Cold hearts to Empty Bottles

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Sinna woke, moving her head from side to side, with a pounding In her head. It didn't take long for her to remember the events that happened before she went out.

Sinna frantically started flopping her arms around, which wouldn't move, causing her to look up and see that she had been strung back up, in a warehouse that was too familiar for her liking.

It was the same wearhouse she had been in with Gemma. Her heart raced as as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Fuck." She muttered to herself , as she heard a door fly open, her heart racing even more. Sinna was terrified of what was to come, and there was no denying that.

The man walked out in front of her and she noticed that it was the same man that had took her and Gemma. "Don't you fucking touch me." She spat, her body lashing , in an attempt to get through the ropes holding her arms.

Sinna looked up at her arms, realizing the scars that had healed, were being cut over again by the rope.

The man walked up to Sinna, and roughly grabbed her face, making her look his way. "The more you fight, the more it hurts, darlin." He told her, clearly trying to mimic Jax's voice.

Her stomach turned, as she continued to lash her body. "I don't want to have to hurt you." He began, before letting out a cruel chuckle. "Yes, I do." He said, pulling out the pocket knife that she had stabbed someone with.

Sinna's eyes went wide, as she seem him open the knife, and the dried blood still on it. "You recognize this?" He asked her, harshly. "It's the same one you jabbed into my shoulder. Woulda got you out there if my partner hadn't been with me."

Almost of if on cue, the partner came walking in the door. "Oh, she's a firstly one." Sinna heard him say, causing her to relax her body. She was not about to give them anything they wanted, and clearly this man liked a fight.

The man in charge looked from his friend to Sinna, before stepping closer to him, and pressing his body up against hers. " I told you what would happen if they didn't listen." He started, bringing the knife to the opening of her shirt, like he had done Gemma. "Only thing I didn't tell you is, they're gonna find your body in a ditch, with you barely clinging to life." He told her, his breath brushing across her ear.

Her body shivered slightly, before she began gently swaying it back and forth. She was barely moving, so it was hardly even noticeable to the man in the mask.

When he did notice that her body was swaying it was too late.

Sinna brought her legs up as high as she could and used every bit of her Force to kick the man in the chest, causing the man behind her to grab a handful of her hair, and pull it backwards.

Sinna let out a loud Yelp, as her head was jerked back, and she seen that the man in front of her was still doubled over trying to catch his breath. "You better be worth all this damn trouble." The man behind her, raspily whispered in her ear.

Sinna's nose scrunched up at the man's disgusting comment, and she let her right leg kick backwards, connecting with the man's shin.

He let out a groan, hopping backwards, with his hurt shin in his hand.

The man in front of Sinna pulled his arms back behind his head and brought the pocket knife roughly into Sinna shoulder, causing her to yell out in pain. The whole blade had made its way into her shoulder.

Sinna threw her head back in defeat, letting her body dangle from the ropes. "Do what you want." She began. "But just so you know, they're not gonna care. Nobody cares about me." She told him, closing her eyes.

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