Baby in the 'oven'

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The next morning was rather calm. I woke up to the sound of a couple people having conversation outside the room. Walking out, I saw Jax standing along with Gemma.

"Good morning sweet heart. Go get ready and you can ride over to the hospital with me and Jax." Gemma said, standing next to Jax.

I nodded and walked back into the room, digging through my bags for something to wear. I put on a long sleeve button up plaid shirt, that buttoned on the arms to make it a half sleeve, along with a pair of light blue boot cut jeans and a pair of slide on slipper like shoes.

After getting dressed I walked into the bar room and saw Jax and Gemma sitting at a table passing what looked like a joint. I walked over and sat down, after getting some water and taking a sip.

Gemma looked at me, and slowly passed the little joint my way. I wasn't expecting her to offer it to me, but I wasn't going to deny it. I took the joint in my hand and inhaled some smoke, then repeated before handing it over to Jax.

"I didn't know you smoked." Gemma said, looking at me.

"She's got a lot of surprises that come with her I'm sure." Jax said, with a slight smirk on his face.

I couldn't tell if that was a bad thing or a good thing so I just shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the table.

"You gotta stop actin so shy and start talking to people." Jax said, handing the joint to Gemma.

I nodded my head and looked up at him. "Sorry." I said, shrugging.

Juice came out from around the corner unexpectedly saying "You guys going to see the baby today?"

Jax nodded his head in Juice's direction and Juice nodded his head. "Don't forget Clay has a meeting set up here in about two hours."

"Clay can kiss my ass." Gemma said, with a who cares type of look on her face.

Juice threw his hands up in defense. "Just reminding you." He said. "Oh, and he told me to remind Sinna to be there too."

At the mention of my name I looked up and nodded once he told everyone my reminder. I couldn't help but wonder why Clay wanted me to be there. Maybe it had something to do with me being a member, but since nobody explained anything but an old lady to me, I have no idea what's going on or what we do.

With that, Juice went ahead and left and the joint was put out and we were on our way to meet Jax's kid. I wonder if it's a boy? I thought to myself as we got in the car.

"What's it's name?" I asked with excitement showing on my face. I had a weak spot for babies. They were all adorable and like to cuddle up to you.

"Abel." He told me, dragging my attention away from my thoughts.

I nodded my head. "That's a pretty name." I stated, looking out the back window.

The ride to the hospital was shorter then I thought it would be, which I was thankful for.

I got out of the car and waited for Gemma or Jax to lead the way. It was Gemma who began walking first.

"Let's go see my grand baby." She said, with a smile on her face. It was pretty obvious loved her grand child, which I'm guessing was her first grand child.

We walked into the hospital and Gemma lead us to the incumbater section. There were babies everywhere and all of them looked precious.

"There he is." Jax said, proudly pointing at a little boy over to the left.

"He looks just like you." I said, smiling at the little baby.

"Did you come to see him?" I heard from behind us, causing me to turn and see a brown headed nurse talking to us.

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