My sweet Aella

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AN: An update! Yeah, yeah I know, I'm awesome :p

LOVE YOUUU! Hope you enjoy ^_^



"So now they're like, asking about you every day! They really want to meet you again! They say you're a gift from the spirits, and that they brought you back to Alev because he's a very proud and honorable Aello! They said, and I heard like, just a couple hours ago, that they've never seen a man eager to go to Saeva before!"

I smiled and tried to hide my discomfort at his words: "They're... very kind"

"Right? Even Essylt wants to meet you again!"

The bear??? What would he want from me!!!


"He says he wants to test your hunting skills"


"Heheh, don't be modest, we've all seen the necklace you're wearing"

He winked at me and I touched the tiger's teeth attached to my necklace. Me? A tiger?? I've never even seen one!! Well, I've seen a skin, and this once, the Aellos gifted us with a tiger, but it was already skinned and chopped so the Aellas could carry it up to the mountain, but never a tiger with its skin on! And even more, a tiger that's breathing!!!

Damn it... how could I live to such expectations... I told them I've never been to the forest before! And there are no wild animals in the Aella's territory! That's why we live there in the first place! It seems almost unfair of them to even assume that I can actually hunt

Then a thought struck me so hard, I almost tripped

Does... Alev think I can hunt?? What would he think of me if he knew the truth!!!

"Hahaha! You look like you're being thrown to Saeva! Don't worry, Essylt won't do anything to you, he's very rude, but he's not dangerous, I assure you. Besides, Alev would skin him alive"

I smiled back at Aleksy, he was being so kind to me, that I'm actually starting to feel uncomfortable and indebted to him.

He's very helpful too. Even now, he volunteered to show me the way through the thick forest without complaining. Aellos are so brave and impressive

We resumed walking and I looked at him. He was really a good Aello. I think he was maybe my age or a year younger, but the signs of the training and the strength from the continuous hunting were showing on the muscles of his body. It made me wonder if Ithel thinks I'm weak...


I was pulled out of my thoughts: "Sorry?"

"When will you come meet everyone again? You can live in the village as long as you want, I'm sure Alev would like to be the one who helps you find your own den, but in the village there are plenty of tents, you can use mine or Ithel's. I bet even Cailyn would let you live with him if you stayed with us!"

"I can't do that... I mean, not without permission"

"You don't need one, my brother. You're one of us now! Hey, even if you're not used to hunting every day, you can eat with us! Actually, Milen keeps saying that he'd love to keep you until Alev comes back"


"He's this old Aello who loves teaching children."

"Oh, I think I remember him!" If I'm guessing right, he's the Aello who kept asking me what the Aellas taught me when I visited their village. He didn't look that old, though

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now