Unexpected surprise

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AN: Hey lovely fans! I apologize for all the time it took for me to update

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AN: Hey lovely fans! I apologize for all the time it took for me to update. Sometimes my working schedule becomes so full and it collides with my depression schedule

BUT! To make it up for you, here's a pretty long chappy ;) Hope you like it!

Bisous <3



I stood at the edge of the mountain gazing at the thick forest. My eyes were darting here and there as if I had any chance of seeing Ithel from where I stood.

My hands carried my clothes that were wrapped in one of the new deer skins that I got.

"Y-you be careful, alright? Always look around you when you walk. And if anything feels wrong, you come right back! I will deal with Sosanbra, so you just focus on getting back safely and not getting lost. Are you listening to me??"

"Oh, yes" I nodded to Halina, who was staring at me with a tangible fear in her eyes. I tried to step away from her hands that were holding my arms, but instead of letting go, she moved to hug me: "Ceri, if anything, ANYTHING bad happens, you immediately start a fire, and don't forget to put the red powder I gave you so we can come find you"

"Yes, don't worry, Halina. I know how the powder works, remember?"

She chuckled and brought me in yet another hug.

One of the Aellas smiled at her and tried to coax her gently: "Halina, let the boy go. He needs to get back before sunset, remember?"

"I know... but-"

"I'll take you to the border of the Aellos' territory" we all turned to see Drita, draped in her hunting attire, with one of her tiger skins on her head and shoulders, and her sharp weapons on her sides.

Halina looked even more reluctant to let go of me: "Thank you Drita, but that won't be necessary. Sosanbra said-"

"I already informed the Leader. Let's go, Ceri" she said before she jumped on one of the large rocks that lead the descent of the mountain.

I waved at Halina and gave her a reassuring smile. Then I climbed down the rock and followed Drita carefully. My aunt kept telling me to be careful, to watch where to put my steps, and to not stop to gather fruits, just go back to her as soon as possible.

Her worrying was very heartwarming. It felt good to have someone worry about you. And I had a hunch Halina will not go back to her daily chores or even her children before I was back. The thought made me smile.

"You got yourself in trouble and you didn't even tell me about this Aello you met."

I flinched, remembering that Drita was there climbing down with me. The startle made my foot slip and I fell on the lower rock only to be grabbed by Drita and pushed back so I my back was against the rock.

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