Home is where Family is

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When Sinna woke up, her head was pounding and her throat was groggy from the liquor she had the night before. The bottle laid on it's side beside her bed, about half full. Sinna accidentally kicked it, as she threw her feet off the bed.

She lifted her arms in the air, pulling them back behind her head to stretch, just as she heard the bathroom door opening.

She jumped, slightly startled, turning to see Jax, still buttoning his pants. "Sorry about that, doll." He told her, a smirk already on his face. "Figured you would still be asleep." He chuckled, motioning toward the bottle by her bed.

Sinna let out a little chuckle of her own, before running her hands through her hair, and leaving them to rest on her throbbing forehead. "I don't even want to think about the alcohol." She said, her head seeming to throb more at the thought.

Jax came over and took a seat beside her on the bed. "It hits all of us differently the first time around." He told her, his smirk turning into a serious expression. "You did good last night, you just have to remember, last night, it was us, or it was them, and you chose your family."

Sinna stared at him for a moment taking in what he had just said. The word family causing her heart to flutter. "Nobody has called me that in a really long time." She told him, honestly, a hint of pain in her voice.

Jax smiled, as he threw his arm over her shoulder. "Regardless what Clay says, you're my sister." He spoke with a Stern, yet sympathetic tone in his voice.

Sinna nodded, before Jax got up off the bed. "Everyone's outside hanging out. I think Gemma wants you." He told her, with a nod before heading out the door, and closing it behind him.

Sinna made her way to her suitcase, which was still packed. There was really no need in her unpacking if she was going to be staying with Clay and Gemma soon. She reached in and pulled out the same thing she always wore. A long, button up plaid shirt, with a pair of blue jeans.

She grabbed the leather Kut, pulling it over her pale arms. Goosbumps popped up as the cold leather brushed across them.

When she finally made her way out the door, Gemma was on the other side, waiting. "You ready to go see your new home?" She asked her, snaking her arm into Sinnas and holding it like she was walking her down an isle.

"Already?" She asked, slightly shocked. She hadn't expected to be moved in so quickly.

Gemma nodded. "I've been busy, but Juice came to me yesterday and offered to clean it out, him and Half Sack." She told her. "They've been busting their asses all day for you." Gemma told her, letting her arm drop back to her side as they reached the car.

Sinna smiled to herself, thinking of how Juice was probably tired of staying at the club house every night. She was sure he had a family he would much rather be with.

They sat in silence the whole way to Gemma and Clay's house. When Gemma pulled into a driveway, Sinna took a minute to look over the house. It was a decent sized house, but to her it was big. It was twice the size of any she had lived In with her mother. It was beautiful, too. The red window seals really brought out the flat white that covered the rest of the house.

Sinnas heart started racing, as she felt herself getting nervous. She wasn't sure what to expect living with someone that wasn't her mother. Would there be rules? She was sure there would be, but what kind of rules do you have when your father is the President of a biker club?

She followed closely behind Gemma, as they made their way in the house she would soon be sharing with Clay and Gemma. "Don't be nervous baby, we're your family now." Gemma told her, wrapping her arm around the smaller girls shoulders. "Boys, we're home!." Her voice booming through the silent home.

Before Sinna even knew it, she heard footsteps coming from somewhere on the second floor.

Almost like they had read her mind, Juice and Half Sack came walking into the room her and Gemma had been standing in.

"Where's Clay?" Gemma asked, when she noticed the man wasn't behind them.

"He went to grab some last minute things for Sinnas room." Half Sack told her, before turning to look at Sinna. "You wanna go see your new room?" He asked her.

She didn't even have time to answer before Juice reached out to grab her hand. "We've put too much work into this for you to tell me no." He stated, before he began pulling her toward a kitchen. Once in the kitchen, they took a sharp turn and went up a flight of steps, walking straight into a bedroom as they got to the top.

Sinnas jaw dropped in awe as she looked at the scene in front of her. It was a pretty small room, but still bigger than she was used too. There was a window directly across from her, with pink drapes, opened up so the sun could shine in. Looking at the room now, you would have never believed it had belonged to a 15 year old Jax. It looked like it belonged to her, like it had her whole life.

Sinna turned to look at Juice and Half Sack, still in awe of what they had managed to do. "Thank you, all of you." She said, softly, looking over to Gemma, who just smiled.

"Now, off to find you some shirts that look better under the Kut." Gemma said, pushing her sunglasses back up onto her face.

Sinna shook her head in protest. "Oh no." She said. "I have clothes, and this room.." she paused, looking around to it once more. "It's absolutely perfect, you've done too much for me already." She told Gemma.

"Come on, baby." Gemma said, wrapping her arm back around her. "You'll learn not to argue with mama, one day."

And with that, they both headed to the car, only this time the car ride wasn't so silent.

Gemma looked to Sinna as she drove down the road. "You know, Clay tried to get a DNA test a while back." She said, taking Sinna by shock. Sinna knew he had known about her, but she never thought he had tried to make sure she was his. "Your mother claimed she lied to him, so he left it at that." She added.

Sinna felt a bit of hurt in her chest as she realized he had given up on her that easily, but she couldn't really be mad. She would have gave up on herself too. Hell, lately it seemed like everyone was giving up on her.


Sinna sat, legs tucked into her chest, for what felt like forever after the man finally left her room. Her whole body ached, but nothing hurt more than the fact that her mother had let this happen to her.

"Sinna.." she heard a soft voice say, sounding like it came.from the closet.

Sinna hurried over to the closet, where she knew Kayla was tucked away. They made the arrangements when they were little, that when stuff like this happened, Kayla hides in the closet. Sinna always took the beating and anything else their mother threw at them, so Kayla didn't have to feel that pain.

Sinna opened the closet door, gently, hoping she didn't get any attention from her mother or the monster that had surely just broken her ribs. She climbed inside with the younger girl and pulled her close. "It's okay, I'm okay." She told her, soothing her hair down.

"He hit you didn't he..?" Kayla asked Sinna, as she looked at her face.

Sinna silently cussed herself for forgetting to clean her face first. "Yes." She stated flatly. "But he didn't hit.you, so I'm okay." She added.

Sinna sat with Kayla in silence for a while, before Kayla drifted off back to sleep.

Sinna left the young girl in the closet, as she went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

It wasn't long before Sinna heard movement coming from her mother's room, causing her whole body to tense up. She wasn't afraid for herself, she was afraid for Kayla. She made her way out of the bathroom, and was heading to the bedroom when she was suddenly shoved into the wall.

"You're leaving tomorrow." Her mother's voice was harsh, and there was no love for Sinna.

-End of flashback-

"He I'll come around." Gemma promised Sinna, but Sinna hadn't been listening, so she wasn't sure what Gemma was talking about.

Gemma must have been talking for a while, because When Sinna looked back to the clock a whole fifteen minutes had passed, and they were now pulling over to park by a curb side.

Sinnas hand had just touched the door when a blonde women came running up to her and Gemma.

"Please, you have to help my baby.." she begged them, frantically, while pointing a car off in the distance.

Sinnas stomach turned flips as she got nervous. Something about this whole situation didn't seem right. Sinna wasn't sure if they should go or not, but Gemma didn't hesitate, which caused Sinna to come running behind her.

As Sinna came up on the mini van Gemma was looking inside of, she felt someone grab her from behind.

She tried to let out a scream so Gemma could hear her, but a strong hand came around to cover her mouth, with a rag.

Sinna fought back, but in seconds she could feel her body getting tired. Her body slowly started to go limp, and her eyes were getting low.

Her heart rate raised, as she looked over and seen a man now carrying Gemma to a white van.

Sinna didn't know what was going to happen to them, but she knew she couldn't fight it anymore. Whatever had been on the rag, took every bit of her strength.

Her head fell back, as her eyes finally shut.

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