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AN: I'm dedicating this chapter to an amazing writer, whose style humbles me profoundly

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AN: I'm dedicating this chapter to an amazing writer, whose style humbles me profoundly. She doesn't know it but she's the first writer who managed to make me finish reading a hetero novel and even start reading another book,

 everyone ;) Luckily she has many books for me to enjoy(/weep *sigh*).

Back to our missing Aella. In this part, Ceri has been missing for about half a day. This chapter was so long, I split it in two, the second one will be published in a couple of days.

Let's see if you manage to read this without cursing...



I was suddenly startled out of my slumber, gasping as cold water was spilled on my face. My sight was very blurry and my head pounded with a monstrous headache. I held my aching head with my hand and groaned. Then I forced my eyes to remain open and looked around me.

I was in an unfamiliar cave, it was narrower than the dens I came to know and it looked deep. My eyes wandered on the ceiling and then dropped to the center. There, close to the only passage available that I assumed was the entrance of the cave, there stood someone. I narrowed my eyes and my vision cleared enough for me to see Drita, walking away from where I was and sitting down to tend to a fire.

My head offered another spin and I squeezed my eyes shut. What happened...

Where am I?

I didn't know I had voiced that until she answered with a calm definitive voice.

"You're home."

I looked around me again, forcing my eyes to focus the best they could despite the whirling sensation. This isn't my home, I concluded again. I want to go home. Where are Ithel and Alev?

I turned to my right side and propped myself on my elbow. "I need to go to my father... He's waiting for me"

She didn't answer me. Just kept enticing the small flames to grow with a stick in her hand. She had one leg folded and the other one, half folded and supporting her right arm. She was sitting sideways, so I couldn't see all her face.

I sat up and as soon as the dizziness stopped, my mind cleared enough for me to remember what she did.

"Y-you strangled me?"

She remained completely silent once again. I wanted to ask how and why she dared to do such an evil thing, but the memory of the pain of her fingers wrapped around my throat made me swallow my confusion. My hand touched my neck and I winced as it hurt badly.

This was too awkward. I needed to go home... Ithel must be worried sick about me! It was quite dark so he must've already got back and found me gone. Was he looking for me? But where was I exactly??

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now