First Agape

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"Three days??"

"Euuuh... Y-yes! You need to stay still for at least three days for these herbs to take effect"

I winced when he applied some pressure on my hurting ankle. He smiled at me apologetically, then continued to cover my foot with the warm herbs that he brought with him. He pulled a cloth and wrapped it nicely around my foot to keep it warm.

Three days...

I was supposed to leave the mountain for a few hours only, yet here I am a day after, and I need to stay three more days.

My eyes gazed at Ithel who was inspecting my foot. He's a fine Aello indeed. I doubted there would be any Aellos like him; charming, kind, and generous... He's a sight that will certainly haunt my dreams for months to come. The mere thought of it made me blush.

I was drawn out of my thoughts and I chuckled: "Ithel! Please don't tickle my toes!"

"Heheh, sorry. I couldn't resist"

"Oh-Oh my, stop it!!" I laughed as I pushed his ticklish fingers again, but then I moaned in pain when I twisted my ankle a bit

"Sorry! Are you ok?"

I shook my head and moaned again. I pretended to be in pain and he caught the bait. He apologized again and cupped my face to get me to look at him. I took that chance and pushed him back then straddled his waist: "Revenge tickles!"

I tickled his sides like I did with the children back at the mountain. I was aware I was acting like an infant, but it was the only way to play that I knew of. Instead of laughing loud, he smiled and cocked his head

"I'm not ticklish, Ceri"

"What? That's not fair"

He laughed and his hands settled on my thighs: "So... you will stay more, right?"

"I want to. But..."

"But what?"

"I promised my aunt I'd be home yesterday. Even if she's at her Agape, I don't think she'll like me being down here"

"Do you think you're safe here?"

I looked around us. The big gray rocks lead to Ithel's den, and then to the forest behind it, and beside us, the rocks dipped in te crista water of the sea. I smiled: "I feel safe. It's also very beautiful"

"Then there's no need for your aunt to fear for you. Just a few days more, ok?"

I bit my lower lip, remembering Drita. I think she'd get mad at me if she knew

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"...... My aunt might not know about me not going home since she's at her Agape, but Drita..."

"Drita?? Who is that?"

"Drita is an Allea-hunter. She's actually one of the most feared hunters in my clan. But she's nice to me! She's my friend"

"Is that the one who caught you when you tried to escape?"

"Yes, it's her. Usually no one comes back from their Agape before the end of the month, but last year, Drita came to check on me"

His hands caressed my thighs again as he laid back: "If she's your friend, then she won't tell on you"

"I don't know... she might get worried, or maybe mad. If she finds out, I'm not sure if she'd tell my aunt or punish me herself"

"Punish you?? Would she hurt you???"

I went to next to his waist and I shook my head repeatedly not wanting to dive into that subject. It was something I was too happy to think about right now

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