This life

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It had been a week since they had went to get rid of the rest of the stash, and Sinna could see it affecting everybody. 

Her, Jax, and Juice put up most of their earnings from the meth lab to help gain the money for the next load, but unfortunately that barely put a dent in what they needed. 

Tig and Chibs had started up a fighting ring, taking bets to see how much they could take up, but that wasn't helping them out too much either. They needed a way to come up with the money, and they needed it fast, before everybody was hungry and nobody had lights. 

Sinna was in the garage with Juice, woking on her bike. They had been working on it for weeks now, but everytime she fixed something, another problem came up. She was starting to believe that it was a hopeless case. 

"If I can do anything right, it's fix a bike." Juice spoke up, seeing the frustration on her face. "I promise, you will be on your own bike in the next few weeks." He told her. 

Sinna looked up at him and smiled softly. She wasn't as worried about the bike, as she was about the money they needed. 

Gemma came walking in to the garage, her sunglasses over her eyes. Gemma hadn't been the same person since the incident with the masked men. She had been more distant with Clay, and hadn't been hanging around the shop or home as much, but she always kept tabs on Sinna. She had even bought her a cell phone, so that she could know where she was at and who she was with at all times.  

"Clay needs everyone in the meeting room as soon as possible." She told them both, before turning abruptly, and leaving. 

Sinna and Juice shared a look at her rush to get out of the garage. This was the place she usually spent a lot of her time. Sinna shrugged at Juice, and grabbed her joint that had been sitting in the ashtray. 

She made her way to the shop door, before stopping and waiting on Juice. Once he caught up with her, they made their way to the clubhouse, and into the meeting room. The officers that raided the place had destroyed the table, so it was just their chairs, sitting in the same formation as they would be if the table were still there. She made her way to her seat between Jax, and Juice, and sat down, putting the joint between her lips and lighting it. 

She had just recently picked up the heavy smoking, because she had noticed the smoking took away the nightmares, and awful sudden fast beats in her chest when she thought about all the lives she had ruined since she had been in charming. 

She took a long, hard hit and held it in for a second, before repeating the cycle and passing the joint over to Jax, who inhaled sharply as he listened to what Clay ahd to say. 

"I am going to make everyone an offer, that we will vote on. It goes against what we believe in, but if we don't find a way to make money soon our families will be starving." He began, looking around the time, his eyes stopping on Sinna. 

She knew him and Gemma had been worried about how they would care for Sinna if they didn't come up with the money soon enough. Her and Clay had yet to have any kind of heart to hearts, but she overheard him and Gemma talking one day. 

Sinna had been trying to talk to Gemma all day, ut had yet to catch her alone. As she came up on the bedroom door, she heard her and Clay's hushed voices. "What kind of parents are we if we took on a kid that we can't support?" Clay whisper shouted at her. 

Gemma's voice sounded stern, and positive. "You will find a way, you always do." Sinna could see through the small crack of the door as Gemma reached up and grabbed Clay's face with both hands, planting a kiss on his lips. 

"Today we will be voting against sending cocaine through Charming." His words caused everyone's faces to show nothing but shock, and Sinna's stomach dropped as she looked over at Jax. 

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