Claimed... twice

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The past few months were...... well, kind of weird actually. There has been a noticeable shift within the Aellas as many became nicer and more talkative with me. I mean I still had all the glares and the 'stay away from me' stares, but many others were being nice and were welcoming me more. Especially after they got the gifts from the Aellos, everyone was always happier after receiving the Aellos' gifts.

Even Halina, despite not being pregnant, Leader Cailyn sent her beautiful necklaces and a tiger skin. Of course Epona and Vreis got the most of them ; Epona walked around with the tiger skin on her shoulders, sauntering like she was the Leader herself, while little Vreis followed her with the necklaces around his neck and ankles.

Halina was pampering me more than ever. She made sure her smiling face was the first thing I woke up to every day since I started sleeping outside, and I can't say I hated her pampering me because she's an amazing and a very loving aunt, and the spirits know I will forever be thirsty for her kindness.

Also the younger Aellas were being very friendly. Weird, right?

And a couple of Aellas even brought their toddlers to show them to me several times, telling me how amazing and strong their children were. I was too unfamiliar with this and didn't understand what they wanted me to say, until they figured I was stupid and told me clearly that they wanted me to praise their children to their fathers once I went to live at the forest. I nodded of course, even though I didn't recognize the Aellos they described, nor was I able to concentrate to remember their description for later; I was frankly too flustered by their presence and insistence, I just kept nodding until they were happy and left.

Now I was rarely alone, no matter when or where I was. Sadly though, that didn't keep me from feeling lonely. The small time I spent with Ithel during our Agape was making me long for him all day, and even dream of him at night.

My dreams started differently every night, but they all ended the same way; with Ithel pulling my hand and leading me in the forest, only to look at me with his breath taking smile, and tell me that he brought my father back for me.

My father... the one I tried desperately to contact. He hasn't responded yet. No matter how much I prayed or how much red powder I managed to get my hands on.

He just didn't see the smoke because Saeva is too far from here

You didn't make the fumes well enough for them to reach higher in the sky

He's too busy fighting wild animals and trying to stay alive to answer you

He's mad at you because you're the reason why he's risking his life in the most dangerous island



He's dead.

I bit my lower lip, trying to remain brave. A strong Aello doesn't cry.


I turned to see Drita sitting beside me at the edge of the cliff that fell to the large sea.

"Still no answer?"

I shook my head and went back to watch the sea.

I had managed to stay away from Drita lately, but it was almost impossible no matter what I did. She was a hunter, sometimes she just shoos any Aella who was beside me and takes her place to talk to me. Luckily, that incident didn't happen again. She was back to her old self, so maybe she wasn't feeling good that day?

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