Papa Kelly..

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"That's a dope picture that we can send to ya momma while she's at work..", Kelly beamed as he sent you a photo of Kelly Jr., or as you would call him, Quad. Considering that he was the fourth.

His little tongue was sticking out, and his colored eyes were wide open. His small little body was somewhat wrapped in a small towel. It was absolutely adorable.

Kelly just finished bathing him, and he was quite happy with that fact that it went smoothly.

He wasn't always alone with his son, so he expected today to be difficult like the other days he's spent with him alone, but Quad was very calm and pleased to be with his father today.

Quad cooed as his father laid him gently on the bed, before roaming the room for baby lotion, baby powder, a fresh diaper, and his blue and red dinosaur onesie.

"Alright, buddy..", Kelly sighed as he sat down on the bed.

He couldn't help but smile at the small child who was a replica of himself. His small fingers were in his mouth, his gums rubbing against his digits.

"You teething, Kels?", Kelly asked as he rubbed the baby lotion in the palm of his hands, gently rubbing it on Quad's stomach, earning a giggle from the child.

He chuckled, applying more lotion on Quad's legs and feet earning more giggles from the 5 month old.

"Uh oh, look who's ticklish..", Kelly laughed, lightly tickling Quad.

The baby squirmed, his body shaking with every giggle that escaped his lips.

Kelly couldn't help himself, his cheeks were burning from laughing too hard.

Hearing his son laugh was amazing, priceless.

After getting Kels dressed in his pajamas, Kelly took him into the living room and laid him in his bouncer seat as he went to prepare him a bottle.

While making his bottle, Kelly listened to Quad coo, blowing small bubbles with his mouth, kicking his small feet.

He emerged from the kitchen, bottle in hand. Quad's eyes widened, just like in the picture, and he reached out to his daddy. Kelly laughed picking his son up and taking a seat on the couch.

Kels blinked slowly, wrapping his small hands around the bottle, all while being cradled in his father's arms.

Kelly's eyes slowly raked over the small child, taking in every feature that resembled his. From the tiny dark brown curls, to his dark green eyes, his pink lips, and his caramel skin.

Most people said that Kelly might as well had Quad himself, since he looked exactly like Kelly and nothing like you. And you've grown jealous of that, but you adored your baby boy and loved that he was his daddy's twin.

Quad reached his hand out, gripping onto Kelly's shirt, rubbing his small thumb against the fabric as he leisurely fell asleep.

Kelly's heart melted. He never thought he'd love some else just as much as he loved you, but he was proven wrong the day his baby boy was born.

You two are definitely the most important thing in his life, and he'd do anything and everything to make sure that you both are protected and content.

He had always heard his father tell him,

"One day you'll have children and have a wife and you'll understand..",

And Kelly could never figure out what his father meant, that was until he did get his own wife, until he did have his own son, did he finally understand what his father meant..


I'm going to marry Kelly Paul Oubre Jr. If it's the last thing I do, bruh..💍💕

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