Kelly Oubre Jr.

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💋Kissin' On My Tattoos💋

Texting you while you're out on a date has never been out of the ordinary. Especially if you had no interest in the guy.

A smile was brought to Kelly's face every time his phone lit up knowing it was a message from you, letting him know that you weren't having a good time.

Baby Girl💕: Can you come pick me up when he drops me off?

Biting his bottom lip, Kelly typed the following words,

Sure thing baby girl. Just text me when you get home.

His hazel eyes brightened, he couldn't wait to see you. Just the thought of you made his heart race which he hated but loved at the same time.

Being friends with benefits was killing him softly. Even though he was the one who suggested it, not ready for any committed relationship. He just wanted to have fun. On the other hand you were dying to be in one, especially with Kelly.

When he expressed to you that he thinks you're gorgeous but has no plans on being tied down, it broke your heart but you understood. There were just some people in the world who didn't do well when it came down to commitment. Kelly just happened to be one of them.

He did put an offer on the table though, he put forth the idea of them becoming friends with benefits. No strings attached whatsoever.

You were very hesitant and you thought about the offer for at least 2 weeks. You were putting your feelings on the line and knew it wasn't worth it but you really wanted to be with Kelly. And if that was the only way you could have him, then so be it.

It's been 3 months since you've agreed and to be honest, you have enjoyed it thoroughly. Besides the fact that Kelly always and I mean always flirted with other girls in front of you. But hey, that's what you signed up for.

Soon, you began seeing other guys considering that Kelly was seeing other females, so why not? The plan was to keep Kelly on the side until you found someone who you are really into.

Kelly had noticed. You hadn't been around like you usually were due to going on a few dates with a couple of guys. And lowkey, he was beginning to feel...jealous? Kelly has never been the jealous type but that was starting to change. He knows that he shouldn't be because he's been fooling around with a few girls while he's been messing with you but he still feels a bit envious.

Every time you'd mention another guy that you may be interested in he'd get a little angry, praying to God that whoever he was wasn't breaking you off. He wanted you all to himself. Yes, it's selfish of him but that's just the way he feels and nothing can change that.

He had been distant with a couple of girls that he'd been messing with. I guess you can say he was cutting ties with them and realizing that he wanted you and only you.

Throwing on a black t-shirt, Kelly slipped on his Nike sandals after receiving a text from you.

The night you had with your date was not too successful, now all you want is for Kelly to put a smile on your face.


"Thanks for picking me up Kels, tonight was horrible.."

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