Guns, it is.

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Sinna waited in the jail cell for exactly three hours and twenty three minutes when Jax came walking up, a smirk on his face and a cigarette already in hand, and an officer closely behind him. "I told you it wouldn't be long." He told Sinna, as the guard began unlocking her cell. 

Sinna looked up at the guard, a smile spread across her face as she shoved her cuffed hands in front of him. 

The officer gave her a smug look, before roughly grabbing her wrist and unlocking them. "This isn't over." He said, looking between Jax and Sinna. 

Jax motioned his head toward the door, telling Sinna to follow him.

Sinna waked toward the door, her head high like the others when they were being arrested. They had managed to get her out so quickly, she never had time to be questioned. 

When they got outside, Gemma was waiting by her rental car, and she immediately ran up when she seen the two walk out of the police station together. 

"Relax mom, we're okay." Jax told her, as the women pulled them both into a hug. 

"they're keeping Clay." Gemma told them, a sorrowful expression on her face. "They claim they have evidence that leads them to the guns." She explained.

Jax looked at her for a moment, before nodding his head. "Call Wayne and find out what that evidence is." He told her, putting the cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He took a puff, before looking to Sinna. "I've got some things to explain to you." He paused for a moment. "We're going to got to the clubhouse and clean up a bit." He told her, hopping on his bike. He nodded his head, telling her to get on the bike with him. 

Sinna hopped on the back of his bike, wishing she were driving one instead. The first ride by herself wasn't long enough for her to fully experience the bikes power. 

Sinna smiled slightly as the bike started up and smiled even wider as he began to drive. So maybe she wasn't driving, but this was pretty exciting itself. Her mind wandered off to the events that had previously happened. What did they want with Samcro? And why did they assume Sinna knew anything. They acted as if they had been watching them for a long time, but if that were so they would know that  she had only been with for a few days. There was no way she could know what they were talking about. 

A part of her was afraid to find out. Afraid that if she knew, she wouldn't be able to hold in the secret. The quilt from killing those two men in that meth lab was already eating away at her. She had took a small nap in the jail and while she was asleep she dreamed of the one she left in the bedroom. The one she felt most responsible for. She had drug him into the bedroom and left him there to die. No matter how many times she told herself that it was for her family she would always feel bad for it. She had dreamt about his family. The children she thought he might have and the wife that had been lying in bed waiting her husbands return. 

Seeing the sign "Teller Marrow" brought her attention to the fact that they were at the clubhouse. As Jax pulled to a stop, she slowly got off the bike, looking at the entrance. From them outside you almost couldn't tell that the whole thing had been destroyed. 

Jax looked to Sinna and his face was stern, as he pulled out an envelope with her name on it. "This is your cut for the meth lab." He told her.

She gave him a confused look, and looked into the envelope, counting up 1,200 dollars. She looked back up to Jax, the same confused expression on her face. "What do you mean my cut?" She asked him. 

"Things around here probably aren't what you're used too." He began, the same expression never leaving his face. "We control what gangs have guns in Charming, and we control a few other things that you will learn about as time goes on." He added. 

"So. the meth lab?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side, to show her confusion.

"They were cooking meth in our territory." He explained to her. "We're not bad people, we don't like drugs being sold in Charming, and we don't want guns in the wrong hands." He told her. 

she looked up at him, a little shocked by his honestly. "Why are you telling me this?" She asked him, squinting her eyes slightly as the sun beamed in her eyes. 

"I trust you, Sinna." He said, quietly, almost as if he were afraid of someone hearing him. "I want to get the club out of selling guns. I want us to work on protecting our community from drugs and violence." He added, a hopeful glint in his eyes. It was moments like this that made Sinna happy she always paid attention to people's body language. 

Sinna nodded her head. "And what about the rest of the guys?" She asked. 

Jax immediately shook his head. "Absolutely not talk of this to the other guys." He said. "They go with whatever Clay wants, and he only cares about making the money." Jax told her. 

Sinna took in every word he said, as her heart became slightly anxious. "What's going to happen to Clay?" She asked him, a slightly worried tone in her voice. 

"His hands are giving out. I don't know why, but he won't be able to ride for much longer, and then he will have to step down and I will be president, and you will be my Vice President." He explained. 

Sinna's chest pounded at the thought. Would she really be ready to take on the responsibility of of the V.P? She wasn't even sure that was something she would ever be ready to do, but in the heat of the moment she nodded her head. "Okay." She agreed. 

Jax nodded his head right before his phone rang. He pulled it out and gave her a look. "It's Gemma, hold on." He flipped open the little phone. "Hello?"

Sinna watched his face, as he spoke to his mother "So we will take care of it and he will be free by tomorrow." He told her, a worried expression on his face, before hanging up. 

He looked over to Sinna, and his expression was slightly nervous, causing her stomach to flip. "We have to blow up the whole stash tonight." He told her, his face showing even more anxiety than before.

After a moment Sinna realized what he meant. "So, we have to blow up where our money comes from?" She asked him, her own face showing slight nervousness. 

He nodded his head, and sighed. "And since Clay is locked up, I'm President." He told her. "You ready for your first duty as V.P?" He asked her. 

A small smile crept onto Sinnas face as she nodded her head. Surprisingly enough, he smiled too, and they headed into the clubhouse.

Jax looked up to Sinna and sighed. "Unfortunately a lot of our originals are still locked up, So I am going to have to call in a nomad to help us pull this thing off." He told her. "You go get some sleep, it'll take him a little while to get here." He told her, nodding his head toward the bedroom, she had stayed in since she had been here. 

She nodded her head, but she knew her face showed nothing but uneasiness as she made her way to the lonely bedroom. 

"Hey, Sinna." He poke up, softly, causing her to look up at him. "I'll be in here the whole time you're sleeping." He told her, smiling to reassure her. 

Sinna smiled back at him and nodded. "Thank you, Jax." She said, before walking in and closing the door. Little did Jax know, being alone in the room with her own vicious thoughts was the last thing she wanted. 

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