Meeting daddy

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The ride to Charming, California from home was long. Mom didn't say a word to me, and my sister was sleeping. I hadn't ever met my father, All I knew was that he was president of some biker club and mom was a one night stand. I don't like my mother for the things she's done to me and my sister, so I don't blame him for only letting her be a one night stand.

We pulled up to a garage of some sort and mom told me to stay in the car while she went to go talk to him.

"What's his name?" I asked, curiously as she got out of the car.

She looked at me as if I asked something she didn't even want to answer. "Clay." She finally said flatly as she got out of the car.

I watched her as she walked into the garage, nobody greeted her, of course. I ran my hand through my hair and looked back at Kayla, who was still sleeping with her headphones in. She was the only thing I would really miss about home, if Clay even decided he wanted to keep me. I don't know what mom plans on saying when she walks in there or how she expects him to even believe her, but if it works, this will be my new home. My mind wonders back to the day mom told me I was leaving...


"God Sinna, You're just like your piece of shit father." She started, looking at me standing in front of her in hand cuffs.

I had been with some friends, and things went bad. The cops came, and took me to her.

"Yeah, unfortunately she's mine." She stated, looking the cop in the eyes. He nodded at her and undone the hand cuffs.

"Might want to have a talk with her." He told her, nodding his head at me, showing mom he was talking about me. Mom nodded her head, thanking him before closing the door.

"Can't you just stay out of trouble for one fucking night." She said. Her breath smelt like alchohol and I could smell the sex in the air. She disgusted me.

"Why can't you go one night with out bringing home some trashy man to sleep with." I snapped. Before I had time to take back what I had said her hand came across my face, connecting hard with my left cheek.

My own hand came up to cover the cheek that was sure to have a nice red mark in a few minutes, as my mouth dropped. She had never hit me before and it shocked me.

When I turned to run back to my room I saw a man standing in my door way, Causing me to panicked a little. I never knew the men mom brought home, so I didn't trust them. Although none of them have ever tried to touch me, I've seen the looks I've gotten. But this guy wasn't giving me that look. He looked furious.

"Who are you calling trashy?" He asked, his voice was deep, but raspy, like he had been smoking for a long time. He was a heavy looking man, but most of that was muscle. Looking at him, I knew my best bet was to run. I turned on my heels and took off toward the door, only to be stopped by my mother standing in front of me to knock me backwards on my ass.

A few muttered cuss words left my mouth as I scurried to my feet. The man that was standing in front of my door was now standing right in front of me. His fist balled by his sides. Mom wouldn't let him hit me, would she?

~end of flashback~

Needless to say, that's how I got the ugly bruises on my sides, and my lip had a little gash on it. I was kind of happy that I wasn't going to be living with her anymore. She never cared enough to keep me safe and then wondered why I loved her.

After what felt like hours in the hot car she finally walked outside and waved her hand for me to come in.

I stepped out of the car and sighed a little, getting nervous. He must be in there if she told me to come in, and I'm guessing that means she was able to at least talk him into wanting to meet me. This wasn't a time to be quessing, I thought as I made my way to the door.

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