"You're Perfect.."

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Sitting comfortably in the driver's seat, you tapped your thumb against the steering wheel to the beat of Alright by Kendrick Lamar. Kelly sat in the passenger seat, nodding his head while scrolling through his instagram. You two have been together for 6 months and you've enjoyed every single day of your relationship.

You remember how happy he was when you finally said yes to going out on a date with him.

He first laid eyes on you at the night of the draft. You were at the table with your best friend D'Angelo, clapping and cheering as he approached the stage.

You remember a pair of eyes burning a hole on the side of your face and realized who they belonged to when you turned your head to see Kelly's face. That night he caught up with you and D'Angelo giving him dap and congratulating him. But he never took his eyes off of you. D'Angelo noticed Kelly's interest in you so he excused himself claiming to go to the bathroom.

After that night, D'Angelo being an ass, gave Kelly your number. And he asked you out multiple times but you declined every single time. That was until you became sick of saying no and finally said yes. And now you don't regret your decision one bit, thankful to have the man in your life.

As you drove, you felt those same set of eyes staring you down again. Glancing Kelly's way you met a pair of hazel orbs eyeing you through glasses before looking at the road.

"What?" you questioned, smiling at his adorableness.

"It's just that..you're perfect, and sometimes I have to sit back and take in moments like this, realize how lucky I am to have you.."

Softening your face, your heart fluttered at his words.

"I love you, baby girl." he admitted, never taking his eyes off you.

"Awe, baby. I love you too, Kels.."


"Devin," you whined, stumbling into the house behind your boyfriend.

You closed the door kicking off your heels before chasing him into the bedroom.

He was sitting on the bed elbows resting on his knees, fingers laced together as he slightly leaned forward.

There was no doubt that he was beyond pissed, his left leg bouncing up and down rapidly.

Tonight you and Dev had went to the club. You were tired of being in the house all the time and he finally had a day off, so you both decided to go out.

While Dev went to the bathroom, you conversed with the bartender laughing at a few of his corny jokes, blushing when he called you beautiful.

Devin had witnessed the whole thing while he walked from the bathroom, watching as you blushed.

And before you knew it he was dragging you out of the club.

"Baby, why are you so angry? I didn't do anything.."

Taking a seat next to him you placed a hand on his back, rubbing it while you asked him questions.

"Is it because that bartender called me beautiful?.."

He scoffed, signaling that was the reason he was upset. You grabbed his hands unlacing them while you climbed onto his lap. He avoided eye contact staring at the floor. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed along his jawline feeling him shiver at the contact.

Smirking, you lifted his chin with your finger, glancing into his sad eyes.

" I want you and only you. No one will ever take me away from you, because I'm all yours. So don't be so insecure because you're perfect, baby boy."

He smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist. You couldn't help but kiss those pink lips of his before reminding him that you're all his.



You guys aren't together yet, you're just going through that phase that everyone considers "talking". He had just moved out to L.A and you both have mutual friends who claimed that you two would be great together, so that basically sums up how you two met.

Your friends were right though, he was quite the looker and not to mention funny, sweet, and successful. Everything that you are.

After a few weeks of meeting him, it was clear to see that you were both feeling each other.

You both always flirted. Gave each other light touches, staring, and hugs that always lasted longer than usual.

But neither one of you spoke on it, just continuing the playful friendship.

Currently, you're sitting on your living room couch texting him. Usually, this was how your day ended. Late night texts with D, telling him about your day and talking about life.

What you loved most about texting him are the constant compliments. You always re-read them when your bored and think about them before you fall asleep with a blush on your cheeks.

The vibration of your phone brought you out of your thoughts, heart racing as you read the words on the screen.

Lo💕: you're perfect

Lo💕:I know that was random and off topic but i just thought you should know

You re-read the two text over and over and over, feeling butterflies and almost breaking out in a cold sweat. The one person who you thought was perfection, called you perfect. A word that you wouldn't exactly use to describe yourself, but it felt good to know that someone looked past all your flaws.

No, you're perfect baby boy..


Finally, I released my preferences! What do you gals think? You like?
Just so you know, I'll switch it up every once in a while. I won't always use just those 3 rookies, I'm gonna use at least 2 other rookies, I don't know who, but I'll figure it out later.

Vote and Comment Please 💕

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