The warning

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Sinnas eyes shot open, her head turning frantically, until her eyes landed on Gemma, who had already woke up.

Sinna looked at her, with pleading eyes. She knew there was nothing the older women could do. They were both strung up by their wrists, legs dangling in the air. She could feel whatever they had used to bind her hands cutting into her skin, but her eyes never left Gemma.

A moment later, a man came in, wearing a black robber mask. He was tall, and built pretty well. Sinnas heart sank, realizing that whatever they had planned was going to happen. Sinna couldn't fight this, and Gemma couldn't save her.

The man in the mask, gave Sinna a deathly look, before looking at Gemma, then back to her. "Well, if it isn't Samcrows Princess." He spat, sliding a knife out of his pocket.

Sinna let out a grunt, that was meant to be a silent whimper, at the sight of the knife. It wasn't very big, but it would do what he needed to do with it.

He slid the knife slowly along Sinnas chest, before letting it slide up to the tape that had been covering her mouth. With one swift motion, the tape was split in half, and Sinna actually felt like she could breathe again. "What do you want?" She asked, her voice sounding more esstranged than she would like.

The man smirked and walked himself over to Gemma. "I want you to watch, and see what will happen to you if SamCrow doesn't listen to me." He said, looking back at Gemma.

He whispered something in Gemma ear, before his knife slid into the opening of Gemma,s shirt.

Sinnas eyes began to water as the realization of what she was about to watch popped into her head. "No.." she mumbled under her breath, looking at Gemma with nothing but sympathy.

Gemma looked at Sinna and shook her head, motioning for Sinna to look away, but Sinna couldn't pry her eyes away from them. Her heart raced in her chest, making it feel heavier than it already did.

Sinna could feel anger building up inside of her, cause her to pull harder on the ropes that held her hands together. "You son of a bitch." She spat, as the man continued.

Gemma's cries were echoing through the building, making Sinna even more angry. "I will fucking kill you. Do you hear me? I'm talking to you!" She yelled, her wrist beginning to burn from the ropes cuts.

The man ignored every word Sinna said. A tear fell down her face, as she let her body fall limp. She shook her head back and forth and continued to mouth the words "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..." Toward Gemma, who was being brutally raped. Sinna dropped her head to the ground, and let herself finally be defeated. It would have much easier If they had just killed her.

When she finally heard Gemma's cries stop, she looked back up from the floor. The man was buttoning his pants as he looked back to Sinna. He walked up to her and tried to.touch her face, causing Sinna to jerk back.

Sinna knew how disgusting it was, but she gathered all the saliva she had in her mouth and spit it out at his face.

The man drew back and slapped Sinna hard across the face.

"Don' touch her!" Gemma yelled, which made Sinna look up. Sinna shook her head, trying to tell Gemma not to say anything.

"Another word, and she's getting the second round." His eyes were cold, and empty, as he spoke to Gemma.

Sinna heard a door open, and seen the man look behind her, but she couldn't turn her head far enough to see who had entered the room.

Whoever had came in, walked up behind Sinna and stopped there. "Maybe next time, you can let me have a turn, Boss." It was a man, and the sound of.his voice made Sinna sick to her stomach.

The man standing in front of her smirked and nodded his head. "Sounds like a plan." He said, before reaching behind Sinna and grabbing something from the other man.

It was a black sack, that the man threw over Sinnas head. She wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, but there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

Before she knew it, she was being untied. She weighed put her option, but quickly decided running with a bag over her head wasn't one on them.

After a moment, she felt a fist connect with her gut, causing her to double over in pain, while letting out a groan. "What's the matter, Princess?" The man spoke suddenly. "Thought you were just gonna walk out?" He asked , before connecting his fist with her gut again.

The pain Sinna was feeling hurt, but she knew it was nothing compared to the pain Gemma had already went through.

She grit her teeth, not letting another groan slip out. This time, the fist connected with her right cheek.

Sinna could taste the blood in her mouth, but the hit wasn't enough for the man. He hit her twice more across the same.cheek, before he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

At this point, Sinna could barely lift her head. She felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness but refused to let his hits take her down.

"You know they're gonna kill you, right?" Sinnas voice was Estranged,but she was angry. "I'm not.important to anyone, but Gemma.." she trailed off. "She's important to everyone." She added, before threw his fist into her side.

"Shut the hell up." He told.her sternly. "Say another word, and I'll strong you back up and.gut you." He told her. Something told Sinna that if she wanted to live she should shut up, so she did.

A moment later she was thrown in what felt like the same van she had been picked up at.

Once she heard the door shut, she began shaking her head frantically, In an attempt to get the sack off of her head.

She stopped suddenly, her mind comprehending that shouldn't be alone. "Gemma.." her voice was low and raspy, most likely from holding in too many scream and groans.

"I'm here baby." Gemma voice almost soothed her, Almost. "Just stay quiet until they drop us off." She said, her voice calm.

Sinna wasn't sure how someone could be so calm in a moment like this, but she tried to do as told. Her heart raced, and her wrist we're starting to burn more they already had been. She slid over to where Gemma's voice had came from and sat close to the older women, that she had grown close too. She let her bed rest gently on Gemma's shoulder, who laid her own head against Sinnas.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you.." her voice was low, and Gemma could hear the defeat. She could hear Sinna's pain.

"There was nothing you could do baby, you can't blame yourself." She told her, turning her head to rest her forehead on top of Sinnas.

Even with the sacks between them, Sinna felt safer than she had five minutes ago.

Once the car started Sinnas mind started racing. There was no way these men could get away with they had done to Gemma. Sinna wouldn't let that happen.

She sat there, hands bound, eyes covered, counting the turns aloud. "Right turn" right turn number 2, left turn." She continued to say.

"The boys will find them." Gemma told her, trying to help the young girl calm down, instead of stressing, but Sinna continues to count their turns "left turn number 2, right turn number 3."

It was after counting four right turns, and four left turns that the can finally stopped.

Sinnas heart began racing again as she kept repeating the turns In her head so she wouldn't forget.

Moments later, Gemma and Sinna we're both being lifted out of the van, and Sinna was thrown to the ground. "Now" the same man's voice boomed. "Tell Samcro to stop selling to the wetbacks, and we won't have to come back for the girl."

Sinna didn't know what the man was talking about. What had the boys been selling and why hadn't they told Sinna about it yet? Something didn't seem right, but Sinna wasn't asking any questions.

Sinna heard footsteps, and then soon heard a door slam shut. Her heart raced, as she wondered if they were going to run them over, but the car pulled off without hesitation.

Sinna let out a sigh of relief as her body relaxed on the ground, her sides hurting from the beating she took.

Sinna flung her legs into the air, and quickly slid her tied arms around them. She wasn't going to sit here, like a log waiting on someone to help them.

Once her hands were in front of her she began working on the knot. "Just hang tight, Gem." She told her, trying to until them quicker than she was capable of. "I'm coming." She added, as the rope fell from wrists, giving them immediate pain relief.

She pulled the sack over her head to see that they were sitting in the middle of nowhere. Not wasting much time, she immediately got up and ran over to Gemma. She pulled the Sack off of Gemma face and frowned, seeing the busted lip, and dried blood on her nose. "I'm sorry.." she told her, walking behind her and untying her hands.

Sinna then took a seat beside Gemma and looked over to her. "What do we do?" She asked her, her voice shaking.

Gemma stood and stretched her hand out to the girl, to help her up. "We go home, Have Tara come look at us, while I get my friend Wayne to take care of some things, and tell the boys it was a car accident." She said, putting her broken sunglasses back on her face.

Gemma walked with suck Pride that if Sinna hadn't been there, she wouldn't have believed that she raped just moments ago. "Won't they come" She asked Gemma, her voice shaking a little more at the thought.

Gemma shook her head. "Not if you don't go anywhere alone for a while." She told her, looking over at her sternly. "There aren't any rules living with me, but if you want to live, sometimes you have to listen."

Sinna looked up to Gemma, who was about a foot taller. She watched her facial expressions for a moment before nodding her head. "Okay
" She responded.

Gemma finally pulled her cell phone out, and called Wayne Unser. The Sheriff, who was going to help them hide this, before calling Tara who rushed to pick them up.

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