Exchanging... names

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I started the fire while trying to contain the laugh that took over me.

I blew on the fire slowly to get it stronger. I tried to look confident and strong in my movements. My whole body was pitching in to impress the young Allea in my den.

I smiled at the thought; an Allea in my den. It's been a long time since anyone stepped in here. The last few times were actually the Leader of my clan coming to make sure I was doing well. No Aellas, though. I didn't blame them, but still, I wanted to savor every second of this.

I peered beside me to see him again. He was watching me closely, his lower lip pulled between his teeth as he tried to control his shyness. Our eyes met, I grinned and he looked down to escape my gaze.

My heart leapt in my chest and my thoughts shrieked in my head: So CUUUUUUTE!!!

How did he escape my eyes all these years, I wouldn't know. It was so odd to find someone new on our island. And the rare ones who sailed here, are very much known and watched very closely before being trusted.

To actually find an Aella that caught my interest for once, I guess the fates are not cruel after all. And yes, I get it. He's only here because he needed shelter. It didn't change the fact that I was so damn happy with his presence.

I grabbed the hook with the fishes and excused myself for a minute. He simply nodded and hugged himself closer, making my hands tingle with the eagerness to be the ones that hugged him.

I went outside and climbed down a few big round rocks until I reached the sea. I washed the fishes, then pulled out a knife and removed their innards one by one.

Three. I sighed. That's all the food I had in my den. Three damn fishes!

Everyone prepared well for their Agape. For months, every Aello hunted, fished, and gathered herbs and fruits. From food, clothes, precious beads for jewelry, all the way to sailing to the neighboring islands to hunt the best animal skins. It was an Aello's duty and pride to provide the best for the Aella that would accept to be his Agape.

Yet here I was. The leader told me to do my best, yet I ignored him. I wasn't planning to go to the gathering for yet another disappointment. I never suspected the fates would be as merciful and caring as to send me this Aella.

Even if it was for less than a day, I wasn't alone in my den

A beautiful Aella is here with me...

I sighed, remembering the mesmerizing look in his eyes. My, I was so happy and excited that I wanted to jump up and down like a little boy.

I finished preparing the fish quickly and headed back, running. As soon as I saw him, I felt instantly happier. I stuck each fish on a stick and put them around the fire to be cooked. I turned them every so often to avoid burning them. All while glancing at the beautiful Aella who was sitting calmly watching me.

Once the first fish was ready, I stuck the other two slightly away from the flames. Then I walked towards the Aella, and watched with pride as he ranked my body with an appreciating look. I handed him the fish with a smile: "Here. It's not much, I'm sorry I don't have meat to cook you a proper meal"

Before I could promise to provide that the next day, he took the stick and said: "Thank you, actually this is much better than meat"

"How so? Wouldn't prefer a hunted deer instead?"

He shook his head and his curls danced around his face adorably, still a bit heavy with water at the end of them: "Not really. The Aella-hunters usually bring meat. They rarely take the time to fish in the sea. Actually, it's been a while since I ate fresh fish"

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