Explosions and liquor.

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It's ten fifty five pm and I'm suppose to meet Jax, Opi, and Juice in five minutes to be on our way. On our way to kill people.

I'm sitting on a stool beside the bar, thinking about backing out when Jax comes up from no where and takes a seat beside me. "Something wrong?" He asks, obviously noticing my nervous expression on my face.

I looked up at him, shrugging my shoulders then looking back down at the ground. "Well, I've never killed anybody before.." I said.

Jax nodded. "I know, I don't agree with Clay sending you out so soon." He said, shaking his head. "Maybe there's something we can do.." He trailed off like he was thinking.

After a minute he grinned, looking at me. "You can just stay outside while we go get it done." He said, shrugging. "Clay doesn't have to know." He told me, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you, Jax." I said, right before Opi and Juice walked in, right on time.

Jax nudged my shoulder. "Show time." He said, as he started walking over toward the door.

I followed behind him until we got outside and everyone was getting on bikes. I looked over at Jax and then down at the bikes, not sure what to do.

Jax noticed my confusion and threw me a helmet. "Hop on." He said, motioning his head behind him.

I smiled and got on the back of the bike, wrapping my arms around his waist so I wouldn't fall off.

I hadn't been on a bike in a long time, So my chest pounded slightly with anticipation.

"Ever been on one of these?" Jax asked me, before starting it up.

I nodded. "Yeah, but it's been a while." I told him, gripping his jacket at the front where my hands were resting.

I could see him smile from the mirror, so I misled as well. "Don't worry, it's not bad." He said.

"Yeah right, Jax drives like a maniac." Opi said, causing me to laugh.

Without warning, Jax started up bike and took off, followed by Opi and then Juice in a line.

After we picked up speed I could feel the adrenaline rush. My chest was picking up speed as well as the bike, and the wind blew my hair around even through the helmet.

Jax looked through the mirror and caught my gaze, causing me to smile and him as well.

We pulled up to a street light and Jax stopped his bike, along with Opi and Juice who looked confused. "What are we doing?" Juice asked.

"I don't want Caley getting involved her first official day." He began. "So she will wait here where it's safe and we'll pick her up when we're done." He informed them.

To my surprise Opi seemed fine with the idea. It was Juice of course, Who had something to say.

"See, Might as well be an old lady." He said, Causing Jax to shoot him a look in my defense.

I'm thankful Jax and I got close as quick as we did. I probably wouldn't be able to survive his thing with out him.

Juice backed down and got back on his bike. "Well, let's get it done." He said.

Jax and Opi got on their bikes and I watched as they all left. Sitting there alone made me wish that I had went with them and wasn't such a pussy.

After five minutes of over thinking it I realized I should go. I needed to prove myself to Clay.

I started walking, greatful that Jax hadn't dropped me off too far. I came up to a red colored wooden house. I saw the bikes sitting outside behind the bushes, but the guys were no where to be found.

I decided to sneak up to the window and see if anything was going on in there. When I looked in the window I saw two men, holding guns at Jax, Juice, and Opi.

My mouth dropped at the sight in front of me and I dropped to my butt in the grass, not sure what to do. They needed help,, but I didn't have a weapon. Maybe there was something on one of the bikes I could use.

I walked over and looked in Jax's bike first, nothing. Next was Opi's, nothing. Then Juice's. There I found his gun, which he must have forgotten. I shook my head and walked back toward the house.

I figured getting in the house and getting close would be a better idea for me since I got terrible aim. Wouldn't want to accidently kill someone on my side.

I stuffed the gun in my pants and decided to play hooker. Get one man alone.

I knocked on the door, which was answered quickly by a man in a dark green button up shirt, with khaki's on. He didn't open the door enough for me to see anything, of course.

"Who are you?" He asked, a little rude.

I put on my best seductive face and twirled my hair around my finger. "A friend of yours sent me to give you a great night." I said, leaning against the door frame.

Of course it didn't take him long to let a hot younge girl, that was sent to pleasure him inside.

Once inside I quickly shot a glare at the guys telling them not to say a word, which thankfully thy all caught it. We'd be dead if they hadn't.

The man in charge lead me to what must of been his bedroom.

Once inside, his hands were all over me. Lips trailed down my neck, and color bone, hands found their way to my breast. At this moment, I didn't see how any women could let random men do this to them.

Once his hands got close to the back of my pants where the gun was resting I placed my hands on his chest pushing him away gently. "Let me go freshen up right quick." I told him.

When I looked into his eyes it was way to tell he had been doing drugs. The wrinkles on his face showed he had been doing them for years.

He let go of me and I went to walk away. Once I was in front of him he turned and went to do something to the bed, so I came up behind him and knocked the gun against his head hard, causing him to land on the bed instantly.

When I knocked him out, I put the gun back in the back of my pants and walked out of the room casually, trying my hardest to keep my heart beat at a steady pace.

"Your friend said he'll be out in a minute." I told the guy who still had Jax, Juice, and Opi tied up. Part of me wondered why they even let me in if this was going on, but I wasnt asking any questions.

After I was behind the man I quickly pulled the gun out and knocked him in the head as well, running over to Jax and untying him first. Then Juice was second.

"Still think I should just be an old lady?" I asked giving him a hard shove forward once I had untied his arms.

By the time I untied Juice, Jax had already got Opi free and we were all running for the door.

"I'm throwing it now." Opi said, once we were all off the porch and closer to the bikes. No sooner then the words left his mouth the bomb was flying through the air.

Seconds later I heard a loud explosion sound and jumped on the back of Jax's bike, gaming on to him tightly.

I felt terrible thinking about the fact that I had just killed two men. I was the reason they were both dead. But if it hadn't of been them then it would have been my club. My family. I couldn't have let that happen.

Guilt ate away at me, so when we pulled up to the club house and told Jax and Opi bye and walked inside going straight for a bottle of liquor.

By the time Juice walked in I had already drank a fourth of the bottle and my head was fuzzy.

"You did really good today, thanks for saving my life." He said, before his eyes trailed down and he noticed the bottle in my hands.

"Don't mention it." I said, a little ruder them it was suppose to be, before chugging another fourth of the bottle.

Juice looked at me as if he wasn't sure rather to take the bottle or not.

"Don't worry." I slurred, closing the bottle and walking away to my bedroom. "I won't drink it all." I said as I closed the door.

I don't think I was on my room any longer then five minutes before I fell into a dreamless alchohol endured sleep.

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