The Kiss

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Sinna stirred awake, in the front seat of the van, before turning to look at Juice. "Where are we?" She asked him, curiously looking around the sights she has never seen before.

"Ireland." He told her, before pulling into what looks like the same kind of garage they had back in Charming.

Sinna sat up, looking around to her surroundings, feeling slightly nervous. She wasn't sure what it was about this place that made her feel that way, but her stomach tied in knots, as she hopped out of the van.

She followed closely behind Juice, along with the rest of the boys.

Jax made his way to stand by Sinna's side. "Don't leave my side until I tell you it's safe." He told her, leaning close enough for his breath to brush across the side of her neck, which caused a cold chill to shake her whole body.

Sinna looked up to him, nodding her head, as she let her steps fall back, just enough for her to be behind him.

They made their way inside, which brought them to a bar, just like the garage back home.

Sinna followed Jax, as he and Clay made their way to a man, with a shaggy, grey beard. Sinna watched as Jax looked the man up and down, sizing him, which did not help Sinna's nervous energy. "My kid was taken.." Jax began "Was hoping you might know something about that."

The man in front of Jax shook his head. "I don't know anything about that, but I can ask around for you, brother." He said, placing a hand on Jax's shoulder. "Just stay around town a few days, and I'm sure I'll have the word about your boy." He told him.

Sinna could see the tension build up in Jax's shoulder as the man touched him, which caused her to tense up as well, but Jax calmly nodded his head, and they turned to leave. "You have my number, call me if anything comes up." He told them.

Sinna eyes the man for a slight moment before she turned on her heels to follow Jax outside.

Once they had made it outside, Jax looked around at his group and began calling people out. "Juice. Take Sinna and two of you go get things set up at Maureen's. The rest of us will stay here in case anything changes." He told them, before looking directly to Sinna. "I will call if I need you, otherwise stay with Juice, you'll be safe." He told her, giving her his award-winning smirk.

Sinna nodded up at him, trying to ignore the worry in his face, but it was too hard. She reached up and gently caressed his cheek, trying to stay positive. "We will find him, Jax." She told him, as Jax brought his own hand up to cover the hand she had resting on his cheek.

Jax took a moment to let himself accept the comfort. It was something only Gemma and Tara had done, but the feeling of his sister's comfort was just as good as the two women he had adored his whole life.

Sinna pulled her hand gently away from him, squeezing his hand once before she began to walk away.

She followed Juice outside, who seemed more uptight than usual. Sinna didn't understand where his tension was coming from, so when they the van she grabbed his wrist, making him turn to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked him

He looked at her in a way that made her feel small. She felt like a child, being punished. "Don't worry about it." He said, pulling his wrist from her arm.

She stepped in front of him, pressing her hand against his chest. "Juice, talk to me.." she pleaded, her voice shaking slightly

"Is this what you do?" He spat, getting the attention of a few people that had been standing around. "You make me, Jax and whoever the hell else you want to play with feeling like we got someone there for us, just to turn around and give yourself to somebody else." He added.

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