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AN: Yo sweeties!

How about another chapter of our dear Aellos?



"Are you sure?"

"Please, Alev. I can do this. You don't have to watch me all day long. You said it yourself, I needed to practice moving around the island on my own. So I will set the traps and practice making weapons."

"Is this about what Essylt and Milen said yesterday? Because you don't need to impress anyone. I thought I made it clear that you were to learn at your own pace and take your time doing it. Becoming an independent Aello cannot happen in a few days, it takes patience and perseverance. I want you to enjoy learning. This is not about them, Ceri, this is about you"

I smiled and shook my head. This is about us, father.

"I understand that I'm not yet ready for my Prueba, but I never will be if I don't start doing things on my own"

He stared at me for a long moment before saying: "We're merely a few minutes away from our den. If you feel tired or something, just go back and wait for me there. You're certain that you remember how to get back?"

"I am. Please go to your hunting. I've been keeping you back a lot. I've got this"

He eyed me for another moment, hesitant to leave me alone.

After our meeting with Aello Essylt and then Aello Milen yesterday, I knew I had to be able to go through my Prueba test sooner than later. It seemed that being at the age of 17 and not living alone bothered many of the others. They conveniently forgot that I've been here for less than two weeks, and I didn't want anything related to me to annoy Alev. I needed to take this more seriously and not let Alev face the other Aellos while thinking he had to protect me.

I absolutely needed to take some responsibility and somehow prove that I can be independent, that I am useful.

When he didn't move, I grabbed some small branches and proceeded to make a rabbit trap like he had showed me before.

"You can come with me if you want"

I shook my head: "I'd like to learn the basics first. Just like you said"

His lips twitched nearly forming a smile. I have been going hunting with Alev the past few days. Unfortunately, I was too loud and slow. So we couldn't go far. They only couple preys we got were what he was able to catch when he left me to rest and hunted alone, then came back to me with the food.

He didn't say anything, but I noticed how much he wanted to hunt properly. Following him around will serve me nothing if I still can't draw a bow or throw a knife.

He stood there a while longer, then ran a hand through his hair.

"Fine. I will leave you to practice alone today. I want to get us a nice deer, so I might not be back for lunch. You have enough food from yesterday in the den"

I nodded: "Don't worry about me. I will be alright"

"Okay then. See you at dinner"

I stood and bowed in respect. Just before disappearing, he looked back and called my name: "You're doing very well so far, Ceri. Don't push yourself. Try to enjoy your new life."

I grinned and before I could say anything, he was gone. I stood there for a couple of minutes letting what he said sink in. It wasn't the words as much as the kindness behind them.

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