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AN: It was REAAAAAALLY HARD for me to update this chapter! It was ready for a week now (I know, I hate me too), but I just couldn't press "Publish"

Let me start by saying that I love you all and that your support truly means a lot to me!

That being said, please know that it's not my style AT ALL to mention warning triggers at the beginning of chapters. I'll never spoil my story that way. I understand that some readers are sensitive to some content of my story, so I tagged it "abuse" and tried to tag it "r ape" but wattpad refuses to save the tag. So I'll put a warning at the description of the story, whoever decides to read, it will be at his own risk. Please remember that I'm not a professional writer, I'm just venting my own feelings and dreams while using my imagination.

Also, the reason I took so long to update is that I fell in love with someone. Don't start cheering yet. I fell in love so hard so fast and it ended so brutally. So I had to take the time to mend to my (still) shattered soul.

Please know that I always welcome corrections and critics with an open heart and mind. Just remember, everything happens for a reason. And...... most of the time, I have no more control over the plot than you do.

So, to my faithful readers, please be strong. Please be brave and stand by Ceri,

... for his real journey is about to begin



I opened my mouth and did as told.

This was how the next day went. Simple orders that I followed without much thought.

She said it was night again. I didn't know. I hadn't noticed the day so I couldn't tell if it was night. The cave was always dark anyway. And I didn't open my eyes much since last night...

Less than two days. That was all it took for everything to change, and for me to become... like this

Not caring anymore. I didn't abandon life, but I felt physically and mentally broken.

With the horrible events of last night, I had hoped to be unconscious. I hoped I'd just stop witnessing all of it...... whatever it was

But I remained awake until she stopped grinding against me and hurting my member.

My legs felt too weak to work. My back became bloody with the pressure and friction against the rough wall. But most of all, my head. It felt like it was breaking to pieces with a continuous pain.

Every second, I thought things couldn't be worse. Every second, I was proven wrong. One might think the worst was what she did last night. But the worst was actually today when she helped me take care of my natural needs. I tried to move on my own, but I couldn't and she refused to let me outside. I.......... I don't want to remember that.

I never felt so repulsed and awkward! She didn't act perverted as she cleaned me, she acted like it was the most natural thing to do. I even vomited the meal she fed me and she cleaned the mess without complaint. Then, she treated my wounds again, over and over all day.

Too much, that's what this was. It was too much to understand, too much to live!
H-how could she f-f-force me like that?

There were so many thoughts that I couldn't even begin to sort out. I knew I was ashamed. I felt the disgrace coiling deep within me in a tight knot that squeezed my insides every time I tried to understand.

What would the rest of the tribe think of me if they knew? Was it not enough that I was overpowered by an Aella, something that everyone considered disgraceful? I knew she was stronger than I was, but to have it put to evidence so easily...

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now