Mystery of the Aella man

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I had the most beautiful dream.

I felt warm, excited, happy, and amazingly fulfilled. So much that I didn't want to wake up. There was a sweet lingering feeling in my heart that I wanted to live over and over. I didn't open my eyes, if I did I might lose that string that connected me to my dream... my most delicious dream...

I shifted slightly and my eyes flew open when I heard a soft moan. I woke up to find the delightful cause of my dream to be lying between my arms.

Memories from last night flooded and I grinned like a fool with pride.

The beautiful Aella... he is here in my den... and he's actually between my arms and snuggled to my chest!

I almost flinched at the feeling of my hard on that confirmed the sight before my eyes. He was peacefully asleep, his sunny curls tickling my upper arm and his lips slightly parted. He breathed in ad out slowly, almost as if he knew I was watching him and he was trying to seduce me with the rhythm of his breaths.

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, his forehead, and then his sexily naked shoulder. I hugged him gently while caressing his half covered back. I smiled at the way he fit perfectly in my arms.

Eventually I had to get up and get him food and clothes. I reluctantly detached myself from him. He just moaned slightly and hugged himself. I raised an eyebrow at how he quickly replaced me. I scanned my den under the faint first morning light. I had enough water to go for a while, but that was all. I needed to go to the main clan territory and get some of my things.

I took a last gaze at him before I left my den.

I walked across the big rocks and through the forest. I ran to save time and get back to him as soon as possible. When I reached the clan, there was no one there. No wonder, almost everyone is busy in their own den with their Agape. Even those who got no Aellas for the year, they remained in their dens too to avoid being teased or humiliated.

I walked between the various brown tents and got to mine. I went inside and packed whatever could be useful; mainly clothes, but also a few deer skins and some kitchen tools. I made sure to check for the Leader's tent, but as expected, he wasn't there.

I stood there debating whether to risk doing what I was about to do or if I should be reasonable and do what was best to keep my neck in its place. A single memory of the way Ceri was hurting yesterday made me quicken my steps towards the Leader's den.

Ceri... what a beautiful name, deserving of a sweet Aella...

With a good run, I was soon facing a nice little waterfall, beside which a higher cave resided with bear markings on each side.

I looked around, debating my chances. I stepped closer and saw two little children, a boy and a girl, playing at the entry of the cave. It was normal for the young children to accompany their mother on her Agape. They usually either stay with the mother or the father, if the father's Aella allowed it. I recognized the children to be my Leader's children. I wondered if it was their mother inside. She's quite nice, and with some luck, the Leader might not skin me alive for disturbing his Agape.

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