This is what they call the end?

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I hate doing this to you guys because I have had a few dedicated readers, but due to my lack of preparation for this story, this will be last chapter. I have tried to give you guys a chapter that wouldn't leave you wondering what happens. I hope you have enjoyed the story and thank you so much for the 3K reads. So much love for each and everyone of you. <3

Sinna's heart ached as they sat around the new table. A replica of the piece they first had when Sinna had arrived. A month after they returned with Able everything seemed to have calmed down. Sinna and Juice's relationship had become known to the group and surprisingly enough to her, everyone was okay with it.

About five months ago everything seemed to have went to hell. They were currently sitting around the table to discuss what they would need to with the chinese after the death of Tara. Jax had been so cold and distant lately that Sinna wasn't sure if he would ever go back to himself again.

Exactly one month today, Tig's daughter was killed by Damon Pope and we have yet to retaliate because of everything else that keeps going on.

The most brutal off all changes, was Sinna's seat. She know sat to the left of Jax, in her V.P seat. Nothing had went how Jax had promised her it would. Clay had attempted to go to the feds for help, which only meant one thing.

Jax managed to catch a bus that had been transporting him. Sinna remembered the look on his face when he realized they had came for him, but what haunted her more was the look he had given her, when he looked directly into her eyes. It was almost as if he was apologizing. Finally telling her sorry for all the hell he had put her though. That was the look on his face when Jax sent a bullet hurling toward his neck.

Sinna remembered the way her feet fell out from under her, and she sat there on her knees, staring at his dying eyes. Her eyes were filled with tears, as Juice pulled her back to her feet. "We have to go.." He had whispered in her ear, with the most sympathy she had heard anyone speak.

"I'm having a sit down with Lin." Jax spoke, his voice raspy and more tired than Sinna had heard it before. Sinna couldn't help but think there was something he wasn't telling them. By the way he couldn't look anyone in the eye, and the fact that she knew he would be ready to kill Lin the moment he aid eyes on him.

Around the table, Sinna could see the boys all nodding their heads, waiting on his commands for them.

"This is my battle.." He began. "I want all the families to be gathered at Gemma's, along with all of you. When I make the call, it's safe for everyone to leave and I will need Sinna to meet me at my place." He told her, looking over to her with sad eyes.

The look on his face made her stomach turn and for the love of her she could not figure out why. "Jax, I can just come with you.." She began to argue, but was quickly interrupted.

"No, I have to do this alone, As a responsible president." He said, as the tears threatened to leave his eyes.

Sinna felt her own eyes begin to water with tears. She knew her best bet for the both of them was to stop talking. Anymore words and they could both be an emotional mess.

Jax waved his hand, dismissing everyone to do their jobs, but Sinna stayed behind, fighting back the tears that were still threatening to come out. Once everyone was out of the room, she looked to Jax. "What are you not telling me?" She asked him. "I'm your V.P, you're supposed to tell me everything. YOU taught me that." She told him, her face turning hard.

Jax looked to her for a moment, before letting a tear fall from his eye. "Our mother killed Tara.."

His words caused her jaw to drop, and her own tears to begin falling. Gemma had been the first one to grow such a liking to Sinna. She was the mother Sinna never got to have, and the one person she went to with everything. She was their mother, but Sinna couldn't imagine what she would want to do to her if she had killed Juice.

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