Sweet Moments

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You sat comfortably on the couch reading one of your favorite books, Beloved. A bored Devin sat on the love seat not too far from you watching as you flipped through pages. You chewed on your bottom lip as your eyes scanned each word, not paying the light-skin man any mind.

Soon enough, you felt his stare burning a hole into the side of your head, causing you to look up and meet his gaze.

"Can I help you?" you asked, placing a small smile on your face. Shaking his head, he bit his bottom lip.

"I just love to watch you read. The way you smile when you read a piece of dialogue that amuses you, the way you bite you lip when the book begins to get a little suspenseful, the way you raise your eyebrow when a character does something stupid. It's a beautiful sight..you're a beautiful sight, babe."

Your cheeks burned, badly. You couldn't help but smile like an idiot.



Laying in a hospital bed, you tried to get as much sleep as you could after giving birth to your baby girl, Destiny Russell.

He sat on the chair in the corner of the room, rocking back in forth. He held a 6 pound 8 ounce baby, wrapped in a tradition light pink blanket. The way he held her, it was as if she was a fragile glass vase that would slip through his fingertips if he wasn't extremely careful.

You watched and listened to the baby coo as her father lightly grazed his fingers through her soft, curly hair.

"Hey, baby girl. It's your daddy. I just want you to know that I love you very..very much."

He sighed," And I'm new at this so..daddy is going to make a few mistakes, but I promise that you're in good hands. Daddy is going to protect you and make sure you'll never have to worry about a damn thing," he smirked.

You coughed, causing him to look up at you. He seen the glare on your face, "I mean, you won't have to worry about a thing princess, 'cause mommy and daddy got you, I promise." he said, giving the most precious thing in the world a soft kiss on her forehead.


Sorry, I'm a little rusty..

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