Is Love the Cure?

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Sinna woke the next morning, to the sight of Juice laying on the futon, still sleeping. She watched him for just a moment, before pressing her eyes back together.

Her mind wandered off to the night before. 

Sinna looked up to Juice, as she  laughed loudly at the story of how half sack got his name. The two had went back to Gemma's long enough for Sinna to grab some clothes, and the few goodies she had to get her to sleep tonight. "That is awful, you guys shouldn't be so mean to him." She said, between gasps for air. 

The alcohol had long consumed her brain, and they were currently passing a joint between the two of them. She was sitting on one of his couch, with her legs pulled up to her chest, while he was on the other side, leaned back. Sinna suddenly stopped laughing as she grabbed the joint in between her pointer finger and thumb carefully by the fingertips. She looked up to him a serious expression on her face. "I took someone's life today." She said, trying hard to sound emotionless, but Juice could hear the pain in her usually calming tone. 

"You did what you had too.." He told her, his hand reaching up to gently squeeze her shoulder, reassuringly. 

Sinna felt a sudden heat go through the part of her body where he had touched her. She gently leaned her head to the side to touch his hand with her cheek, her eyes closing to take in the relaxation of the warmth. 

This wasn't the type of thing Sinna would do sober, but something about this feeling took away everything she had been trying to push out with the alcohol. 

A weird feeling coursed through Sinna as she realized what today was. Today had never been special to her, not even as a child. Her mother never did birthday parties, or even said the words to her. She opened her eyes to see Juice already looking at her. 

Juice got up from his spot and walked over to the bed, laying across the foot of it, as she sat up, crossing her legs in front of her. "I know you said you didn't want any attention, but I have to tell you Happy Birthday." He told her, his lips curling into a smile. 

Sinna looked at him for a moment, as a smile slowly crept up on her face. "Thank you, Juice." She told him, reaching into the floor beside her, and grabbing a little brown box, that had her papers and her small bag of marijuana inside. "You're re going to have to get a nightstand for when I stay here." She told him, as she let out a soft chuckle. 

Juice looked down at his hands as he tried to hide his smile. "Might as well just move in if I go and do that." He told her, before looking up to her, his smile still hidden behind a serious expression.

Sinna could read through his act. She could tell it was all a joke, so she shrugged it off and leaned sideways on her shoulder as she picks up the joint that she had just rolled. "You got a lighter." She asked, him looking up to see him staring at her with a goofy grin on his face. 

She shook her head smiling back. She watched as he leaned up and reached under the bed, pulling out a drawer that she never knew was there, and retrieving a blue lighter from it. 

He handed it to her, causing their hands to brush together and her face to light up with a bright pink color. She quickly took the lighter from his hands and lit the joint, before tossing the lighter onto the bed, in case she needed it again. Sinna hit the joint a couple times before passing it to him. 

Her phone went off, causing her to jump for a second, which only caused Juice to laugh. "JUmpy much?" He asked her, smiling as he passed the joint back to her. 

She took it in her hands, shaking her head as she flipped the phone open and put it up to her ear. Little did Juice know, it wasn't the phone that made her jump. It was the memories of the bodies popping into her head. The man that she had killed, laying in the floor. "Hello?" Sinna's voice was flat, as she answered. 

"Baby, we need you.." It was Gemma's voice, causing Sinna to snap back into serious mode. She sat up straight on the bed and looked over to Juice.

"Everyone?" She asked her, before handing the joint back to Juice. 

"Yes." Gemma said, pausing for a moment, before speaking back up.  "Why, are you with Juice again?" Gemma asked her, suspicion clear in her voice. 

Sinna felt a hint of guilt in her chest as she looked over to the man laying across the bed. "Uh, yeah. I didn't think it would be a problem." She said, looking away from him, in an attempt to feel less guilty. 

"You can hold your own." Gemma told her. "But you better be careful." She added, before getting back to business. "Clubhouse in thirty. " 

Sinna finally  had a moment to take in the shakiness of Gemma's voice. Something really was wrong. "We have to go to the clubhouse." She told Juice. 

Juice could read the serious expression on her face, so he hastily put the joint out, and grabbed both of their Kutte's from the bed post, handing hers to her. 

She pulled the Kutte into her arms and they made their way out the door. Juice's bike was still at the shop, so they had to take the van. Sinna felt a bit of disappointment at not being able to ride the bike. This lifestyle had really started to grow on her. 

They got into the van, and Juice started it up, quickly pulling out of the parking lot of the apartment complex. He only lived ten minutes from the clubhouse, but she was afraid they were taking too long. 

When they finally did pull into the parking lot, Sinna hopped out quickly, making her way into the clubhouse, where her and Juice were quickly greeted by a troubled Jax. "Able's gone." His voice was shaky, and filled with worry. 

Sinna's heart was filled with nothing but fear. She felt Juice's hand on her back, and leaned her body into his a little more. "What can we do?" She asked him. 

The door to the bedroom busted open and Clay and Gemma came rushing out. "We are going to Ireland." Clay's voice was stern, as he looked to Jax. "We got a lead up that way." He told everyone. 

Sinna looked up to him, and nodded her head, before looking over to Gemma. "Can I ride with you to the house to get my things?" She asked her. Gemma nodded her head, and wrapped her arms around Jax. 

Clay looked around the clubhouse one more time. "This is blood. This is my blood. Our family. We will get this boy back." He said, placing a hand on Jax's houlder. 

Jax nodded his head as everyone made their way out of the club. Clay, Gemma, and Sinna sat alone in the bar for a moment, before Clay looked over to Sinna. "Piney is staying at the cabin for a while, so Juice can drive you in the van." He told her. Sinna nodded her head, before her and Gemma left to go back to the house. 

As they got into Gemma's black SUV, Sinna looke over to her. "Do you think we will find him?" She asked her. 

Gemma looked at her with nothing but hope in her eyes. "I sure hope so." She said, looking straight forward at the road and making their way to Gemma's house.

Sorry for the short chapter you guys. The next one will be muuuch better.

Soo tell me, what do you guys think about Sinna and Juice's relationship? and What about Sinna's slow personality development?

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