The ATF Bitch

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Sinna flinched slightly as Tara pushed the needle through the inside of her lip, where her teeth had apparently pushed through. With all the commotion she hadn't realized it, but she now had two small scars on the outside where they had managed to go all the way through.

"You wanna tell me what really happened?" Tara asked Sinna, as soon as Gemma left the room.

Sinnas face showed no emotion as she spoke "Like Gemma said, we wrecked." She told her. Sinna knew she couldn't tell anybody, no matter how scared she was.

"I've seen car wrecks before. The damage that was done to that car, neither of you should have made it." She told her. "If you're in trouble, you need to tell Jax, or your dad."

"Don't call him that." Sinna spat, sounding harsher than she intended. It wasn't that she didn't want Clay to be her father, but he didn't act like it. He acted as if she were some random girl, but to him, she really was.

No sooner than the words left her mouth, Clay came bursting through the door, Jax hot on his trail. "Gemma" his voice was shaky, as if he were afraid something had happened to her.

A sigh of relief left Clay's lips, as he pulled Gemma into his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay." He told her. Little did he know, she was far from okay. The bloody marks on her face were the least of her problems.

Jax ran straight to where Tara was finishing up Sinnas lip. "What's the damage doc?" He asked her, looking down at Tara.

Tara looked up to him, a look of worry on her face, but Sinna caught her eyes before she had time to say anything. "Just a couple scrapes, and stitches. Nothing serious." She told him, smiling at him to reassure him.

"Good, cause you're needed." Clay said, looking directly at Sinna. Of course she was. It seemed Clay was throwing all the suicide missions on Sinna since she had been here.

"Absolutely not." Gemma said, giving Clay a glare. "She was just in a car accident, if something else happens to her, it could be worse than it already is." She argued .

Clay showed no concern as he looked from Sinna to Tara. "Can she work or not, Doc?" He asked.

Tara looked between Sinna and Clay before finally answering. "No heavy lifting and she should be fine." She told him, before looking to Jax. "Just keep an eye on her." She added, worry still wrote all over her face.

Sinna hopped up from her chair and turned to look at Clay. "Looks like I'm good to go then." She said, before she stepped toward the door, head held slightly higher than usual. Sinna didn't look at herself as strong, but for a moment she felt it. She had just took a beating, and watched the closest thing to a mother's she's ever had get raped, and now she's going to do God knows what for Clay.

"Oh, one more thing." Clay added, causing Sinna to stop and turn on her heels so she could look at him. "You're driving my bike. I'll be in the van with Piney. Gotta get you used to it, so you can fix up the old junk one in the garage." He added, the hint of a smile on his face.

"Fix it up, as in, fix it up for myself?" She asked him, her eyes squinting as a smile grew on her face.

"Yes, Sinna." Clay spoke. It was the first time he had said her name, and it made her feel as if they were getting somewhere.

"Thanks." She said, after a short pause she added "Clay." And with that, she headed outside.

Jax came up behind her, as she made her way to the bike. She threw one leg over and took her seat on the black leather. It was warm from the sun, and the body was shiney. Sinna was about to ride with Jax, as a member, on her father's bike.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jax asked her, pulling her from her thoughts. She looked up to his cheeky.grin plastered on his face already.

"Oh yeah, she's a beauty." She told him, a smile on her own face as well.

"Once we see you can ride it, you'll start working with Juice on your own. He can teach you what he knows about bikes." Jax told her, making his way to his own bike.

Sinna nodded, and turned the bike on, revving the engine once. "I take it I follow you?" She asked Jax.

Jax nodded, turning his own bike on. "Clay and Piney will be behind you in case you get hurt." He told her, before he looked forward and took off.

Sinna started moving the bike slowly at first, bringing her feet up to rest on the pedals. After a moment she started to pick up her speed.

Her hair was starting to blow through the wind and a smile spread across her face once more. Sinna would swear she had smiled more in the last few days than she had her whole life.

A few minutes, they were pulling into the garage. It seemed most of the boys were already there. Sinna parked the bike beside Jax's and kicked the kickstand up, before stepping off of it.

"How was it? Clay asked her. She had been so wrapped up in her own excitement that she hadn't even noticed the van had already pulled in.

She looked up to him, not able to hide her smile. "It was amazing." She told him, honestly.

He nodded, a slight smile on his face. A smile nobody would notice, but Sinna, who had grown used to Clay's serious expression. "Let's get inside. You can start on your own tomorrow." He told her, heading toward the clubhouse. 

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