First day as a member

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Samcro's Princess part two.

The introductions went well. Clay came over and placed a hand on each of my shoulders from behind, as I sat there. "Everyone, This is my daughter, Sinna. We're voting for her to be a member of SAMCRO. Yay or nay?" He said, looking over at the man with the blue eyes. "Tig?" He asked the man. So Tig must be his name, I thought.

"Yay." He said, with a goofy looking from my way. What were they even voting for? The list went on with multiple yay's, Which im guessing is good on my part.

"Nay." Juice said beside me, causing me to look over at him. "A girl can't handle half the stuff we do. She's meant to be an old lady." He added.

I looked over to Jax with a confused look. "An old lady?" I said, more as a question.

"And in the future she will be, but for now, she'll be a member since everyone agrees but you." Jax said, taking my side. So he just have been a yay as well.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" I asked, looking around the table. "What am I gonna be?"

Jax looked over at Clay who smiled and then stood up. He walked over to a side table and picked up what looked like a black leather jacket. Jax walked over to me with the smile still on his face. Everyone was looking at me as he walked over to me.

Tig nudged his head upwards telling me to stand up, so I did, as Jax reached me. "You've been voted into the club." He said, holding the jacket out and showing me the back. It looked just like everyone else's. Well, All expect that red headed guy, which they call half-sack.

I reached out and took the jacket from his hand as a smirk spread across my face. I was a member of something, A biker club. A family. Something special. My heart fluttered a little bit as I slid the leather over my arms and looked up at Jax who pulled me into a hug. This must be something they do often, I thought.

The meeting was called to an end shortly after and we all sat around the bar. Jax walked up to me with a grin on his face. "You wanna meet the kid tomorrow?" He asked.

I gave him a confused look, not sure what kid he was talking about.

He must have caught my confusion since he answered my unasked question. "My new born. He's on the oven." He said, with a grin on his face.

"Oven like in incumbater?" I asked, curiosity all over my face.

"Yeah, My ex wife was on heroin and she overdosed with him." He explain, Causing my face to turn to sympathy.

"I'm sorry." I began. "But I'd love to meet your kid, When?" I asked.

"I was thinking I'd let you get settled in tonight, You'll be using the bedroom back that way until Clay and Gemma can get my old room cleaned out at their place." He told me, pointing to the same room Gemma and I had a talk in.

I thought for a moment realizing I had never stayed in a place by myself before and it made me nervous. I scratched the back of my head and looked down at my feet. "Uh, Could someone stay with me.. Just the first night or two 'til I get used to it?" I asked, a slight blush creeping up on my cheeks.

Jax chuckled a little. Of course he would. I sounded like a scared ten year old girl. To my surprise he agreed. "I'll make sure to find someone who can stay with you." He told me, before walking off.

My eyes scanned the room for my father, in hopes that we could talk. I looked over toward the bar and saw him getting a beer, So I made my way over.

He saw me before I made it there and greeted me once I did. "Beer?" He asked, holding one out to me.

I thanked him and took the veer from his hands, opening it and taking a sip. Then sat down beside him at the bar.

"Is there any questions you have about the club or about me?" He asked, with a shrug of his shoulders.

My mind wondered at everything I could ask. All the things that sparked my curiousity about my father and about this club that I was now a part of. "Yeah, A couple actually.." I started. "Like, What's an old lady?" I asked, looking up at him. "And why will I be one in the future?"

He smiled , obviously remembering Juice's comment about me. "An old lady is a women who marries a member of the club, Gemma is my old lady." He explained, Which made sense of why she had been in the room through everything. "You won't necessarily have to become one since you're a member." He explained, Causing me to nod my head in inderstanding.

"Did you know about me?" I blurted out, before thinking about the question. It took him by shock. I could tell by the way he looked away from me quickly and lowered his head. I could also tell that I wasn't going to like what he had to say.

His face looked almost sad as he began to speak. "I had a one night stand with your mother right before Gemma and I got married. I didn't see her for years, but when I finally did she had a little two year old girl on her side, Who she said was mine. However, I didn't believe her at the time. And still don't know for sure that you're mine, but seeing the situation you were in, Mine or not, I wanted you out of it. And plus, Gemma and the boys have all seemed to grow a liking to you pretty quick." He said.

My eyes were the ones to look away this time. He did know about , but didn't think I was his. And he still doesn't think I'm his. "Thanks for the truth." I said, before getting another and getting off my stool. I'm sure he could tell there was something wrong, but he obviously didn't know how to ask.

Spotting Jax, I decide to put mine and Clay's conversation in the back of my head and worry about it later.

I walked up to Jax and gave him a slight smile, which he returned. "I asked Ope, but he's gotta get home to Donna." He started. "But Juice said he's free."

At the mention of Juice, my nose scrunched up. He wasn't a bad person or anything, and even though he called me pretty, We still got off to a bad start.

Jax noticed my uneasiness at the mention of Juice staying with me. "Don't worry." He said. "You're a member now, Rather he likes it or not, So I made sure he wouldn't say anything out of the way." Jax informed me, Causing me to loosen up a little. I smiled and thanked him before walking back to the bar and grabbing another beer.

Multiple people came up and talked to me as I sipped on the beer. Around two people started leaving. Clay and Gemma were first.

"You try to relax and get some sleep sweetie." Gemma told me, wrapping her arms around, as I returned the hug. I had grown rather fond of Gemma in the short day. She had shown care for me, Which is something I wasn't too.

Clay just gave me a nod, So I guess he could tell I didn't really have much to say to him.

Ope left long ago, with out me even noticing, but Jax left shortly after Clay and Gemma, followed shortly by the rest of the boys, leaving me and Juice alone by three.

"I guess I'm going to go to bed." I told him, shrugging and walking off toward the bedroom.

"Alright." He said. "If you need something let me know." He added, right before I made my way in the door.

"Thanks." I said, before closing the door behind me and walking over to the bed. I hadn't drunk enough to get drunk, because j figured they did this often and I would have plenty of chances.

I laid my head gently on the pillow that was on the bed. My mind wondered to everything. From the conversation with Clay, to what I would be having to do as a member of the club. After thinking for a few minutes I sat up and slipped the jacket off of my bod, hanging it on the back of the bed.

As I laid there I could feel sleep takin over my body, as I soon was restless.

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