The calm before the storm

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Sinna walked through the clubhouse door, as Juice held it open for her. She looked back to him with a smile before walking over and taking a seat by the bar. "2 beers." She told the waitress, who smiled before following orders. It was one of the pros of wearing the Kutt. As long ass he had this on anybody in the bar would do what she said. 

"Why did you stop me, instead of telling of telling your father?" Juice asked her, sitting down beside her. She hadn't even notice he had been there, so it took her by shock.

She looked at him, her face forming a smile. "I believe in second chances." She told him, her long blonde hair, falling beside her face as it was turned to the side. She looked over as the bartender laid their beers on the counter. 

"What if I told you I have had multiple chances already?" He asked her, the corners of his lips falling to form a frown. 

Sinna looked at him, with a hint of sympathy in her eyes, before quickly switching it into s grin. "Then I would say you need someone to keep you on the right track." She said, holding her beer up for him to cheers too. 

He looked at her for a moment, before doing just that, and they took a drink of their beers. 

The next thing Sinna ordered was two shots, and they both downed them like water, with no chaser. 

Sinna and Juice sat and talked for hours. They talked about Juice's past addictions, how he met the guys, and even his past relationships. Sinna spoke about her past with her mom, The day her sister was born and even how good things were while Eric was around, Kayla's father. 

Juice hadn't known Sinna long, but the glisten in her eyes when she talked about her sister would make it easy to listen to her talk about it all the time. 

Before they knew it, It was midnight, and people were starting to head home. "Can I stay with you?" She asked him, she asked him, suddenly. The alcohol had made it a little difficult to think before she spoke, but it hadn't stopped her from feeling embarrassed after she did. "On the couch, of course. It's just that Gemma and Clay neither one have been staying home.." She trailed off. "I guess neither one want to sleep with each other and they don't want to sleep in an empty bed either." She added. 

It had only been two days, but they had both already called and said they wouldn't be home tonight and it had been a lot harder for her to sleep the last two nights. Sinna's heart pounded as she waited for Juice to answer. 

"Yeah, I don't see why that would be a problem, but.." He trailed off, looking at her for a moment. "You take the bed, and I can sleep on the couch." He told her, as his lips curled into a smile. 

"What a gentleman." She remarked, getting up from her barstool. Her head felt a little fuzzy as she stood, causing her to stumble forward and Juice to instantly wrap his arm around her waist to steady her. She giggled when she looked up at him "Yet another gentlemen move." 

Juice chuckled, as she pulled away from his arm that had been holding onto her. The lower part of her back felt suddenly cold at the loss of her touch, causing Sinna's heart rate to speed up. Alcohol was a hell of a thing, she told herself, walking out the door, and holding it open for him.  

Once they were outside, she made her way to Juice's bike, and waited for him to get on it, before she got on the back. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and her drunken mind was lost in that pine scent he always had. She was so lost in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed he had spoke to her, until she looked in the mirror and saw him staring. "Huh?" She asked, a slight grin on her face. 

"I said, are you ready?" He asked her, chuckling himself. 

She must have really been lost in the scent, she thought, just now realizing that he had started the bike. She nodded her head, and laid her cheek on his back, closing her eyes for a moment. "I'm always ready." She spoke, almost too quiet for anyone to hear, but Juice had heard her. 

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