Red fumes

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AN: Yo, I know I've been mean to update so late, but I had so many fckin work, and today my computer decided not to work and to deny me my files and shit. Cruel, right? After all the time we spent together!!

I'll try to keep writing, but I changed the way I pray to God; now I open my arms, look above and yell "HELP ME, I'M FUCKED!!!", It will be like this at least until next September :S

Anyfkc, I'm sorry that this chappy is shorter than usual, but I thought I should update it and not wait. Who knows, maybe my second lousy laptop gives up as well! Hahah, hahah -_-

Still, hope you enjoy it :)



"You remember what I told you about greeting the Leader?"

"Yes, mother"

"And you listen to everything your father says. Do not give him any trouble, okay?"

"I will"

"And remember to pee before going to sleep and to wake up early"

The young boy nodded. He gave his mother a confident smile, one that was too mature for his age. Yet the boy of seven years old managed to look sharp, reliable, and determined.

I ran to the cave, going through my clothes and changing into the ones that looked the newest. After that, I went to the water spring and washed my face thoroughly. Then I washed my hands and forearms, making sure to remove any mud I got from playing with the other kids.

I went back, clean and changed, to find the Aellas patting the young boy and encouraging him.

"Congratulations, Moina", one of them said. Moina looked happy, but sad at the same time. It was always difficult for a mother to part from her child. It often made me wonder if my own mother looked at me like that before parting from this world.

Everyone was focused on Moina and her son. I took a step closer to them, and then one more. It felt good that no one paid attention to me. So I kept creeping closer to the boy, while making sure no one was about to yell at me.

Eventually, an Aella hunter came through the crowd and talked to Moina, telling her that it was time to go. Moina kneeled and hugged her boy, and I took the chance of everyone looking her way, to get even closer to them.

I knew this ritual all too well. Yesterday night, the Aellas danced and honored the spirits, and today, they prayed and asked for an honorable and prosperous future for the kid, and then they were about to let the boy leave the mountain.

In my awe, I didn't notice the Aella hunter staring at me. Drita, she was young, beautiful, and quite strong. For that, she was very well respected by all. As soon as I noticed her, I flinched and waited to be yelled at.

But that never happened. And it took all my courage not to cower and run away.

The young boy greeted the Aella Leader, and then walked behind Drita who led him to the cliff. She carried the boy and went to climb down the mountain. I hurried behind them, keeping a few feet between Drita and me.

As if she felt me behind her, Drita stopped and turned around. I halted waiting for her reaction. She only smiled, looking quite apologetic

"Go back, Ceri. The cliff is too dangerous"

I went to answer her, but someone grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back roughly. I almost fell, but managed to remain standing and look at Rhonwen glaring at me, she hadn't been made hunter yet

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