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AN: Hey pirate fans! I know this story is not about pirates, but you'll always be my dear pirate fans :p

So, after aaaall the love (aka death threats) the last chapter received because of our beloved Drita, here's a chapter to mend your hearts.

And don't forget to vote & comment. You know I love your comments ^_^




It was already sunset when I crouched in front of the fire I had started outside Alev's den. Just gazing at the flickering fire.

"Are you alright?"

I was brought out of my daze to see Alev standing before me looking a bit worried. He had already skinned and cut the large deer he had hunted today. He came an hour ago, looking satisfied and serene. It is true that real Aellos enjoy hunting.

"Yes. I'm alright."

"Did you find any difficulties today?"

I shook my head and avoided his stare. I helped him set the meat to roast above the fire and we sat beside it in silence.

Alev was never the talkative kind, and I wasn't in a mood to even try to spark a conversation. I had too much to think about to the point where it was giving me a headache.

"I'm staying with you tomorrow. We'll spend the day together."

"It's fine. You really don't have to."

"You don't want my company?"

"No, I just... I want you to live freely like you did before. I don't want you to be stuck here just so you would take care of me. " I don't want you to get annoyed with me and give me back or throw me away. "I've got many things to practice anyway"

Alev stared at me with a frown. I focused on the fire to escape his look. He seemed surprised and maybe even confused. I was surprised myself. I never thought I'd refuse his company. The aftertaste of my words felt horrid, bathed with rudeness.

Yet being rude or ungrateful was the last thing I meant. I loved Alev, even if I was yet to know him well, I loved and respected him.

But I felt so puzzled. So many things I needed to understand, to achieve.

And my father was here. He was right here beside me, but I felt alone. I couldn't bring myself to share my thoughts with him, not that I could even express them in an understandable manner.

"So you practiced making weapons today?" he said after a while.

"I only made traps"

"That's good, Ceri. Bring them here, I'd like to take a look"

I stood to go fetch them from the cave, but then I froze and turned to him: "I... I forgot to bring them home"

"Oh. It's alright then. We'll check them out tomorrow."

I nodded. But what I really wanted to say, was that they weren't good enough to be presented to him. I was so airheaded after Drita left, I couldn't fix them properly. I actually think I made them worse. And then I forgot to even bring them here to show Alev.

"Did you eat well today?"

I nodded. Just then I realized that I lied. I didn't eat at all. I just came back here as soon as I could and I hid inside the den for the rest of the day. I even thought about hiding behind the basin of water to avoid Milen, Essylt, or any Aello who might decide to show up.

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now