere else with her friends/boyfriend (at the time). Brea didn’t live with us anymore… which sucked. She was my only older relative and she was really cool. I had to look after Fay. She was ten, I was fifteen and Brea was twenty. I was the only boy in the family, well Dad doesn’t really count as a boy, he was a man – I was on my way there though!