Chapter 1: Moving In

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You were going to live in a small town called "Beach City." You're staying with your Sister, since she found a job for you at this Donut shop. As you pulled up at her apartment, you sighed. Seems you just never get used to moving around so much. Your sister, Tiana, was waiting at the doors. "Hey, (Y/N), how was the drive?" She asked when you got out of your car.
"Oh the usual, long, boring, lonesome driving I do almost every day since I was 16," you said, rolling your eyes. "Bawwwhh, don't be so snotty. You'll love it here, I know you will!" Tiana said as she opened the doors to her apartment.
"I already got down all the paperwork, you just have to go through the interview and they'll decide if you can join!" She said, clasping her hands together.
"Uh, yeah. Is there anything I should worry about in this town? Like I dunno, robbers or frequent murders?" You asked jokingly. Your sister laughed. "Nah, this town has this... Magical weird patrol. You'll know them when you glance at them," she said. Magical weird patrol? Man, I'm starting to wonder what the people here think, you thought.
"Well, you need some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow," Tiana said as she walked over to the apartment beds. You followed her and stepped off into the bathroom to shower and change. Once you finished that you crawled into the bed that your sister wasn't occupying and bundled yourself in the covers, letting the waves of slumber gently fall over you.

Yeah. This chapter was sucky. I know. Everything will be more interesting in the next chapter. I promiSE HHHHHH
*balls fists* I vow that I will be the best writer eVER)

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