Stay Awake..

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Oh it's like I've been asleep forever,
waiting for the clouds to clear, yeah.
And all along I've been dreaming of you, been dreaming for a million years..

"You're still in love with her,aren't you?" I said calmly.

It came out like more of a statement, but no matter how it came out, it still hurt to say it. It tasted like poison.

I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for his answer, though I feel like I already know it. He leans against the dresser, arms crossed over his chest while looking down.

He doesn't hesitate to say at least one word.

"You know, I always had a feeling that you still loved her. I wanted to be wrong so bad." I laugh trying as hard as I can not to shed a tear."But I guess I was right."

I bring my fingernails to my mouth and start chewing on them, my anxiety getting to me. It's silent for a while.

I look up at him and raise my brow noticing that his attention is still at the floor.

"Have you cheated on me with her?"

He looks at me, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

"I'm sorry." his voice cracks as he spits out the words.

"D' didn't.." I say slowly.

"I'm so sorry.." I get up from the bed and walk toward him. His eyes become glossy and guilt floods his face.

All of a sudden I start swinging and hitting him, my tears fall and my emotions take over my body.

"I HATE YOU,I FUCKING HATE YOU!I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU." I scratch and kick him as if I'm fighting for my life.With every punch that I throw, I can feel my heart breaking, literally. The pain in my chest starts to become overwhelming and I become weaker.

Soon, my body hits the floor with a thump."Baby?! Babe?! Get Up Please! Get Up! Get Up!" I can feel him shaking my body, I can hear him, but I can't move.

"Wake Up Baby,Please Wake Up, Please!" he whimpers. I immediately open my eyes and sit up, my heart is beating out of my chest and my body is shaking.

I feel a hand rubbing up and down my bare back. I look around and notice my surroundings, I'm in D'Angelo and I's bedroom, in our bed.

I look to my right and Lo is next to me looking frightened. I scoot away from him.

Sternly, I say, "Don't Touch Me Ever Again In Your Life."

"Babe, what's wrong?" he whispers he reaches out to touch me but I flinch.
"You're Still In Love With Her."

"What? Who are you talking about?"


He squints, seeming to be confused as to what I'm talking about.

"Huh?Baby where are you getting this from?"

"Y-you told m-me,you c-cheated on me w-with her.Y-you told m-me." I raise my shaky hands to run through my hair as I explain to him everything that had happened.

"C'Mere." he pats a spot on his lap and I shake my head.

"Please, I promise I won't hurt you."

I hesitate before climbing into his lap, he smiles slightly and runs his hands through my hair.

"I love you, you know that right?"

I shrug my shoulders causing him to frown.

He sighs,"Look at me."

I look at him watching as he gives me a reassuring look.

"Whatever just happened in that nightmare of yours, I guarantee you that it will never ever ever ever happen. I'm too in love with you to cheat on you or leave you, princess. Okay?" I nod, biting my lip as I felt guilty for thinking he would cheat on me. I knew he loved me but you know, sometimes being with a NBA player, who's surrounded by women all the damn time, can makes me so insecure.

I gasped lighting as he pressed his soft lips against mine unexpectantly. He pushes me on my back and hovers over me, brushing the hair out of my face.

He pulls my panties off and throws them somewhere. He then kisses from my inner thighs to my naval and slowly lick his way up to my neck not forgetting to leave a couple of kisses here and there.

He kisses my lips nipping at them just a bit.

"You okay?" I let out a shaky breath and nod my head still not knowing how to feel.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do this if your not 100 percent okay with this after what just happened."

I grab him and pull him down giving him a kiss that basically displayed how I'm feeling at the moment. I pulled his sweats down slowly as we continue to kiss.

He reaches under my back and pulls my torso up just a bit as his member slowly entered me. I moan into his mouth and trail my hands down his bare chest leaving small stretches with my nails. I can feel him grip the sheets near my head as he grinds deeper into my dripping heat.

"I love you so much, princess.",he muttered. He nuzzled his nose against mine and pressed his forehead against mine. He stared into my eyes with heavy lids, his thrust becoming more intense.

My hands find there way to his neck and our lips touch once again. My walls start to tighten up around Lo's member making him hiss against my cheek.I grab onto the sheets as try to hold my orgasm off.

"You only grab onto the sheets when you're trying to keep from cumming. Give it to me baby girl, cum. Now."

I thrust forward, grabbing onto my breast and squeezing them as I arch my back and shudder.

Chills travel up and down my spine during my euphoric moment. I get so caught up in my own orgasm I don't even notice that Lo had came at the same time as me.

After he catches his breath, he puts me on his chest and covers us both with the comforter. He runs his fingers up and down my spine and I listen to his rapid heart beat as it slows down.

"You sleep baby?"

"No. After that nightmare, I just want to stay awake forever."

He tightens his grip around me, making me feel safe and secure.

"I ain't going nowhere, I will be right here when you wake up." I sigh and look up at him giving him a small smile.

"I love you."

"I love you more, baby."

I don't wanna close my eyes
Wake me up and watch me rise
You make me wanna see it all
Let me stay awake forever


💭 Stay Awake by Marlene 💭

Absolutely beautiful song💕

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